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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. Beloozero

    [video] Hatchet vs Zombie = Homerun

    Swing down. Zombie flies over wall. You can't explain that.
  2. Beloozero

    Chain of common Doom

    The disconnect chain image is nothing if it doesn't actually disconnect you. It's nothing you need to complain about since it doesn't affect anything in game.
  3. Beloozero

    Give me my stuff back.

    And losing all your stuff isn't? You die, you start over. Everyone deals with it. Deal with it.
  4. Beloozero

    Chain of common Doom

    2% of your screen?
  5. Beloozero

    i have yet to actually join a good server

    It's all from fallout in the General Discussion forum. Too many whiners there may have carried over here. It was fun yesterday, though.
  6. Considering you made a new account just to bat 1.7.1, your argument is considered invalid.
  7. Beloozero

    Give me my stuff back.

    I concur with the above statement. Even if you guys were granted readmission to items, many others would look at this as a free gimmick for quick and easy items.
  8. Beloozero

    i have yet to actually join a good server

    There's more hotfixes. No need to get worked up over "OMG the serverz are laggy and not working!" when it's being worked on constantly.
  9. Beloozero

    How to return the things?

    Items rarely return. Welcome to the zombie apocalypse.
  10. Beloozero

    Day Z 24hr Challenge.

    Chuck Norris can do this 10 times in one sitting.
  11. While this may be true, finding a gun is still as hard as ever. Only got lucky once in a small obscure town in which all I got was a revolver and a pack of bullets. Pistols should spawn at least 50% in every town. People are bound to have guns in Russia :P
  12. Beloozero

    i have yet to actually join a good server

    1. Pick up your panties and wait for an additional hotfix. 2. Keep looking. Not really that big of a choice. Just have patience.
  13. Beloozero

    Fun and Rage at the same time

    It happens. Just gotta respawn and such.
  14. Beloozero

    DayZ Memes

  15. Beloozero

    I'm stuck in some barren hills

    There is. You just need to run.
  16. Beloozero

    Loving the axe.

    What I think I have: What I actually have:
  17. They ARE doing something about it. Bottom line: Have some patience. Everything is being worked on.
  18. Beloozero

    Give me my stuff back.

    Nein. Abuse is bound to leak it's way into that system.
  19. Beloozero

    READ before you POST

    You and the rest of the DayZ community.
  20. Beloozero

    Rocket, Review your own game.

    No more. I don't want to sleep and have dreams of whiners and challengers. No mas!
  21. Not yet. Alpha, baby. Alpha.
  22. Beloozero

    Help Confused

  23. Beloozero

    Everytime I try to join a server

    Usually, copying those folders from Arma II and placing them in Arma II: OA will fill that gap. Everything else means all the other files like dll and MPmissions.