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Snake_Doc (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Snake_Doc (DayZ)

  1. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Disruption of body functions after a gun fight

    I like how they introduced gear being damaged by bullets, that deffinantly cut down on the KOS because theres no point in killing someone if you ruin all the loot doing it. And I know they are introducing bullets breaking limbs so i don't see where this would be such an issue to add in
  2. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    I'm Done

    Yes because saying you're going to go home when you're not needed anymore is giving up.
  3. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    Why isn't every day life (outside of detroit and chicago) like dayz? Because we have laws and punishments. If I were to handcuff one of you and force disinfectant down your throat, i'd go to jail for murder. That being said I probably would, but there would have to be some serious rammifications for anyone that murdered, stole, or assaulted and got caught
  4. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Will somebody please adopt a NOOB?

    I get on about 6am GMT and play until about 10am GMT so i'll see if i can add you then,
  5. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Tertim, http://feedback.dayzgame.com for bug reports, I'll submit this one for you but in the future it's much better to submit them there rather than cluttering threads here
  6. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    no update in the server downtime this morning... any word on when we can expect to see another update, hopefully containing painting the SKS? hint hint
  7. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    Wouldn't happen to have been on the Angels of death server would you? we had a bloke running around dressed like the contruction worker from the village people robbing guys on the coast.
  8. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Ooo theres an idea for future updates... explosives! >:D
  9. Snake_Doc (DayZ)

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    I've been shot, stabbed with the combat knife, bayonetted, axed, forced off a cliff and left with broken legs with a morphine auto-injector at the TOP of the cliff, Starved (perticularly unpleasent.) been fed disinfectant, had transfusions of found blood, even fed rotten food, shot, bandaged, shoveled, and then beaten to death with fists all in one go. Still friendly. Only ever shot one person and that was after he shot my partner and ran right up to loot his body not knowing i was there (talk about intese) It's a choice. and i do still hand out beans and water bottle to bambis in Kamyshovo To quote Kennedy "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win." EDIT: Looking back on it I did machete two people when one of them pointed an unloaded M4 at me the other day. Mea Culpa.