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Everything posted by VaTiS

  1. VaTiS

    Poisons (and various herbology)

    just make poison from the green berries and put it on the primitive arrows B)
  2. it's could be viable if the zombies were slower or you could destroy parts of their bodies( e.x legs) so it;s more realistic and easier if you dont have gear to kill them
  3. VaTiS

    Craftable spears!

    nice idea ! it should be craftable with ashwood sticks ,duct tape or rope and knives or a machete ! with the machete you wont be able to throw it but it would do more dmg :) also you shouldnt be allowed to carry more than 2 ( to be realistic)
  4. VaTiS

    Maxim M1910

    definitely no ..
  5. VaTiS

    Craftable armor

    1)the armors should be only good against melee attacks , arrows and bolts.. 2)wtf rugby armors . this isnt america 3)steel armor (idk how you can craft it ) should slow you down a lot but make you safer against zombies 4) i dont think it;s viable because of the lack of materials in the game .. 5) they should add police shields instead of armors :D
  6. VaTiS

    More WW2 guns?

  7. VaTiS


    Make it unable to knock out people who have head gear with punches ... Simple and realistic.. what you have done destroys the game seriously. I know there is similar post but no gives a s.. about it
  8. VaTiS


    who the f..k would want to make the game more difficult ... pointless suggestion imo
  9. VaTiS

    Better reloading

    + remove the change of magazine with the 'f' button ...
  10. Hello guys this is my first post in the Dayz SA forums ! I dont really know if there is another similar suggestion ! Personally I think the game should give us the opportunity to make slingshots with things you can find easily ! Eg. some wood,rope, a piece of rags and use small stones as ammo . The Slingshots should NOT be used as main weapons. Just throw a rock away so it could attract a zombie ( which is not pursuing you ) so you could pass undetected, kill small animal and even have a slight chance ( very small) to knock your opponent unconscious if you hit him at the head ( only for players who dont have head gear not PVE)! I hope you like my suggestion. :)