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Everything posted by Duenan

  1. Duenan

    Making guns a much more in-depth factor

    I think just like Deans idea with cars. Guns should spawn in varying states of usuability. If this is the apocalypse then most of the milsurp weapons could have been exposed to varying levels of stress. You could have a M4 with a warped barrel or something that needs to be replaced. You can have effects for firing cheap corrosive ammo in guns that are more finicky. Where as you can end up with mechanical failure , damaged mags that fail to load or messed up springs. Failure to feed issues. The trick is to due it without making it too burdensome. I can see if they do end up making something like this. Everybody will use simpler weapons like the AKs milsurp soviet stuff and revolvers and dbl barrel shotguns and they have simpler mechanisms
  2. Duenan

    experimental 42 impressions and suggestions

    I agree with the weapon readies. They take too long and are unresponsive and lead to a kiting match against zed or other players... i understand the low ready as you dont want to have someone with an axe be a threat or atleast give the a chance to lower the weap. I dont know fix it but a client side fix could have problems with lag. I agree most of the rifles should have optics. Especially the .22 sporter. .22 dmg values need to be redone to reflect their real world lethality. Currently their values are that of an airgun. I too havent found any .22 mags but that could just be that people are taking them all to experiment with the guns. Im not sure if they're not spawning or not. I havent had a problem finding backpacks but lately alot of pp are playing experimental so just remember every route you take to a town, someone has taken it before. Currently the spawns are setting up so that everybody has t run either NW or SW to get loot since everybody on experiemental spawning somewhere around the NE. I havent had an issue with speedloaders. They work just like mags to me. All weapons should be paintable but im sure that'll come later. The main bugs are still there with ghosting but i like the more aggressive zombie AI. Though there are some problems with spawning. Zeds should spawn a little further around u when u get serious aggro. RIght now they spawn too close and its obvious since u can run in a circle and keep picking up new zeds even in the middle of a field
  3. Duenan

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    We should have armbands in the game that can be made from rags but the Players should dictate what those armbands mean.
  4. Duenan

    Zelenogorsk - the forsaken city

    screw zelenogorsk Unless u want a 7.62 in your headm go to pushtowka
  5. Duenan

    Well / Spigot / Fountain Kills

    Theres more than enough streams lakes and ponds in the inland area that u should never need to go to a spigot ever
  6. Duenan

    Making guns a much more in-depth factor

    To a certain degree its a good idea but if it gets too in depth it becomes a burden. In reality a gun is going to outlive its user if even hardly taken care of. With weapons like the mosin, sks, ak-47 and 74 the amount of actual problems a person would run into would be slim to nil. Russian weapons were made to work. Its why the AK is so damn reliable. Other weapons like the mosin and sks have such a simple mechanism and built to certain tolerances that short of a tank running over them, they'll go bang every time just as they're supposed to. Remember most of those weapons were designed to fire highly corrosive ammo and not hardly have to be cleaned at all. I think you'd have more of a problem with the M4 than you would with the soviet bloc weapons making those guns more desireable
  7. Duenan

    What we see, and what would be awesome too see..

    Cherno should look more like this
  8. Duenan

    Ok... So your friendly... BOOM!

    Hey look at me I'm friendly!
  9. Duenan

    I'll see your two guns, and raise you ..

    I do it because I play L4D style I wish there was some sort of statistics that would show when you die. But my character's philosophy is to end the infection 1 bullet at a time
  10. they're there to rape you when you're dumb enough to fire a gun inside a town
  11. Duenan

    Ok... So your friendly... BOOM!

    wow. I play hero but I never make contact with people. Like iI came across a dude with a ton of zombie aggro in experimental and he had an axe. I fired a single shot to get all the zombies to come to me and give him some time to do whateve and just retreated.. Good on ya mate!
  12. Duenan

    Post Your Gear So Far

    My char almost starved to death but luckily found a bag of rice at the last moment. Ever since then I've found tons of gear and have had to fight 2 idiot punchout noobs. I'm getting attached to this char. It's been 2 weeks
  13. Duenan

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I used to go around with the courier backpack for a longtime but since I found the 357 I decided to finally upgrade to the Taloon. I now have 4 guns although I might drop the .22 rifle if I find the .22 Mk3. The guns are both useless atm moment in experimental but I have a ton of .22 so itll be fun to go for headshot practice in a town with it. It'll keep from wasting al the good ammo for a bit Against zombies I mean.
  14. Duenan

    Suggestion: Insanity

    its not a bad idea. It would add something definately to the game if the fundamentals are reworked. I like the idea of just being around zombies as causing stress. Same with getting shot at. There could be a bit of a sanity meter like Amnesia where if you go nuts you auto suicide with whatever weapon you have. Or maybe your char just sits down wherever he is an mutters crazily to themselves
  15. Th They should be able to be sawn off into the SBR pistol version and also Sig 380
  16. Duenan

    One strap bag idea. (Pics, Gifs, 3D Models)

    well you can use the improvised courier backpack for this basically a 1 strap backpack would still only have 12-15 slots but is great if you want to go light and have a smaller visual signature.
  17. Duenan

    bridge between map and utes (late content)

    A new landmass would be awesome but only if they built everything there from the ground up
  18. Duenan

    First time I lost my temper :)

    You wanted harder zombies. you got it!
  19. A simple thing like randomizing player spawn points would do wonders to change the pacing of the game. Setting it on the coast is the biggest flaws of this game. because that makes the game completely linear and predictable. Everybody runs to the towns to loot and most never venture inland at all. They only will once vehicles become availible. They also need to give characters meaning. Let us learn skills from all those books. Let us have Power Stations we can bring back on line. Green Mountain radio stations we can control. Let us search around bases and medical facilities for story lore. Give us custom features for chars so we get attached to the way our char looks and junk. DayZ needs to grow from being a mod into a game. It still feels like a mod. WHERE IS THE ART DIRECTION? The no.1 that makes great games is art direction. What is the story you're trying to tell? Why is the character in this world? What must the character do to overcome thier struggles. Make the player feel like they have an impact and its not just counterstrike on a really big map
  20. Duenan

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1.Supressors and subsonic ammo 2.female clothes and different hair lengths 3. More artistic world (vines on buildings, run down burn out buildings, dead bodies in random areas) 4. Collision detection for everything 5. More pistols in smaller calibers and civilan weapons
  21. don't stand infront of a door when you open it... rule no. 735 of DayZ
  22. Duenan

    Another frustrating day on DAYZ

    Low ready in cities and around towns/buildings herpedy derp
  23. Duenan

    Friendlies are plentiful in DayZ- At least, for me

    Ugh I've played for 50+ hours on SA and killed 3 people all in complete self defense. think I met 2 friendlies. One guy I ended up running to Berezino with but we got lost since it was nightfall. That kinda of sucked because he was a really nice guy. The other guy I met wandering around later in Berezino in the supermarket and we both said "Hi" and parted ways. Two of the idiots I killed were fresh spawns that just ran up to me and started punching. One of them while he was running up to me with a zombie chasing him and I offered to help him and and give him a gun but he chased me and started swinging. The other guy attacked me at Balota, It's hit and miss but I think theres more friendlies on experimental than the regular servers atm. It might because the zed's are on crack on experimental
  24. Duenan

    Two primary weapons

    You don't need 2 primary weapons. You can already carry around 4 guns at once. I do and I'm using the improvised courier backpack I have 1 Blaze in hand which is my primary 1 SKS on my back 1 FNX45 in the pack 1 357 in the pack HOW MANY MORE GUNS DO I NEED TO CARRY? it makes sense that you have to set the gun down because irl carrying this many guns is frickin rediculous. What you're asking for is 3 primary weapons plus any guns you have in your pack. Add to this if I wanted to I COULD carry a sawn off if i dump the rest of my food and I'm using one of the smallest backpacks in the game. If i'm allowed to carry 2 rifles on my back that means I can carry another 1 in my hands. THAT'S 3 RIFLES plus whatever you have in you backpack C'mon man...
  25. Duenan

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    10000000% agree guns arent lying around on military bases for anyone to grab they should be locked up in armories and it should be tough to get to them but once you do....o man btw this would not stop the KOS fields of the airport. People just would camp the airport waiting to rob the first person that heads to the armory even if they have to use a 10/22 to do it