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Everything posted by Duenan

  1. Duenan

    Bleeding attracts Zombies

    No I want zombies to be a death sentence. This is the zombie apocalypse. Humanity is wiped out because something vicious and nasty killed EVERYONE. How would you avoid zombies? Just like you do now, Sneak, roll, hit them in the head with an axe from behind. They're no threat. However if you DO get hit and are bleeding then more should come to finish you off. This would add difficulty. ALSO it would add more interesting fights between bandits. If I want to go kill a bunch of people or kill someone with an axe, as I begin looting their corpse I have to now watch out for zombie spawns coming for the fresh kill. This game is called DayZ. Zombies should play an important aspect of the gameplay along with other players and base building, clans, heros and bandits, etc.
  2. Battlefield surgery If you get shot you lie there writhing in agony while somebody does emergency field surgery, bandages you, gives you an IV. Then you have to be dragged out of the battle and have a 10 or 20min timer atleast where you have to wait to heal before you can move at fullspeed again. Perhaps for that 10/20min you can only limp around moving very slowly but maybe you can still shoot. Also when you get shot you should enter a "Shock" mode where you screen gets blurry and shakey while you're in shock. If a Battlefield medic doesnt give you the proper meds you go unconscious and die That and bleeding attracts zombies.. Period. Actually that should be standard.
  3. Duenan

    A mountain man

    It would be a great addition. Then you would have the reputation of being one of the crazy mountain men of the north. What I would like to see is making clothing from animals... then running back down to civilization in my fur clothes and hunting people like a savage with my axe... btw shouldnt this be in the suggestion forum?
  4. Duenan

    Boot Camp

    I see the merit but I disagree. DayZ has pretty much always been about experiencing everything on the fly. The experience of being a new bambi in an unfamiliar game and then being helped by some random stranger if great. It's what first happened to me in the mod and it was a great thing teaming up with someone and learning the game, basically being mentored. Ofcourse the opposite can be a major turn off if you spawn and are new and are bandit or zombie food. The game can get very discouraging very quickly but I think with all the DayZ wiki's and gameplay vids, there is enough press about DayZ now that new players are going to have a pretty good understanding of what they're getting into.
  5. Duenan

    Battlefield Surgery

    I know DayZ is not a mil-sim but it is trying to be some sort of sim. Sure changing combat to be more realistic would dramatically change the game.. But it would add to the immersion level I think. You wouldnt even have to make it as punishing as I made it out to be but instead of the magic morphine and defibs you could add some depth. Imagine how valuable a player that plays as a medic or doctor would be- people would be more inclined to capture that player especially if surgery was skill based. It's just something to think about
  6. There are enough gestures that can be used tactically. You have a point, you have wave (which can be used as a hold position) thumbs up etc. Your clan can decide what signals mean what. Just because people arent using them doesnt mean they're not there Still it would be neat if people were sort of forced into the game world but realistically its not gonna happen
  7. I agree with some points but it depends on how far Dayz intends to go with realism. In reality let's say you have a vest on and take small arms fire. You don't die, atleast not immediately but you will have broken bones and internal bleeding if your vest doesnt have a trauma plate. So then what. You run for a little while then collapse and die needing some serious surgery? Okay then lets add in a surgical skill and surgery equipment so you need a doctor character to save you... Then what about recovery? If you get shot anywhere you're right, you won't be picking up that m4 and staying in the fight. You now have an unusuable arm that is gonna take months to heal. So how do you simulate that in game? And how do you keep people playing?
  8. Duenan

    i lost it

    Part of me understands the combat logging after a firefight because personally- It's such an adrenaline rush that I need to take a break from the game and get it out. But that's just me
  9. Duenan

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    That raincoat is screaming shoot me You're better off with the Czech/ flannel shirt Also that big backpack says I've got stuff, but its probably all food/med with a little ammo (Not that I would shoot you because I'm a friendly/hero char type)
  10. Duenan

    Obrez Mosin

    I would like this...with a little duct tape/electrical tape wrapped around the grip for post apocalyptic's sake This should be like one of the main weapons in this game Mosin' mare's leg
  11. ANOTHER KOS thread srsly... graveyard plz
  12. Duenan


    The OP has a point to a certain degree.... You give people certain things ofcourse its gonna be a death match.. And like the other poster said it is the zombie apocalypse so it makes sense but some non combat player interaction would be nice in DayZ if just not to break up the monotony
  13. Duenan

    Calorie, Weight and Movement

    Okay I looked through some of the topics and didnt see this or atleast not as I propose. This is a group of systems that couple together to create a new gameplay systems. The simplest explanation without a wall of test are as follows: 1. All food has a calorie rating 2. All items have a weight rating 3. Sprinting has a calorie rating 4. Both Calorie, Hunger, overall health and weight contribute to movement speed Coupled together the more you carry equipment and run, the more you need to eat instead of just the blanket hunger system. If you want to grab the biggest backpack and loot everything in sight then you will need alot of food to replenish your calories extended. Conversely if you're traveling light or just laying in a mountain sniping you'll need a little less food. Additionally there would be a movement tax* as it were for calorie and hunger rating. I.E. if you're starving you can not sprint across the map. Conversely, if you are healthy and energized you can run alittle bit faster than normal if you're not carrying alot of weight.. I would keep the default *jog speed as it is, only slowing it down if you are starving or carrying a huge backpack with 200lbs, and speeding it up if you're a new spawn with no gear weight or a light traveler where you can sprint faster if you are healthy and fed. This would add a dimension of gameplay to running around with a huge backpack and sprinting across the map. Coupled with the upcoming storage of goods and lockable containers they have this would create the need to have "Pack Mule players" and people to guard them as they hoof a large pack back to their base. On the other hand you could capture a player and use him as a mule jockey to carry your crap while you run around and fight. Discuss please
  14. Duenan

    Calorie, Weight and Movement

    Keep in mind, there will be vehicle updates in the game later So if your char is sick or poisoned you would have the option of driving. But I think mixing this system with the other systems would just add different dimensions and new problems for players to face as there would the wall of sprinting infinitely with a loaded backpack across the map
  15. Duenan

    Bounty on Brad

    You guys are terrible..... really I hope he recruits frankie and the wolf pack to kill all your bandit asses and make you look like fools lawl The idea of dayz is that its sandbox. You can do whatever you want. If Brad wants to run around Chernarus with a VIP escort then he can. But remember this all started because of crazy people wanting to track him down and kill him first. Noble started holding his hand originally because he didnt know anything about the game and this game does have somewhat of a learning curve if you take into acct all the nuances and glitches Nobles brother only joined Brad to protect him after people kept following Brad from server to server Cmon guys
  16. Isn't this the case with ANY game? Whether or not its trying to be realistic or not it is a game. Untill we have holodeck simulators or keys for games meaning if you die thats it you can never play the game again it will never be realistic.
  17. If it's such a bad game and was a bad mod then why did they make all that money as soon as it was released on early access.. People like what they're gonna like. If you don't like it, don't play it
  18. Duenan

    My first KOS

    Just like Batman This is the tragic birth story of a Hero....
  19. here's my answer http://nooooooooooooooo.com/ This would do nothing to stop KOS, it would just invite more. I dont' know if you ever played WarZ but thats what the entire game is. People pinned at the edge of the safezone with 1 million snipers shooting them as they leave. I think like everything in this game, Trade posts and safe zones should be organic and community created. Once base building starts, someone will create a safe zone with their clan
  20. Duenan

    Parkour in DayZ

    It would be cool yes but It wouldn't fit in a half starved post apocalyptic enviornment. To do parkour you need to be pretty healthy and well fed and then expend alot of calories. Besides which the collision detection in the game still sucks atm and I could see alot of falling through walls and broken legs
  21. Duenan

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    Aww whatsa matter? Does sniper baby not like the rain Get an M4 and I'll see you in CQB
  22. Someone already suggrested building fires but after watching a video of a the revolution in Ukraine I think this would add dimension and depth to urban warzones of Cherno and Elektro. You could use tires and other trash you pick up to light them on fire to create a smokescreen to conceal your movements and provide concealment from snipers. You could also use these as smoke signals for regrouping. It would also create a dual use for tires as people could then steal tires off vehicles (once they are implemented) If you find a half fixed up vehicle and want to use the tires for an assault on Cherno/ Elektro. Right now since we don't have smoke grenades theres effectively no deterrent for snipers unless you want to countersnipe and find someone that wants to play bait
  23. Duenan

    PVE or How to m ake Chernarus a better place?

    I like the idea of having to break into some houses... That would be great as it would give another use for the axe or crowbar
  24. Duenan

    The Soviet Connection.

    one word comrade S.T.A.L.K.E.R. seriously is chernarus not "THE ZONE"? I swear, If Bohemia retitled this game and paid for the rights you wouldnt even know the difference
  25. Duenan

    Sawn off Winchester 1895 // Mare's Leg-like

    Deer gawd... I want that IRL TAKE MY TAX STAMP MONEY!