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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. Beloozero

    DayZ has much to learn

    Broke a leg as well.
  2. Beloozero

    DayZ has much to learn

    Arrogant way to respond.
  3. Beloozero

    Banned from US 264 without reason

    Or investigate the server.
  4. These servers will be downed in time, hopefully.
  5. Beloozero

    DayZ has much to learn

    Modception? You don't like it, go to Russia.
  6. Beloozero

    Please stop getting mad a DayZ devs

    Another one of these threads? Honestly, these counter threads to whiners are almost as annoying as their target(s). Share your opinions in-game and not on the forums where it may or may not matter.
  7. Beloozero

    2 accounts ?

  8. Beloozero

    You opinion on zombie aggro range?

    I find it suitable, but people that are either too aggressive or too impatient are not finding it acceptable.
  9. Agree: - Steaks should be perishable - Limited thirst and hunger replenishment Disagree: - Weapons and ammo - Canned food (drinks are fine)
  10. Beloozero

    Rage Quit at De 297

    This is in ban appeals, why?
  11. Beloozero

    Trade and loot

    Don't get any ideas! :D
  12. Beloozero

    MAJOR lag and i dont know what to do

    Any situations regarding server location? How far are you from the server?
  13. Beloozero

    Game Review: DayZ

    Interesting, but try to advertise any future videos in the DayZ Gallery forums.
  14. Beloozero

    A few Issues im having

    1. The red X's appear for me too so I assume it's not just you. 2. If you can connect and play, it matters little. 3. I'm unsure about this. Many have had the same problem and asked about it but to no avail.
  15. Beloozero

    Enfield or Winchester?

    Unless you're inside and you have enough bullets.
  16. Beloozero

    Gutting Animals recieves no Meat.

    Never happened to me before, especially with ghillie suits.
  17. Beloozero

    People are assholes

    Welcome to DayZ, population: everyone and anyone.
  18. Beloozero

    Looking for People to play with

    Try the Survivor HQ. Not saying you have no chance here but you'll have a better chance there.
  19. Beloozero

    DayZ n00b Stream!

    Also, please advertise any and all streams in DayZ Gallery instead of here.
  20. Beloozero

    Inventory death

    In that case, get used to it or don't play the game.
  21. But seriously, if you absolutely insist on typing in a completely different language, please do it in the foreign forums, not in an English forum.
  22. Beloozero

    Season changes in DayZ

    Similar to the time alignment based on server location? Beloozero seal of approval.
  23. Beloozero

    1.61 patch question

    If by that you mean it says 1.6 rather than whatever version you have, it is a bug. Disregard it, as you have the correct version.
  24. Beloozero

    90% of carebears/bandits are like this....

    Idiocy at it's finest, gentlemen.
  25. Beloozero

    Remove Barbedwire

    If something is blocking your path, it's there for a reason, such as self-defense from zombies or disallowing entrance to other potentially dangerous players. They last eternally so it's normal to find barbed wire blocking a building that hasn't been touched for a week.