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Everything posted by TotalTristan

  1. Oh, and Brotherhood Of Steel > enclave
  2. Well, apparently the admin has no sense of humor, either that or he took my comment the wrong way. I joined the TS server requesting to join and had difficulty hearing him. I said: "i'm sorry, all i heard was squeaking". meaning that the noise from his chair was making it difficult to hear what he said. I was then quickly banned from your TS server followed by "fuck off". Please respond.
  3. Age:17 Timezone:GMT Experience in DayZ/Arma: 2 years Past Groups: If any why did you leave: None What rank do you see yourself at: Private, and work my way up. What operational specialty would you want to be: Heavy/Light Machine Gunner / Shock Trooper Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): I frequently play Epoch and would love to play with a group of skilled players. I have a good ability in creating designs for base building and choosing suitable locations for a base, which i feel would be a necessity for a clan such as this.