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Everything posted by Duenan

  1. Duenan

    Chernarus Radio Tower

    So I came across the radio tower expecting snipers and and a ton of people and there was nobody there I thought to myself Man, this would be awesome if I could broadcast across Chernarus from this radio tower to anybody that had a walkie talkie! So Why can't we!?? It conjures up images of Three Dog from Fallout 3 broadcasting across the Capital Wasteland That would give this place a tactical advantage and meaning in the game. If a group could control the radio tower and then be able to use it like a giant walkie talkie to coordinate their groups on the ground and in vehicles and Heli's later I know it's alpha but this needs to be in the game. I also think power stations should be able to supply light at night making them tactical targets too. It would give the world meaning and also give people some reason to wander to certain spots instead of the military bases and airfields Also it would GET PEOPLE AWAY from the COAST seriously folks the map is huge get out of the cities
  2. Duenan

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Not if the bow is not an insta kill and has bow physics. remember bows do not fly straight. Further more the arma engine can add in things for wind resistance and direction so what seems like a perfect shot ends up missing slightly. Not to mention you could add in the fatigue of your character if he had been running all day then pulls a bowstring or perhaps he is starving and he can't pull the bow all the way back. You could also add in different poundage bows so you could have 100lb bow but add in windspeed and direction along with a weak character that has no strength because he didnt eat/ is sick and you could hardly hit the broad side of a barn
  3. Duenan

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    I should say not just bows, but single shot weapons. Or by default a pistol or rifle becomes single shot with only one bullet The game should be more melee focused because 1st of all it takes place in Russia. Not america. Rural russia isnt armed to the teeth. 2nd of all the Zombie apocalypse already happened meaning most of the ammo would have been expended by civies, military and police. There are no more factories producing anything so what's there is there There should be all sorts of melee usuable objects. Bows for ranged. The ability to throw things from lawn darts to spears to a baseball. There should be weapons like a hockey stick, tennis racket, broom handle and a mop that you can use to what people over the head. Including golf clubs etc. This focus would dramatically change the game in terms of the way it plays if we all did not have the latest m4 with tons of attachments and a backup pistol with 3 mags full. Zombies and other players would become a bigger threat and would need more planning to take down if you come across a group of people armed with hockey sticks, pool cues and a sword or something and 1 pistol with 2 rounds. You could even up the damage rate for guns to make them a near surefire kill because in the course of scavenging for an hour you only found 2 bullets I hope the devs see this
  4. Duenan

    I haven't seen 1 other player yet!

    Yeah the Idea is the devs need to find a way to get people OUT of the dang cities I know if I want to see people just stand outside cherno or elektro and wait to be shot in the mouth. But that's rediculous The map is not just cherno and elektro yet you people are having a war down there while I am geared to the teeth because I decided to explore a little Theres so many other amazing locations on this map that nobody ever goes to that would make awesome bases,tradeposts etc yet you guys love the cities....its depressing
  5. Duenan

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    Bullet's aren't rare enough This game needs bows and arrows that incapacitate and don't kill you instantly mixed with guns and a serious lack of ammo Ammo should be rarest thing in the game with guns that are plentiful and can be used like clubs Some guns like single shot shotguns should be able to be used like a muzzleloader in the advent of no bullets
  6. There needs to be bow and arrow and craftable spears and clubs in this game.. I can't WAIT for bow and arrow
  7. Excersize and healthy eating lay off those donuts ROFL this is awesome