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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. All I can say is some reassurance is better than none. Cheers, Rocket.
  2. Update: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115201-pistol-symbol-on-the-hud/#entry1088818 Sir sparkboy over here.
  3. I've met worse. Trust me, it's not pretty. I wouldn't call that dumb, but rather desperation.
  4. Beloozero

    Pistol symbol on the HUD?

    Also a period in which you cannot abort.
  5. Today the country, tomorrow the world.
  6. Beloozero

    What was your motive to come to DayZ?

    Boredom from Minecraft, RoosterTeeth, you name it, I probably came here because of it.
  7. Beloozero

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    A little late but whatevs :D
  8. Age: 17 Experience: Quite Class: Scout...? Bio: I play PC games. Why?: I got nobody else to DayZ with :P
  9. Beloozero

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    Unfortunately, this doesn't change the fact that people will be willing to shoot you in the face at any given moment :P
  10. Just in time for the new year. One down, many more to go.
  11. Beloozero

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It won't. Trust me.
  12. Beloozero

    Limit on amount of weapons

    When you say give private hives the power to limit amount of weaponry, is that the only power they get concerning weapons?
  13. I'm liking it. Thanks for the explanation. I would fund this.
  14. Lemme see if I get this straight (I probably won't): You want DayZ to have a story that includes a minimal zombie threat in the beginning of the game, then as you progress through the days, the zombie threat will be come increasingly dangerous?
  15. Apparently some people don't approve.
  16. Beloozero

    DayZ Main Page Statistics

    It's obviously them fellers over at WarZ :P
  17. I'll just go ahead and repeat Hydra: Seems legit.
  18. Beloozero

    How old is your char now?

    Only got to about day 43 then died to a "tornado" hacker. Then me and my buds all drank some root beer. Happy ending :D
  19. Beloozero

    Best DayZ Youtube Video!

    Meanwhile in Takistan Life...
  20. Beloozero

    Average Age of a Bandit?

    I don't know, but it's a hell of a lot more than a friendly! :P
  21. Beloozero


    WarZ was made when DayZ was in it's Alpha. The standalone would be completely different with it's own unique tweaks by default, I'd imagine.
  22. Beloozero


    What's next? Convert that dinky island miles off the mainland into an Asian paradise? But in all seriousness, this is only useful for - yeah it's not useful at all. Meat, wood and other stuff will be in the same quality but not quantity. Let me explain: say you slice a cooked steak with this, kara-tey you speak of. Of course, you'd get 2 cooked meats, but it's absolutely unreasonable and unnecessary to do it. I'm assuming you want this to create more meats to survive, I get that. But why would it give you the same amount as what you started with? It's begging for another way to duplicate items, in my opinion. I'm confused the most on "kick and dive". What's the point of going underwater? To literally sleep with the fishes? You already can (in a way), you lose your inventory when you get waist-deep and if someone is chasing you (which I assume is the instigator of this entire situation) you'll be moving slower then him/her, making you a relatively easy target, not to mention you go slow as it is. It's just not right. Also, if climbing trees and high objects is an option, isn't it really another excuse to break your legs and desperately crawl to a nearby town for some morphine? It may be a great sniping position, but it's equally as effective to just hunker down in a tree and aim through the 1 inch spaces between the leaves in a ghillie suit. That is all.