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About Blood-Lord

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just killed a hacker like 10 minutes ago with a sks 99/10 rounds. I know he was a hacker because he teleported 200 meters from me to my left in some trees. He was a bambi at first then 1 second later had a full set of military gear. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know who he was fucking with :D http://s755.photobucket.com/user/Blood_Lord69666/media/DayZ2014-04-2708-32-45-23_zps18a57615.png.html?sort=3&o=0
  2. Blood-Lord


    I got over 100, my team and I do a variety of things and absolutely love it. Last night we blew a guy's legs out and fed him bleach. He eventually died. Little things like this in a group can be the most entertaining things.
  3. Blood-Lord

    Constant crashes, new patch?

    My team and I have been playing together moving from server to server, city to city each night for the last 2-3 months or so with very few crashes. I have never had these many crashes so frequencly. We are seven strong fully loaded, we heard there were problems with small protector cases and ammo boxes. We got rid of them, and still when our entire group draws close to each other we have constant crashes. We have mixes of drivers installed from Nvidia to Radeon, old and new. Is this due to a hot fix that we weren't told about? The only thing I could pin point so far is when we get within 500-800 meters from each other everyone in that area crashes, not just loses connection, no Dayz hard crashes, and we loose control of our mouse. Happens within 2 seconds to 5 minutes guarenteed crash. Any leads on this?
  4. Blood-Lord

    DayZ keeps crashing when I try to join a server?

    My team and I of around 6 people have been running into this same issue. We are all fully loaded with gear and have gotten rid of our boxes. Still run into the same problem.
  5. Blood-Lord

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    If you shoot on sight why do you do it? The only time I shoot on sight is when they have their gun out. Otherwise I tell them to run in a different direction as I watch them. I take no chances. can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight? Paranoid. A game like this I tend to take no chances. It's either you or him/her What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight? I think it's a correct response in an apocolypse type game. You're looking out for yourself. If you ask them to leave but player keeps coming towards you or asking for something simply gun them down. Its obivous you don't want them to be near you. Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience? If they're shooting at fresh spawns just because, yes. If the fresh spawn is running towards you, or behind you no. I've been knocked out from fresh spawn when I was trying to help them, or when I was scouting out an area and they came up behind me. If the fresh spawn doesn't see me or does see me and keeps their distance. I don't shoot. When a player is geared and has a weapon its a whole other story. I immediately become cautious. If they start running towards me or look at me with their gun out. I will shoot them down. Should they be ashamed of themselves? Depends on the situation.
  6. Blood-Lord

    Hacker caught teleporting

    I can confirm this hacking. Last night around 3 Am in the morning my squad of highly equiped men/women were single handlingly taken out by one man at 50 yards. We never saw him once. Later when we were all slain I ran back to our bodies and he was still there. He could run up and down the mountain at speeds not possitible for players. Knowing my name the instant I arrived. He knew I was apart of the party he killed. He didn't kill me, and I followed him around. Later he could see my friend 400 meters away through trees, and over hills. We were in a valley. There was no way he could see him. Also again, he stated my friend's name. There are people hacking. I didn't record it and for that I am sorry, but it does exist.