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About sawgunner1371

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sawgunner1371

    Promblem installing game

    i found the solution i will post it so if anyone else has this promblem A staff member has replied to your question: Hello Cory, Thank you for contacting Steam Support. Please complete the steps below to refresh your configuration files for Steam: Exit Steam. When prompted by Steam to reset your configuration, please click 'OK' to confirm. Once done, login to Steam and re-test the issue. If you have multiple installation folders for games doing this process will remove them. You will need to add the folders again in Steam so that your games will appear as installed. In order to add these extra installation folders please do the following: 1. Open Steam 2. Click Steam > Settings (Preferences on Mac) 3. Navigate to the 'Downloads' tab 4. Click the 'Steam Library Folders' button 5. Click on 'Add Library Folder' and add the directory that contains your games 6. Click 'OK' 7. Restart Steam If the issue persists, make sure your network is optimized for Steam: Title: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1456-EUDN-2493 Please follow all suggestions in this article, even if your network appears to be functioning correctly.
  2. sawgunner1371

    Promblem installing game

    I bought the game on steam and the game will not do the intial install to start downloading the game please help i have restarted steam and my computer a few times and have try to install the game atleast a dozen times i have plenty of room on my HD and i have no connection promblems