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Everything posted by Duenan

  1. Duenan

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    It's been a while since the P1 was put into a game and all this time I have NEVER seen 1 P1 magazine EVER. Thing is, it apparently isn't that much of a popular pistol because I find them lying around everywhere so I'm guessing that nobody else can find mags for it either
  2. I saw it yesterday in the city halls and shoot my head.
  3. Duenan

    What to do with the edges of the map?

    I've been to the edge man.....I was there yesterday- Actually I'd like a mix of the suggestions- one side is an impassable river, the other side cliff face. Another side mountain or super dense forest that is impassable. Something to make it look to the player that the world goes on forever but you just can't get there is the key- You can have highways that are destroyed and impassable, wreckage or something. They did this alot in skyrim and fallout 3- most areas were blocked with mountains, rubble debris, closed off roads, waterfalls, rivers, etc etc I also like the idea of an increasing number of zombie spawns that are triggered at the edge that can kill you
  4. Duenan

    0.51 Ammo Rarity

    personally I like the ammo rarity- Its more realistic- atleast if you're not stalking bases or airfields all the time. I find way more 380 .22 shotshells and 9mm than anything else and realistically that is the way it should be. all over the world the small calibers are pretty plentiful in civilian populations although the 7.62 x 39 and .54 aren't rare, much less likely to be come upon in bulk unless you find someones stash. I was playing on an empty server just after reset to test some guns and even in freshly unlooted areas this was the case and it suits me just fine
  5. Yesterday I had a glitch in Novo where I was in one of those new warehouse buildings on the second floor with 3 zombs chasing. I waited at the top with the shotgun but instead of running up the stairs they teleported into the walls or went invisible and I took some damage. I had to run back outside for them to reappear to shoot them. I think this is just a glitch with some of the nav mesh of these buildings because inside the city hall they ran up the stairs correctly - however in the bar I had the same thing where they would teleport or go through the walls when running up stairs... Nav mesh nav mesh nav mesh!
  6. pFFFT Dry wells? I live next to a dam...
  7. I used to play on populated servers on the mod when it was fun. After a bunch of hack attacks and retarded server admins that would throw bitchfits when we got in firefights and they died I decided to go to low pop. Then on Dayz SA it was mostly performance issues. It was and still is- enough of an annoyance on my crappy internet that I can tell when someone is around me because i'll lag a bit- although in the last patch its gotten alot better. I for one never really get tired of exploring and play a little bit with every patch update. I also like the feel of being the "the last man on earth" type of deal when theres like 10 or less players on the servers. I actually think that adds to the game play. On higher pop servers it always feels like you're running into people since everybody goes to the same locations in a loop since we always spawn on the coast. If we spawned at random places on the map I'd be more inclined to play a full pop server because you'd never know what you're going to get and its not the long run inland to find some loot
  8. Duenan

    Do we really need more towns?

    As others have said- make the atmosphere more unique. Some of the lone farmhouses should have like loads of cars and hastily made barricades as if some surviors made last stands there. Random buildings should be burnt out husks and maybe whole city blocks and be burnt out destroyed buildings. Show car accidents - cars rammed into buildings, car accidents in weird places. Gridlock outside the cities. Show events that took place like maybe a shot up car in the middle of a dirt road in the wilderness. Show empty graves that weren't even filled. Empty aid relief places and quaratine zones completely with Mess tents, sleeping quarters, porto potties and things like big piles of clothings and other items that had to be sorted or discarded from incoming refugees. OVERGROWTH- Put vines and bushes growing inside houses and things. Some parts of Cities should be flooded or covered in mud from ruptured pipes and septic tanks In short- look at The last of us. Thats the best game I can think of when it comes to atmosphere in a post apocalyptic setting. ***IMPORTANT** ADD IN CROWS and rotted bodies. There is nothing more desolate feeling than swarming carrion birds in a bleak run down area. At this point the art team should be focusing on thematics and atmosphere- you can add in other zombs and guns later
  9. Duenan


    I'd love to see grenades used as booby traps Use Rope + Grenade = Trip wire explosive Place Grenade on bodies so that when the next person goes to loot a body it blows find clever ways to setup grenades or triplines so that when doors are opened they go off along with IEDs and molotovs.....mayhem would be had by all
  10. Duenan


    This is why we KOS.. Everyone....all the time... Sorry to the nice people out there, but if you're in my sights, there's a 98% chance you're a douchebag
  11. Duenan

    Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs

    How bout both? Tazer and Tranquilizer. The game really needs to give us options on how to interact with people because the only prudent option right now is hot death at 1500fps. Imagine getting the drop on someone. Either using a taser or tranquilizer to knock them out. Dragging their body back to your car. Handcuffing them and driving them out to an abandoned shack to have a little fun. Stealth could be something that could be amazing in this game since unlike any other game- you'd be using stealth against REAL players and not just zombie AI. Imagine hunting and stalking someone with the intent to capture them instead of kill them
  12. Duenan

    What is the point of this game?

    This is a sandbox game. As it stands there is nothing in the game to do other than PvP. it's really quite dissapointing in its current state. In its current version think of it like a giant Deathmatch game. The only goal is to kill as many other players as you can. I hope some of the other open world zombie games add more to push dayz to grow a bit.
  13. Duenan

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I'd like a kill cam and ragdoll falling over. Especially for non lethal hits. Also realistic damage. Say you got shot in the arms legs or stomach and don't die instantly. Rather you lie there as everything slowly grays out/reds out and blurs and can make out someone coming to loot your soon to be corpse. You can hear your self breathing heavily/ gurgling choking/crying etc. At that point you can choose to either give up (die) and respawn or wait until the screen fades completely to black and then you get the You're dead screen
  14. Duenan

    Question about the certainty of this game

    The reason for this early access stuff is that the global economy is crappy. In pre-2008 days it was no problem to go to a bank and get a loan for a project by a company. These days since banks don't want to lend, people are using kickstarter, and steam early access etc. It's slowing down the business and development cycles and taking longer to do something rather than if a bank cut a check right off the bat. This is why gaming is turning towards alphas. It's also good because it gives smaller developers who could never get a loan for their projects since they would have to do a personal loan, access to a potential audience that can crowd source their game.
  15. Duenan

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    The longer they put off switching the engine, the more difficult it will be to make the switch
  16. Give us guns....All types but make ammo rare If you want to solve all of the KOS and community problems, camping and everything in one fell swoop Get rid of the ammo. It should be incredibly rare and precious In lieu of gun we should be able to use spears, throw rocks, and bows and arrows from the self craftable to modern bows that are in peoples houses but we need to craft the arrows. Bows should behave like bow's meaning no sniper shots and the don't necessarily kill instantly but are more likely to cause broken bones or bleeding effects. This will give people a chance to talk even if someone shoots on site while you're lying there bleeding the other person can choose to cuff you, leave you for dead, or heal you This would DYNAMICALLY change the nature of DayZ to a true survival game if ammo was scarce and it would get rid of kiddie campers that get bored once they have the best rifle with 100 rounds and nothing to do. Please bump this topic if you agree so Rocket and the devs can see it
  17. Duenan

    Dayz Standalone in animated form

    Watch it: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/636863 It's so true. This is basically accurate as hell to the current state of this game for better or for worse
  18. right now this game is kill or be killed Unless you get the drop on someone, theres not really much interaction possible. If you see them and they see you. Somebody is getting a bullet.
  19. Duenan

    Crossbow damage

    irl crossbows are no joke. They'll rip right through ballistic vests that don't have rifle plate. The previous damage value was spot on. From 100meters with or without armor it should be a one shot kill. I'm assuming that the draw on the dayz crossbow is 150-175lb because it looks like a copy of Barnett xbow. Real damage values would have it ripping right through you. you can't tell me being hit with this with proper shot placement wouldn't ruin your day I wish the devs would stop trying to "balance" the weapons in this game. Every weapon should be 100% lethal 1 shot kill with proper shot placement. Even the .22. If they did this it would add to the "survival" aspect of the game. You wouldn't needlessly run into a gunfight when you have a 90% chance of dying and losing all your loot. Right now, you can really count on patching up and finding some splints if you manage to win the fight
  20. Duenan

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Until CORE MECHANICS are fixed Nothing else should be even on the table. Right now you have essentially a broken game with no functional core mechanics other than shooting and even that is messed as damage values and accuracy values are completely screwed up. THIS is why people spend all day KoSing. There is no game here. What is there to play? I'd like to see a list from the devs of what their core mechanics are. We know we have shooting, looting, zombie ai and crafting. Those four things a game do make. Make sure they are all functional as you don''t have a game without them. Who cares about gun skins and hats especially when damage values are silly and zombie AI is non functional.
  21. What is this game? A tactical shooter? A surival simulation? Survival horror? Post apocalyptic shooter? MMORPG? It seems like it wants to do everything but is not excelling at anything. It has its moments here and there but all in all I think it is sorely lacking in direction. What exactly is this game trying to do? Don't tell me its a new genre because everything in it has been done better in other venues
  22. Duenan

    Allow players to choose approximate spawning area.

    This is really the problem with this game atm and I fear for the future. If all everybody wants to do its go and get in firefights they WHY DON'T THEY PLAY ARMA 3? What is the point of this game atm? Its not survival. Its just a sandbox shooter because theres nothing to do. (and not even a good sandbox shooter at that) I kind of can't wait for these other games like H1Z1 and State of Decay MMO, and Dying Light to come out just to pull away some of the player base from DayZ. I know the devs are adding in dribs and drabs but I'm beginning to think the execution in general of this game or type of game is flawed at the moment. There needs to be a meeting on core design. What do the devs want? A shooter? A coop squad shooter? A walking and hunting shooter? Twitch shooter? Tactical Shooter? Or a survival game? Right now in every catergory this game is failing miserably and there doesnt seem to be a clear vision of what they actually want to make
  23. I remember making my way along the railroad coming from svetlo and saw someone ahead of me sprinting along the tracks for dear life. I sighted him in several times with the sks but decided against it. He didn't have much and I try not to add to the KoSing in this game
  24. Core Mechanics 100% Im looking at Rust, and the new H1Z1, Dying Light etc etc. I'm tired of people saying this game is in alpha blah blah blah, You see the dev releases of games that are in alpha and they dont look nearly as buggy or lacking as this
  25. Duenan

    Metropolis or large urban city?

    There is a massive area for a giant city in the far north along the train tracks. Currently there are roads there already placed along the fields. I bet they're just place holders but there is certainly more than enough space in that valley area. Other wise there is pretty much nothing aside from fields in that area anyways