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About Abexuro

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    The Netherlands
  1. Maybe he lives in England, then it would've been right now :P
  2. Yes fake, but what's wrong with the date? My PC is currently saying 15:16 16-12-2013
  3. Those items Dean showed are to "improve" survivor-bandit interaction beyond shooting at eachother, they are not grieving tools. A lot of people dislike bandits(for obvious reasons), but they are not griefers. They have their own role to play, and adding these items will make that more fluid. About Utes; I had forgotten they added that to the map, I'm usually a lonely survivor, so I might actually go with that plan. Let's see if all the "nice" people move there or whether it will be used as a giant bandit base. xD
  4. What's your difficulty setting? You shouldn't go above Trainee (2/4) when you're using a keyboard or new to flying in a heli-sim. I can't fly in any higher difficulty, and I consider myself quite good at the Trainee setting. :P I love flying 5 meters above the ground in Chernarus and then raising it just in time to not hit a barn or trees.
  5. Abexuro

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    Not everyone runs back to their body, and it's not always possible either. There are some people that do this, and it's even easier when you have a tent or vehicle.(just put all your gear in it and die) But fixing this re-gearing from your own body isn't going to change anything for players that play legit already. It's said a few times before, but dieing just isn't annoying enough yet. And you don't change that by punishing the player even harder, but by making him lose more, more than just items. How close you might be to dieing, it should be more advantageous to keep on trying than to suicide.
  6. Abexuro

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    If you want death to have a bigger impact, you need to make being alive for long meaningful.
  7. Abexuro

    Make zombies better

    You should've made the topic: make zombies harder. A lot of people seem to misread your post, since you never said anything about increasing the damage a zombie does.
  8. Abexuro


    Full 20 liters jerrycan: +- 20KG , good luck kicking that to your car. xD
  9. Abexuro

    Add the rest of the bandit skin.

    I think the standard Bandit skin shouldn't be to different from the standard survivor skin, for practical and cosmetic reasons. It's good the way it is now.
  10. Abexuro

    Increase view distance.

    So wait. Even terrain render distance is handled by the server? I would understand that zombies, players and loot would be server side. But the terrain could just as well be local, doesn't hurt anyone but your own performance. :P
  11. Abexuro

    Say no to discrimination

    I don't mind german only servers. It just means they want german in the chat. If you stick to that there should be no problem, no matter where you're actually from. They shouldn't kick people just for that. I don't like however that when you're on an English server, a lot of germans speak their own language. At least make it work both ways. It's like when I go on holiday to France, I should speak french, since I'm there. Understandable. But when some French come on holiday in the Netherlands we also have to go speak their language. It's really annoying. (Of course this doesn't count for all French, it's just the general feeling I get)
  12. Abexuro

    Goal Implementation

    I think you're right about the game needing a goal, or goals. But those shouldn't be forced on the player, or even notified that they exist. The player needs to set their own goals within the free and open environment, and the game needs to offer more of them. For instance, I'd love to see more hard to access areas on the map. Like vaults you need specific gear for to open, or a broken aircraft carrier in the ocean you can only get to by boat or heli. The player doesn't need to know it exists, but when they find out it does, they'll most likely be very curious and make new goals or set new achievements.
  13. Abexuro


    Consider making the title relevant to the topic next time.
  14. Abexuro

    Have Vegetation Options for Low PC

    If it would be possible to remove grass and what not, it would be way easier to spot players lying on the ground etc. Same goes for when you're the one in the grass, normally you won't be able to look very far because of the grass blocking your view, that won't matter anymore, easy sniping.
  15. Since they're making new interior for a lot of things... I think it would be cool to put a "broken" aircraft carrier somewhere off the shore. With military loot,heli crashsites (crashed jets?) and off course a lot of zombies. It'd be a cool base if you manage to clear all the zombies, or just a good place to find military loot, just like any other airfield. :P It's only accessible by boat or heli, since swimming would be to far away. I think chernarus needs a "hard" to reach area, this or something else. To me it serves as an end game goal, something I would want to explore, but can't get to by just walking there. There are a few missions in ArmA featuring an aircraft carrier, and you can even find one in Take On Helicopters. When you go free fly on the Utes map, there's a carrier in the sea. It's what I got the idea from.