Of course the "survive for 90 days" achievement idea has already been thrown around. But honestly I don't really think that's going to be very hard considering I can just join a server with nobody in it and just kick it there for 90 days. So, in my opinion, the achievement should be something more like survive for 50 days, but the clock is only running when you're in a server with, say, 20 or more people. I've heard that Rocket will not do the whole "achievements" thing. And yes, the theory is, achievements are just more or less something to boast about and take away from the whole open-ended experience. And in a sense, I totally agree. If I'm in the apocalypse I'm not going to think, "Shit. The world's gone to shit. I better get 1000 kills with this fire axe." But the achievement above that I mentioned would be totally awesome in my opinion. I would think, EVERYBODY playing this game right now is playing it to get THAT achievement. That is their goal and they will get to it by whatever means necessary.