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Everything posted by SarcasticDom

  1. SarcasticDom

    Your first kill

    Havent been killed by players yet or killed a player yet Yesterday I finally got to play with a mate after a two month break. Needless to say I was a bit rusty and a bit laggy, making it hard for me to kill even zombies, but my friend is a good fighter. So we've decided I'll be the diplomat and him the fighter. So hopefully I'll neevr have to kill someone, although knowing DayZ he'll break his legs and I'll have to kill him.
  2. SarcasticDom

    Where am I right now?

    So I'm very new to the game and I have no idea 1. Where I am and 2. Where to go from where I am. So after dying from jumping from the top of a staircase, I spawned next to the coast as usual. I turn around to find a very large town standing right there. I proceed to loot the buildings, as you do, when i realise it is a very large town. I find a pristine fire axe, a gun, ammo for my gun, clothes with a lot of spaces for loot and a backpack, as well as a first aid kit and supplies. The town has a cathedral, or at least a large church, and a fire station. I'm presuming it's a rather important town then. So can some one please tell me the name of the town and where i should go from here.
  3. SarcasticDom

    Where am I right now?

    Well the two are very close and the church isn't near the sea so i guess I'm in electro
  4. Hi, my name is SarcasticDom and today I bought DayZ and so far i'm enjoying it lots. Things I'm really enjoying so far. 1. Other players: Although i've heard lots of bad things (Like KOS), i've met only three players so far: two armed with rifles and another new spawn like myself. The duo stole my blood, but didn't kill me despite the fact they could and gave me a pepsi. The new spawn left me alone. 2. How brutal it is: i was at some kind of train station and climbed up some metal steps onto a higher level in a building. to save me a few seconds worth of time i decided to jump down, breaking my legs. I then crawled around until i dragged myself to a zombie, which tank fully killed me. 3 The satisfaction: I spend a good half hour running around, hungry. I had drank at a well and had a coke, so i was hydrated, but my character was getting hungrier and hungrier. I had just tried to punch a couple of zombies to death but had failed to. I ran to the next building where i found the mother load: a splitting axe, three cans of beans, two cokes and a water bottle. The fact everything had been so scarce made this treasure trove all the better. My next goal is to find some sort of gun while avoiding trouble. Can anyone recommend a good place to look? So that's just the first day of a newbie in DayZ. cannot wait for some mates to buy the game so we can steal people's trousers.
  5. SarcasticDom

    My first day in Dayz and Tips

    Ok, thanks for all the tips. I'm glad that the axe is effective at killing zombies, they no longer feel like a threat. Also i think i feel the same as you: I reckon i'm not much of a sniper so a shotgun or pistol would serve me well. A third thing: The water bottle i found was about a third full (31%). an i fill it up at a well or pond or something similar?
  6. SarcasticDom

    I haven't seen 1 other player yet!

    Well hope the first person you meet is nice and does't shoot you. The first people i met held me at gun point, stole my blood, made me take off my trousers and gave me a pepsi. but i'm sure not everyone is as nice as that.