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About xUnorth0dox

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    On the Coast

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  1. xUnorth0dox

    What happens if you log out?

    I'm not sure about this because whilst playing with friends I have seen characters disappear after what almost seem to be random time intervals. Sometimes they disappear almost immediately, others they have stayed for around 20 seconds and everything in between.
  2. Hi, my name is xUnorth0dox and i'm writing this guide in an effort to help new players get into and experience Dayz SA to its full potential, because hey, we were all new once, whether it be to the mod or the SA! Now, in this guide i'm going to provide you with 10 top tips and tricks aswell as my 10 rules for survival that I have learned and developed during my 750 hours in the mod and my 150 in the SA. Before I begin properly, I would just like to say that this guide is not aimed at people who don't even know how to move their character, I would simply recommend checking the controls menu option in game for that sort of thing. It is aimed at people who understand the concept of Dayz but want to know more to make their experience better, so if you understand that Dayz is about SURVIVAL, zombies, scavenging and crazy, maniac, satanic, cultist arseholes who steal your pants, make you sing miley cyrus down the mic and force feed you bleach, (not to scare you bambi's or anything ;) ) then this is the guide for you! Ok so lets start with my 10 rules for surviving ( atleast 10 minutes :P ) in Dayz. For each rule I shall explain my reasoning behind it and tell any funny stories I have to try and help keep you guys interested :D. I would also like to invite any more experienced players on this thread to post alterations or other rules they believe to be important, in the discussion. 1. FOOD, WATER, MELEE WEAPON. These are the first things you need to try and find no matter where you spawn. Now obviously, food and water are obvious ( or atleast i hope they are...) but some players may argue with me that a melee weapon is not a priority. I couldn't disagree with that statement more, a melee weapon is your first stepping stone on the defending yourself road, it will allow you to kill zombies and command some form ( if minimal) of power over other players. Whilst zombies are not too much of a threat at this point, they can still be hard bastards and having a decent melee weapon over your mike tyson hands has saved my life countless times. 2. TRUST NO ONE FULLY, EXCEPT THOSE YOU KNOW AND SEE IN REAL LIFE. This is mainly because you can beat them up later if they do something dickish to you, finding some random internet jackass is more difficult. If you feel yourself becoming uncomfortable with someone you've met online kids, make sure you tell an adult.... HAHAHHAHAHA jks.... Just axe him in the face. 3. I CAN ALMOST GUARANTEE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND WHAT YOU NEED. This can be anything from food when starving to ammunition when out, so when managing your inventory after you've found things like this, THINK AHEAD, look over your inventory and consider the worst case scenario, then make an educated choice about what you take. For example, "you have a surplus of food but have found a tin of beans. Do you drop matches to take it?" Well, firstly consider your current hunger level, is your character energized or starving? Then consider what he would be at roughly if he consumed all your current food (you get better at judging this over time), then decide whether to take the beans. 4. NO ONE IN BIG CITIES IS TRULY FRIENDLY. Dayz is full of bastards, its a true fact. Just because someone says they're friendly , IT DOES NOT I REPEAT NOT MEAN THEY ARE. This fact is especially true in big cities such as Cherno or Elektro, where all the new spawns have found their first weapon and are more protective of it than a mother over her own child. Not dissing new spawns but in my experience that basically nails it. For this reason 90% of the people you meet are jumpy as shit and another 9.9 % are too experienced to be jumpy as shit but will kill you in half the time with half the noise ( side rule: NEVER fuck with people who aren't nervous in big cities unless they're heroes and armed with badass shit but then you shouldn't be fucking with heroes armed to the teeth anyway). The other 0.1% are actually friendly YAY :D problem is they have usually been fucked over backwards by the first person they see and so you never get to meet them. So yeah, better to just kill people you meet in big cities, sorry I know it sounds bad, but this is a guide about surviving, not making friends. 5. LADDERS ARE NOT (CURRENTLY) YOUR FRIEND.... Yeah don't really need to explain this one, just don't try and use a ladder in SA... You'll get fucked up ... 6. IF YOU ARE HIGH UP ON A LEDGE DON'T DO A CALL OF DUTY. Unlike some other games, Dayz acceptable fall distances are not massively high, in fact they're a little on the short side. Whilst you can fall from anything under about 1.5 metres, start getting higher than that and you really start risking breaking your legs, which is royally gonna fuck up your experience, basically you're gonna have to crawl until you either die or get someone to give a morphine injection, in fact you can make splints now, but the best cure is just not to break your legs in the first place. 7. JUST BECAUSE YOU SEE A GUY IT DOESN'T MEAN THE SHIT HAS TO HIT THE FAN. Be intelligent basically, if you can see someone with a bigger more badass arsenal than you, but they can't see you just lie down and wait for them to move on. As Jackie chan said "best fights are the ones we avoid". If you see a bambi with an axe and you've got supplies coming out of your ears, just leave him, he's happy and will probably be dead in 10 minutes anyway and even a shitty hatchet can do damage if things get out of hand, just be smart. 8. ENTER AIRFIELDS AT YOUR OWN RISK... Yes, airfields are great , full of military gear and cool weapons and loads of ammo and badass motherfucking red necks with all this shit already picked up...wait what? Yes, chances are you're not gonna be the first one there and if some people managed to get there in a group chances are they dug in and are waiting to prey on helpless players such as yourself. So be careful on airfields, scan the entire place out first and at the first sign of trouble BUGG THE FUCK OUT. 9. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT ALL THE TIME YOU'RE RUNNING AROUND, THERE COULD EASILY BE SOMEONE WATCHING YOU. Be aware, never stop in the open to eat or drink and don't piss around with test firing weapons, keep your head on perma-swivel( hold Left Alt to free look) and adjust your game volume so you can clearly hear every sound around you. No word of a lie I have been successfully stalked across just about the entire map by a guy in a ghille suit and I had no clue he was there until he revealed himself, and I died... 10. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! Sounds kinda corny ik, but trust me don't rage quit because you died or fell unconscious, or even if you are about to starve to death, fight until the very end then start again. If you are captured by bandits, make me proud and get in a good punch before they kill you, don't give in to pressure under threat of death and always keep your dignity. You never know, even when a situation seems hopeless, fight and you might make it out, give in, and you die no matter what. Ok so I hope those 10 rules will be helpful to you guys :) and once again I invite more experienced players to help me out in educating new players on this discussion. Now my quick 10 top tips and tricks to help you survive. 1. YOUR DEFAULT SHIRT CAN BE MADE INTO RAGS WHICH CAN BE USED AS BANDAGES! (Widely known however I still see noobs almost daily running around bleeding looking for a bandage with their short still on.) 2. IF YOU LOOSE TOO MUCH BLOOD AND YOUR SCREEN BLURS SO BADLY YOU CAN'T PLAY, OPEN YOUR OPTIONS AND CLICK ONCE ON VIDEO THEN CLOSE. ( Glitch but helpful sorry Dean hall for exploiting your mistakes , will probably get patched soon though) 3. COMBINE A SALINE BAG AND IV START KIT TO MAKE A KIND OF MINI BLOOD BAG. WHEN ADMINISTERED BY ANOTHER PLAYER IT WILL RESTORE 500 BLOOD. 4. IF YOU GET HANDCUFFED, FIRSTLY DON'T LOG OUT, YOU'LL DIE. INSTEAD REPEATEDLY TAP SPACE BAR, THIS WILL MAKE YOUR CHARACTER STRUGGLE AND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BREAK FREE, ALSO DON'T LOG OUT WHEN UNCONSCIOUS, AGAIN , YOU WILL DIE. 5. A FIREFIGHTERS AXE IS CURRENTLY THE MOST EFFECTIVE MELEE WEAPON. 6. ALWAYS TAKE BLOOD TESTING KITS AS YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS NOW WORK LIKE REAL LIFE SO GET UP A BLOOD DONORS GRID BEFORE ATTEMPTING A TRANSFUSION (you'll need the kit to tell you your blood type). 7. AVOID EATING ROTTEN FRUIT IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. 8. BE SURE TO REFILL CANTEENS AND BOTTLES AT WATER PUMPS AND SMALL PONDS OR LAKES. 9. USE AN OUT OF GAME MAP IF YOU ARE LOST, JUST CROUCH IN A PINE, ALT+TAB AND FIND ONE ON THE INTERNET. 10. AVOID PRESSING V TO VAULT NEAR WALLS, IT CAN RESULT IN YOU BEING EATEN BY SAID WALL. Thank you so much guys for reading my guide, I hope I was able to help and it wasn't to long winded but I genuinely believe it is important to know everything I have listed above to improve your DayZ survival skills :) . Again I am happy to answer any questions new players may have here and I again invite more experienced players to share their opinions on what I have written here and help improve the piece with more helpful tips and advice for new players. Thanks again :D :D :D