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Everything posted by Beloozero

  1. Beloozero

    Blood regenerating

    Red blood cells regen 90 - 120 days. Yah!
  2. Beloozero


    Please. I has a hatchet. :D
  3. If you're referring to me, you're gravely mistaken. I never said I was good at the game, but rather of how easy it was to get used to not having a weapon.
  4. Beloozero


    You died in DayZ? Please, enlighten me with your argument of why you can't get all your stuff back.
  5. Took me 5 hours to get it down. Might be a matter of patience as well.
  6. It's all server admins, unfortunately. Some want the realism, some don't. Hell, maybe they just want to get people angry with their uptight server rules :P
  7. With that setup, I don't guarantee a perfect running game for you but at least it runs. Upgrade some RAM, video card, maybe even processor. Desktops handle games much better than laptops, unless the laptop is some advanced expensive Alienware in which case you're good to go.
  8. Beloozero

    Undetected arma 2 hacks release!

    But scanning the horizon for zombies and any other threats was too hard?
  9. Beloozero

    Blood regenerating

    Regenerating blood after being slapped by a horde never happens in real life. Blood packs give blood, but nothing regens it, nor should it.
  10. Beloozero

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    Hatchet squad! Roll out!
  11. Beloozero

    Undetected arma 2 hacks release!

    Sure. Let's post a hack to a game ON the games' forums! It's so ingenius! -.-
  12. Beloozero seal of approval. The only way for anyone to go in a pack and feel safe is if you planned it out beforehand. Anyone you find on the fly could potentially be your killer (or your victim, if you roll that way). It's quite unrealistic to call to someone in Balota from Electro.
  13. Don't trust anyone in DayZ. Have a nice day.
  14. Usually connecting to a different server solves this problem, but if it's a recurring error, reinstall Battleye.
  15. Bug report in Suggestions? :|
  16. Beloozero

    Spawn in middle of no where

    Running in one direction for a couple minutes works for some. Try using the Canada 2 trick: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13497
  17. Beloozero

    Can't chat

    Global and Side Chat are disabled in the recent beta patches.
  18. Beloozero

    Friend List/Spawn On Friend

    Beloozero seal of approval.
  19. Beloozero

    DayZ Memes

  20. Beloozero

    Rocket, slow down.

    True, but there are many variables that define a realistic zombie game, so rocket is running out of things he can improve on. Eventually, it'll all be perfect.
  21. Beloozero

    Rocket, slow down.

    Why not agree with the updates? You don't want fixes fast?
  22. Love how he approves. "Make sure you steal all my shit." xD
  23. Beloozero

    Chain of common Doom

    I don't understand your problem with it. If it's not disconnecting you, don't worry about it. If it does, then please state so somewhere.
  24. Beloozero

    Give me my stuff back.

    A player shooting another player. Not part of the game? If you're both in an area with weapons, it's a game of wits. Someone wins someone loses.
  25. Beloozero

    Give me my stuff back.

    Seems legit.