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About zero2kb

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    Zabrze, Poland
  1. zero2kb

    Play without Steam

    steam account name cannot be changed, whoever "hacked" into your account coudn't change that oh and you can't play dayz without steam
  2. zero2kb

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I guess there are no much use for experimental servers when stable runs newer version.
  3. zero2kb

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    It is normal changelog. Those are all new things comparing to last stable version.
  4. zero2kb

    New patch - still can't respawn.

    Joining other server - the only chance to fix this problem will be if that server have problems with connection to hive - then I would get new character and when the connection to hive be back my old character will be replaced. Kinda lottery to find server that have problems like that, with penatly for switching servers - even harder. Hold on for few days? It is weeks already. I know I can play on HC, and I do with group of friends. We play on hardcore servers together because 1st person view server are much funnier for group operating and fighting. Regular I used to play when I was alone and didn't want to move away from the group, so I wish I could play on both hives. Experimental doesn't have enough players on hardcore servers off peak hour. servers are up, sorry for broken english
  5. So I just tried new patch and my character is still bugged :/ I'm in water, with broken legs, every time i log in some server I'm alive for like 5seconds and then I see "you are dead" black screen. The problem is I can't respawn (option in menu is not active) and I'm actually alive - can get into inventory with TAB. relogging and crawling out of water is not an option since I'm too far. I've heard devs are working on this bug but it is not fixed in this release, does that mean I have to wait another 3-4 weeks for next patch and for the fix?
  6. first post of that 120page madness:
  7. I'm in a server for like almost 1h now, still got "hydrated" status and "hungry" still havent shown up. Not too good of a solution I guess.
  8. Yes, yes i did. I'm in water. When I enter the server I'm alive for like 5-10sec (sometimes i cant even move) and die after that... it is just that i'm not really dead. I mean i see dark screen etc but i still can tab into my eq (i have nothing on me actually because i droped all after that). Going out of water isn't really an option because I'm nowhere near a place where you can exit water.
  9. I understand it takes time, and they don't want to put anything with criticals bugs to stable but stable is already bugged. The most critical bug I can imagine is already there - not being able to respawn like: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1x2vzq/cant_respawn_you_are_dead_on_joining_any_server/ I got bugged character like this aswell and can't play for quite a while now, waiting for that patch that is pushing back all the time. Playing on experimental isnt really an option to me because I play alot not in prime hours and servers are rather empty.
  10. Really? You haven't? Do you meet other players at all? or stay in the north all the time? I've seen people teleporting - not desync. I've seen a guy walking through the building like it wasn't there and shoting people through walls. (replacing building files cheat I guess) God one knows how many people are using things that aren't so obvious to spot. Dayz in the current state is heaven for cheaters i guess.
  11. zero2kb

    Unlucky sniper :)

    Me and a friend were watching elektro for 15minutes looking for any sight of a fight when we heard a shot - really bad luck for that guy, on the other hand this is how I most of the time die, shot in the back :P
  12. zero2kb

    How not to love DayZ? :D

    Yep, no info about broken leg at all, it was kinda obvious tho:)
  13. zero2kb

    How not to love DayZ? :D

    I don't expect anything like that happen in any other game:D Well I wasn't even expecting this in DayZ tbh... fml :D DayZ is amazing :D What is the best thing to do when something like that happen?:P
  14. As long as loot spawning mechanism is broken there is no reason for them to work on loot balance imo. It will change anyway when they add proper system for loot spawning.