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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. Beloozero

    Zombies are zero threat now

    Alpha. Nuff' said.
  2. I mean, I can understand people like you can be upset over this, but it's in ALPHA. Not beta, not anything else. Be patient. Don't like it? Go to Russia! :D
  3. Beloozero


    Ooh! More lore! It's so juicy!
  4. Beloozero

    Hello and custom models needed?

    Nor will it. :P
  5. Ahem. Log in when it's daytime. Deal with it. Deal with it. Deal with it. Stay away. Deal with it.
  6. Beloozero

    Hello and custom models needed?

    I'm sure they're always looking for innovation but I can't decide for them, let alone attract an audience. But, i can say that it will be looked over. :)
  7. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This is a lot like Minecraft: A cool game that's somewhat unheard of, then gets the spotlight, people get curious and by the time it reaches 1.6, it has hundreds of thousands of fans. See you at E3, rocket! :D
  8. Perhaps, but all the Seattle servers are more like: "Hey, you friendly?" "Yeah." *Bullet to the back of the head* All close up and personal. :|
  9. Beloozero

    Looking for players to record DayZ series!

    Yeah, I won't be available for about 4 weeks due to a video game summer camp. The later days of July I can probably fit in some hours, if your series goes for such a long time.
  10. Beloozero

    Question about streaming

    DxTory is only good for game recording, not streaming.
  11. Beloozero

    Looking for players to record DayZ series!

    Actually, I've just been informed that I won't be available for any of the dates. Sincerest apologies.
  12. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    some turd shoots first, ask questions later. This.
  13. Beloozero

    Help Confused

    http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/ Well, BAM! There it is! You only need "code", "equip" and "weapons", since the only change that has been made that people enjoy is the melee weapons.
  14. Beloozero

    Looking for players to record DayZ series!

    I'm down. Wouldn't mind getting some assistance.
  15. Beloozero

    water bottle?

    Water bottles are among the general loot in the game. They're tucked away with all the other drops. Just keep looking.
  16. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Loot drops are way too sparse over here. Might be just my scavenging skills. :/
  17. Last fact I can't confirm. Electro and Cherno are both peaceful and quiet. No snipers and no players altogether.
  18. Beloozero

    DayZ Memes

  19. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    There's absolutely no need to reveal your sexual orientation in this thread. Begone to which chanland you came from!
  20. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    An exploration feature would be nice, a small scrap of paper to be scavenged along with a writing utensil (limited lead or ink of course) and draw the map as you travel around.
  21. Beloozero

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hope melee gets buffed in the near future, specifically in aiming directly at certain areas of the zombie. 1 hit for the head, 2 for the body, 2-3 anywhere else.
  22. Beloozero

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Oi! We'll have none of that in a hotfix thread, mister!