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About MAzing87

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MAzing87

    Potential player for Dayz

    Good to know. Yes. I have been stuck on consoles for a long time and never cared much for pcs until now. Glad I added pc gaming to my hobbies
  2. MAzing87

    Potential player for Dayz

    That's a crazy deal considering it's $25 for both now.
  3. MAzing87

    Potential player for Dayz

    I just read up on this. I do have to get those 2. But it also said, in order for me to get high quality textures, I should get the big bundle which includes 3 dlc? I can't just get the 2 SA and get great visuals?
  4. MAzing87

    Potential player for Dayz

    I heard about there being a lot of backstabbing and hostile people lol. Great tips. Thanks for the help!! I didn't know this. So I have to get Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA? Two standalones? Just to play the mod? Hmmm. Update: I can run the game based off of the recommended pc settings.
  5. Hey all, I am fairly new to pc gaming (1 month in) and very new to this forum. I was told by a friend to check out Dayz, but I had some questions. Can I run Dayz? My build: AMD FX6350 3.9Ghz/GT 630 2GB oc to 795Ghz/8 GB Crucial RAM/500w Corsair PSU/Windows 7 Secondly, this mod is available on steam for $30. Is there a way to try it out before I buy? Is the $30 just for the mod or is this for the standalone game as well? Third, tips on surviving? Thanks to all.