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Everything posted by CosmicKirby

  1. CosmicKirby

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Played, no real problems and probably the most stable build since 1.6. Other then that... For the most part stealth feels just about right, if you err on the side of caution you get by, but pushing the envelope sometimes leads to you getting aggro. But running through a single office building, barn, or open warehouse drops aggro instantly. But on the other side of the coin, Apartments are @#$%ing death traps now. Both of my deaths today were a result of a Zed inevitably stepping on my legs while prone, the first time I deserved it, the second, well let me explain. I'm in one of the apartment complexes in Barazino where there's a supermarket across the street from 3 of these buildings. I draw the aggro of one zombie going in, kill him and others go to investigate. I draw their aggro as well, and I got to the top floor and prone. I SHOULD have lost aggro here, making no noise and no LoS, yet the entire time the group of about 3 or so was on me. They get to the top floor and I kill all 3 of them, but suddenly I get hit from below, a zed is attacking me through the ground, but then I realize there's now a zed behind me entirely. He obviously glitched through the floor, w/e I kill him still decent health. I go prone as I hear somehow more zeds and I try to de aggro them. But I check the doorway from the top floor staircase and see about 6 zeds trying to get to me... I try to take them down, my odds are decent, but then another zombie teleports through the floor behind me ,breaks my legs, and I get knocked out the moment my blood dips into that zone. What I gather from this... 1.) Vertical position currently doesn't break LoS for jack, at least in buildings. 2.) Zeds are spawning inside buildings and skipping the new system in place for preventing waves of zombies from spawning super close to players, perhaps the building is ruining the LoS for this check. 3.) Zeds can glitch through floors and staircases from below upwards. 4.) Those apartments are NOT worth it.
  2. Booted it up and found myself in an Apartment building on the third floor. I took a few steps while crouch walking and drew the aggro of 2 zombies, one on the 2nd floor below me and one outside of the building. Either crouch running is producing too much sound as a bug, or zombies are too sensitive to hearing now. The few posts I read about Zs flooding in from the other side of town lets me think it's the latter, but who knows. None of my items were blorked and my FPS only dipped a bit when those two Zs went searching for me (I went prone in one of the rooms above).
  3. CosmicKirby

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    I got that e-mail as well. It sounds like once they re-enable it it will either just remember your choice from before, or give the choice to all players again and it will be bug free. So either way it should be fine.