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Everything posted by jibler

  1. just died to another Teleporter saw him in town through my scope disappeared then he was on me shooting me could see him clip 30 to 40 feet at a time on the run over he just said hax bro after he killed me
  2. jibler

    People who eat tuna

    dumbest thing i haver herd for a long time
  3. sigh no more beans for me till this is fixed
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIZ-OWlping must watch we where playing as a clan had two sniper teams as over watch one with eyes on hospital this guy pops out of know where and gets the kill
  5. jibler

    Hackers :(

    I was fully geared for about three days and going strong then i was in the air field and a gun came out of the ground of the jail floor and shot me shot back could only hit the floor but he could shoot me this is getting out of hand. I have no issue dieing to a normal player but this is just getting old