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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. Beloozero

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    I was about to flame you for that statement but then I saw the troll ending, which indicates you are indeed a PC gamer. You are spared, for now...
  2. Beloozero

    player X has been killed.

    If they were within your sight then yes that would work. But displaying it to the whole server is highly unrealistic. If someone got shot in Zub would I really need to know that when I'm in Electro?
  3. Beloozero

    FR 79 Cheater Repord BGSN_Garibaldi

    Structures can be destroyed in DayZ. It's not uncommon for people to try and do that. And it might be a possibility that he took his time finding that equipment.
  4. Beloozero

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    DayZ is currently in ALPHA. Minecraft didn't port to Xbox until it was fully released. I wouldn't use that as a good example.
  5. Beloozero

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Umm, no?
  6. Beloozero

    What happens when you log off?

    Logging out only saves your location. You are safe, but it is highly unaccepted if you abuse it, say if you are being shot but log out instead to avoid death. You do not consume food or water when logged out.
  7. Beloozero


    They... disappear?
  8. Regardless, if the matter is resolved, I suggest you drop this topic and move on.
  9. Beloozero

    Beginner Tutorial Video!

    I don't find these particularly helpful. Most of these beginning tutorials are opinionated so only a select few people might feel comfortable with this. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's certainly not what I do.
  10. Beloozero

    Why does my Icon status keep changing?

    It's part of the forum overhaul. A different forum means different features, so that may have been added and customized.
  11. Beloozero

    Where should I go?

    Head south and travel along the coastline. There's a couple areas with small buildings and garages you can enter, most likely yielding food and drinks.
  12. Beloozero

    Zombie virus

    Wouldn't mean much, though. It'd become more like Infected in Halo.
  13. Beloozero

    Tents and trees...feedback please

    Never had that happen before. Usually just put my tents near bushes or something similar.
  14. Beloozero

    Make vehicles more common

    Either make them more common or decrease their likelihood of catching on fire 5 seconds after driving it.
  15. Beloozero

    Killed by hacker

    There is a forum just below this one, not too far, labeled "Cheat Reporting". Even if you don't know the guy's name, you can still describe what happened and say which server you were on.
  16. Same thing here. Lost my AK and M1911 because I dropped them. Logging back in didn't help either.
  17. Beloozero

    how to get topic back at top?

    Like Wusten said, unless it's an urgent issue or something similar, it's not necessary.
  18. Beloozero

    Lesson learned.

    Wherever I go, I never seem to be in contact with anyone. Cherno? Empty. Electro? Empty. Balota? At most, 2 people.
  19. Beloozero

    Killed a Hacker

    Depends on the server rules.
  20. Beloozero

    Lesson learned.

    Better yet, avoid people.
  21. Beloozero

    (ANZ) Momiji wants Co-op!

    Well organized for a co-op request. Feel free to add me on steam: SentimentalCucumber (don't laugh)
  22. Beloozero

    6 months in Alpha state....

  23. Beloozero

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    Apparently it's made a return in Might be just me though.
  24. Beloozero

    DayZ has much to learn

    I thought you rage quit already. Also, please explain to me how DayZ is not original in any way and rips off another mod of the same or similar magnitude.