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    On the Coast
  1. Hello fellow Survivors, Any of us who play DayZ have come to realize that there are 4 different types of players in DayZ and they all bring a little something special to the community. Here is my take on the player types of DayZ. Survivors This type of player is also known as a fresh spawn. They have limited gear and supplies, if any at all, and are susceptible to death by zombie. The range of experience in a Survivor can be anything from a geared player who just died in some awful or ridiculous way to a noob just hitting Chenarus for the first time. This player brings a lot to the DayZ community in that they give use to the following 3 player types. Heroes This player is here to support the DayZ community in any way possible. Whether it be helping fresh spawns by providing information and supplies or taking down bandits who have recently murdered a Survivor. They are organized and knowledgeable and have great tactical skills. This player is willing to put his life on the line just to make contact by shouting "friendly" and hoping the player he is making contact with isn't going to turn around and kill him. The game wouldn't be the same without these fellow protectors. Bandits This player has some balls. Although the community does not enjoy when someone comes up to them and holds them hostage, DayZ would not be the same game without these guys. They provide the community with fear and that helps players stay on their toes and be very careful in deciding what moves they make while traveling through the game. Bandits do not KoS... like I said they have the balls to make firm contact with other players, tell you to put your hands up and take you for all you're worth. It is only after they steal your gear or scare the piss out of you that they then decide whether you live or die. Baddies This player brings absolutely nothing to the DayZ community. They themselves are so scared to come into contact with other players, that they just waste players on sight, no questions asked. Now some of these Baddies will claim to be Bandits, but they are not. Bandits actually take some skill to play, while Baddies take the easy route. This player does not like to spend time enjoying what DayZ is all about. They rely on kills to fill their inventory with gear and most likely end up getting what they deserve when their bullets miss and they wind up bleeding out on the ground. If this player isn't out making first contact via KoS, upon being contacted by Bandits or Heroes, this player usually logs out in fear of what might happen to their character. In the eyes of the DayZ community, this player should be enjoying Call of Duty, BF, GTA or some other type of KoS game. So my friends I ask you, what type of player are you and what do you bring to the DayZ community?