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Everything posted by Duenan

  1. Duenan

    I sugges four things

    I wish there were pistol caliber carbines in game but that would be realistic in a poor country like chernarus
  2. Duenan

    Walkie Talkies and Radio, so much potential!

    I just found one of these walkie talkies too but the problem is its unlikely to hear anybody on the other end. Theres a bunch of channels so unless you periodically talk with it you're not gonna find someone unless they're periodically checking it even on a full pop server. This would be different if we had like radio tower at green mountain usable like a walkie talkie. Then you could actually have a better chance of picking up someone on the other end
  3. Duenan

    Hitting Somebody With Your Weapon

    this will be great when Mcfisticuffs spawn and want to play punchout. I'm tired of wasting bullets on them
  4. Duenan

    A Typical SKS story

    yeah I find the SKS is very sensitive to being dialed in properly. I tested it out on some zeds. Don't forget folks. The SKS is a TERRIBLE weapon in real life. Thats why no military uses it. It was designed post WW2 to fill a voice until the AK-47 came around. Then it was obselete. That said, It looks pretty when its made tacticool But it still shoots like sh!t
  5. Duenan

    DayZ feels American

    Don't you people realize the zombie apocalypse in Chernarus was a result of American war mongering
  6. Duenan

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Most of the stuff suggested in this thread is being developed along with throwing weapons and some improvised weapons. As for the ammo scarcity, i'm not sure about that
  7. Duenan

    Hollow points?

    Hydrostatic shock anybody? Along with a reworking of damage values for specific guns. I'm hoping when they add in some of the smaller caliber pistols, 9mm, .380, .40 they also add in HP By reworked damage values I mean that just like in arma, some .30 cal rifle rounds will penetrate most objects. Especially 7.62x39 and 51. Those will go right through concrete and of course wood as well and up to 3/4 in mild steel plate. 1/2 steel plate is kind of iffy depending on the round. I though this would give us a chance for hollowpoints which would maybe cause bleeding at a faster rate than FMJ. With exception being if you have a flak jacket or press vest the rounds would be less effective than FMJ. I dunno If I'm asking to much but I'm pretty sure the Arma 3 engine can support these damages. *Also it would be interesting if your weapon depending on the ammo type had different penetrative abilities. I.E. you could shoot through 1 or more zombies with a high caliber rifle. I think this type of thing would go well with my Battlefield surgery dynamic just as a thing to spice up gunplay so that effects of being shot are slightly different
  8. Duenan

    Hollow points?

    "I'm hoping when they add in some of the smaller caliber pistols, 9mm, .380, .40 they also add in HP" can you read?
  9. Duenan

    Realism Vs. Balance

    I agree the bullet damage values need to be reworked. Any .30 cal rifle round will drop you like a rock. That said the pistol rounds need to be reworked also. as for balance and folding stocks and other types of weapons. IRL there's no balance. You can be killed with a shovel just as easily as a tricked out M4 or a 10/22
  10. This will change with the next patch. If you want something interesting play on experimental. Part of the KOS'ing is because the zombies on regular server are no threat. This is not the case on the experimental servers. Gameplay will change when features and other things get added but there will always be some level of KOS
  11. Well....I have to say....very interesting. I've been soloing on the experimental and these zombies feel like the old DayZ mod zombies, By that I mean back when the zombies ran at you at super speed and you couldnt hit them. Well I should say these zombies are those upgraded to have decent run animations and jumping animations. And yes. You can hit these guys but MAN they're fast. You can still out run them by sprinting and lose them easily around the city (provided they don't glitch thru walls) or in the forest. However they do not yet have the same alert ai as those old zombies meaning as of yet there is no stealth possible (unless you catch one with its back turned). That said I witnessed in Svetlojarsk the "Dinner Bell" phenomena of old and it made me smile. The current zombies on the normal servers don't exhibit this. But it seems if you fire a weapon around a city or zombie spawning point more will spawn around you. I witnessed this first hand circling around a farm house with 2 zombies chasing me. I shot one, circled around and 3 more appeared. I continued this several times and everytime I got down to one or 2 zombies, Atleast 2 more spawned out of my sight of vision. They seem much faster and more aggressive than the normal server but they're so much fun that they actually are a threat now. Other interesting features in the experimental are Legpainhurt and Armhurt. I got an armhurt status and it says fractured but there is no animation for it yet and my character appears to function still as normal. But this is really interesting that the devs are creating localized wounding. Does anybody know whether i need to make a splint to fix my arm or just get some morphine and pain pills?
  12. Duenan

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    The key to survival when approached by a robber is F4 Detroit side step Axe to the face
  13. Duenan

    Women Clothes

    We're not suggesting skirts and dresses, we're suggesting fitted clothes and a hairstyle thats not a bun. These types of things will probably be implemented along with beards right before the game is schedualed for full release if they're added at all
  14. Sound like great rumours to me. Seriously? does the average person know how to fly a UH60? NO!
  15. Duenan

    Experimental Zombie AI 35.115791

    Its not that they can hit you from 5 meters. It's that they JUMP at you from 5 meters. I witnessed this while one was charging at me and I had a perfect shot. I missed as the Z leapt at me and hit me.
  16. I also should say... Mmmmmmm..... cock breast..... It should be alot easier not to starve to death once you'll be able to hunt again
  17. Well its good to see things coming slowly but steadily. Ha! Once this patch is updated it will be on par with the old mod basically. Then hopefully the CLEAN UP THE ZOMBIE AI but, I'm not really gonna hold my breath
  18. Duenan

    A Typical SKS story

    I havent had an issue with the sks. That said I noticed on zombies to be accurate you have to dial in your PU scope appropriately or it can be way off at times.
  19. Duenan


    You guys obviously have not played the experimental servers...GOOD LORD have fun with the next major patch heh heh heh these guys are waiting
  20. Duenan

    New City in the North on experimental

    Maybe I did that on purpose comrade...
  21. Duenan

    New City in the North on experimental

    I think they're gonna add more to it just due to the terrain. It might turn into the the cherno of the north
  22. Duenan

    The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

    I'm glad they added in this gun along with the 10/22 even if it is an ex soviet republic. We need more non-military weapons.
  23. Duenan

    Dragging Comrades

    this is great. now we can knock people out and drag them off into the woods
  24. Duenan

    Building weapons.

  25. Duenan

    The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

    I think when the weight system is introduced we'll see the real value of the .22 since you'll be able to carry up to 1000rnds of .22 and still have room for other junk where as good luck trying that with 7.62 or 5.56