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Lord Ikka

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Everything posted by Lord Ikka

  1. Lord Ikka

    Fire vs splitting

    Quick question-does the splitting axe have better durability harvesting firewood than the fire axe?
  2. Lord Ikka

    Are people still only at NE and Berizino?

    I still don't get why people like NEAF- the total loot is so much less than at NWAF or Balota. One run through of either of the latter two and you pretty much have everything you'll need. The only time I run NEAF is when I spawn near Svetlo.
  3. Lord Ikka

    High Capacity Vests?

    Found two in the barracks at balota.
  4. Sorry for the extra thread (thanks for the merge mods). I will definitely keep up on this thread- the last 5 times I've died it's been from some sort of hack.
  5. I've seen the speed hacks, teleporters, and plenty of ESP head shot through walls hacks before, but this morning in berenzino I witnessed a new one. So my buddy and I had just logged into berenzino- in a house near the police station. We were securing the house when two shots hit the wall near me. Since I was inside in a hall with no windows, this was disconcerting, but I also heard something in local. I retreated upstairs when my friend said that all his gear was gone. Suddenly all my gear disappeared from my body, leaving me with just a loaded 1911 in my hands. We went downstairs and coming in the door was a guy who looked just like my friend (press vest, blue checked shirt and black cowboy hat). I put three shots into him and then he starts bitching in local and using a speed hack. My friend and I wind up dying seconds later. Has anyone else seen this weird hack- that let's the hacker steal your gear from afar?
  6. Lord Ikka

    Killing 6 guys from DEAD.team

    Two teams of cheaters, nothing new.
  7. Lord Ikka

    Your fav sidearm

    Magnum only when I am started gearing up and don't have a lot of rifle ammo. Otherwise I just stick with my main weapon.
  8. Lord Ikka

    Your DayZ embarrassing moments.

    My friend, Angry Ginger, and I were meeting up in Cherno's police station. I got there first, I believed, and began to clear the building. Now Ginger had been playing games without me the night before and had totally change his look. I was basically a fresh spawn, just had an m4 with a ten round mag. As I went upstairs to the large armory-style room I heard footsteps and two shots. I yelled "Shots!" in TS and charged, spraying the room. Ginger screams "It's me, it's me!" as his character groans and falls to the ground. Luckily I didn't kill him, just knocked him out, but it was embarrassing and funny as hell for everyone else in the channel. Turns out Ginger didn't think I would Rambo the room and just wanted to scare me.
  9. Lord Ikka

    ballistics protection

    For some reason every time I wear a ballistic helmet I wind up dead from a single Mosin shot to the head. It's a running joke in my unit- everyone else will just get knocked out with a ballistic helmet but Ikka will die. It's the reason I now just dress with class, no mil gear but snazzy civvie duds.
  10. Press vest is top on the rare list for me, for both utility and scarcity. Stab vest is rare for me in the scarce column but I don't use them. For some reason whenever I get a .22 mag, I can never find the corresponding gun. Given that I use them only for fun/training, it isn't that big of a deal, but strange nonetheless.
  11. Lord Ikka

    Revenge of the fresh spawn

    Bad on them for playing with their kill- if you're going to kill someone do it quick and clean. Good job sir.
  12. The group you fooled was pathetic. First kill- I can see someone falling for that. After that, they were just dumb. Good work.
  13. Lord Ikka

    Mosin-Nagant more rare to find now?

    That's for damn sure- took me two weeks to find a Sporter 22 that I just wanted to mess around with.
  14. Lord Ikka

    Simpsons in DayZ

    You have my beans sir, good pic.
  15. Lord Ikka

    Despite all

    Ha. This is nothing compared to the "brown sea" that is the Mechwarrior Online forums. It is a relaxing and adult venue compared to that complaining wasteland.
  16. Lord Ikka

    [BSB]-DayZ Unit|TS3|DayZ Server

    Getting lots of visitors and new members- thanks for the traffic! Just watch out for KO Saturdays, our fun little blowing off steam weekly hunt.
  17. Lord Ikka

    We need server restart warnings

    Our SA server is through gamingdeluxe, but I don't know how to enable the warnings. As far as I know, ever since we got the server last month it has automatically had the warnings. Wish I could help more, but I didn't set up the server, just am an admin on it.
  18. Lord Ikka

    We need server restart warnings

    Some servers do have them- I know ours has a five and one minute warning.
  19. Lord Ikka

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    1. You will always have 3rd party comms, no matter the game. Any program that you would have to use that would shut them down to play the game would cause so much backlash it wouldn't be worth it. 2. They have already adjusted the gamma/brightness issue- you now can't use it to see in full darkness. 3. That's up to the devs- they will change it if they see it used as abuse on their end, but right now they obviously don't.
  20. Lord Ikka

    [BSB]-DayZ Unit|TS3|DayZ Server

    Come enjoy the server, Electro is always hot and the scenery is pretty.
  21. Lord Ikka

    What To Do In A Bandit Situation

    Beautiful. He should have just put a bullet in your leg and then faced the new threat.
  22. Lord Ikka


    How about you make videos that are more than just two minutes of self aggrandizement? That'd be great.
  23. Lord Ikka

    Loot on zombies?

    I'd like at least some rags on the zeds. As soon as that happens it will be much easier to survive as a fresh spawn.
  24. Since it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to cold-start a heli/small plane in real life, I would love to have them in game- headshotting wannabe pilots would be real fun.
  25. Lord Ikka

    Dat spawn point

    You do know your friends can take off your gear and it won't disappear until sever reset right? Gives you some more time to run back to your body.