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Everything posted by BEWARE-OF-ME


    Where is everyone?

    waiting for a fucking stable patch that i can fucking play on
  2. Hi everyone. When playing DayZ Mod, I am experiencing almost unplayable framerates. This framerate constantly bounces from 13-25fps. I have tried the GPU_Maxframesahead fix though that showed no results. I have tried mounting the overpoch mods to ramdisk, though allocating 5gb for them left me with under 1gb of ram left. I know the 4100 is a bulldozer and I know it's shit, but it's OC'd to something like 4.1ghz. My radeon 7850 should run this game swiftly but it doesn't. Is there a way to allocate more FPS to the game, so I can get somewhat above 30fps? I just need something to fix me until christmas when I get my i5 and my GTX760. My HDD really needs de-fragmented. It'll take less time to reinstall windows lol. Would a re-format of my windows help this? Files are indeed all over the place and I've not defragged it since february. I've got a sata2 hard drive, but how much does that matter? Any fixes for my current situation would be greatly appreciated.

    FX 4100, Radeon 7850 "Shitty Frames"

    i get like 130fps in the editor and singleplayer but not on multiplayer

    FX 4100, Radeon 7850 "Shitty Frames"

    please help it's really annoying

    Dear hackers, please stop

    Accessing a few variables and using them to your advantage isn't hacking lol that's just changing and setting variables lololol
  6. That's been around since the existence of dayz!?!?! It's just not implemented into SA yet, because of obvious networking and client issues. I should be able to switch a server when and if i feel like it. Persistent loot will not fix farming!

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Desktop 1920x1090 AMD FX 4100 OC'd to 4.0 HIS Radeon 7850 2gb GDDR5 8gb 1333mhz No SSD

    explosive ammo/armor piercing bullets

    I think what you're wanting is an Anti-materiel rifle

    Was Excited For The Patch..

    Well if the game wasn't built around the most un-optimized and shittiest engine of all time maybe we wouldn't have constant fuck ups lol

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I have DayZ SA, though I don't seem to produce a good frame rate in places such as Elektro and Cherno. What settings would you recommend for me? Getting shit frames in the cities at least. ( < 20 fps! )

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Well, I'm having troubles running DayZ SA on my rig, here it is: (the CPU is pretty shit) CPU: AMD FX-4100 4core GPU: HIS AMD Radeon 7850 2gb GDDR5 PSU: Corsair CX600M Builder OS: Win7 Home Premium RAM: 8gb DDR3 1333mhz (pretty slow) HDD: 1tb Help, i don't know if it is any good :(

    Hardcore gasmask

    If we're having gas masks, we need gas grenades. They're just for show atm as far as im concerned.
  13. M107 M40A5 M24 M21 L96 WA2000 Cheytac M200 Intervention SR25 L42 Enfield PSG1 AS50 L115A3 AWM Here's a cool one: SA-80.

    Multithreading and 64bit

    @damagefilter thanks for telling us about that, but that doesn't explain why a game such as Bf4 which probably has to swap a texture lots of times (idk how much, but more than dayz) runs better than a game that most likely swaps less textures. And if water is more complex why would I be getting 75fps+ when looking at it lol

    Multithreading and 64bit

    I've got an AMD Radeon HD 7850, runs BF4 pefectly, runs World of Tanks perfectly, runs War Thunder perfectly, runs just about anything, at a good rate. With only about 75-80% CPU being used. Barely is able to run DayZ Standalone. BF4 is one of the most graphically advanced games yet, I can reach a solid 50FPS on high settings. (it's one of the best looking & playing). Hell my old HD6670 even ran it at 25fps. DayZ on the other hand does not have the same graphical advancement *yet* (basically dayz doesnt look as good as bf4). Textures and high poly models fuck your cpu and gpu over sometimes, yet even running DayZ SA on the lowest possible settings outputs an irregular FPS rate for my card. (In towns -> 14-19 fps) (countyside/unpopulated areas/coast -> 30-35fps) Why? Because DayZ Standalone is horribly written and is archaic as far as technology advancements go. It's only utilizing 4gb of RAM, when some PC's even have 32gb! It's got limited multithreading support, but if they fix it as a priority, more people may be persuaded to buy the game with great performance. But the reviews on performance are doubting what the game specifications show. And I shouldn't need to go waste money on an i7 just to play 1 game properly.
  16. Well, ever since I heard the sound of the M4A1 I didn't like the way the weapon sounded. Don't get me wrong, it isn't terrible, though if this game is aiming for realism, sounds play a big part in my opinion. Same with the mosen, the sound before you changed it actually sounded closer to the actual weapon itself, watch this clip of a Mosin Nagat 91/30 if you don't believe me: The M4 could really do with a change, though i guess it's not essential. This has already been posted, though the weapon damage is far too unrealistic. Falling from a set of stairs 4 meters high will not kill you, and it won't absolutely demolish your loot. How many people have you seen with ruined pants after falling? (unless they ripped them against something) One other thing that could be addressed is ladders. They're incredibly buggy at this moment. Last night, I saw a bandit and went down stairs to flank him, but no, the animation decided to throw me from the fire station, leading to the destruction of my items, though my effort. I understand it's alpha, but it's the pain in the ass when you've just earned loot after hard work and to see it gone by a bug, annoys me. That was actually a bug there, but whatever *_*. More creativity with your weapons should be implicated, for example, more colours of spraypaint, such as red, purple, blue et cetera. Maybe even the creation of a homemade weapon? Sounds cool to me! It'd be cool to see some of these be looked at by rocket or someone, because to me these are all high priority excempt the weapon creativity.

    The Advantage of Voice... should be turned against them

    Think of every 3rd party voice chat program as a radio that you can't hear

    Weapon Sounds -- And a few other things

    Okay. Thanks!:)