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Everything posted by newberryes

  1. newberryes

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    B-But..But Snares? can't wait see how the flashbang works,could be really useful clearing a building.I would see this be thrown and you could finally handcuff ppl more easy.
  2. i just can't see how ppl get satisfaction from killing fresh spawn,who is vastly out gunned.I can understand killing a geared player,for pvp...somewhat.you killing every player you meet just shows that you are sadist, literally. but i'm all ways happy to see friendly ppl it just show there is faith in DayZ.Player interaction is the best thing in DayZ not killing.
  3. newberryes


    it said in the 0.45 patch notes "Salmonellosis is cureable with antibiotics" soon....i put antivirals in syringe,but i wont let me inject to me or other players. Hopefully they will add diseases soon.
  4. newberryes

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    So i met a guy at gorka and we had dinner in the campfire,having fun until this guy starts shooting my new friend,so i killed the guy because good cover and he had bad aim.When i look looked at his body (ofc had everything, over 500 ammo jesus) and fully kitted M4, when i tried to reload the M4 it just said in the left down corner "<3" never hear nor seen this before,so after that i hid the body and left the M4 in the woods.Have you seen this ?
  5. newberryes

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    after this im not going in green mountain or black mountain.unless i have least 5 armed guys there. green mountain at night nope. I fear no man but that place.....it scares me...
  6. newberryes

    Coming back to DayZ... Maybe

    who da fuck goes elektro anymore? cherno and vybor are empty too,but yeah i hate that great places like sobor and vybor are empty.
  7. newberryes

    What should I keep? the AKM or M4?

    AKM, ditch dat M4 bitch out naow! but srsly i would pick the AKM over the M4,on the side note where have you been? tripping to balota to NW and back? jeesus man.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR1VtHOpEw8
  8. newberryes

    soooo. Ashwood bow....

    Km/h, Sorry but it's big deal (i think) also USA why yu no use metric system? too mainstream?
  9. Yes! Snares and new textures on improvised backpacks (use them all the time) Off topic: pls no 50cal.
  10. newberryes

    I Killed myself D:

    pics show everything D: he was moving and looking at me so i killed him(me) scary shit feels like a creepypasta D: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065804719/screenshots/?appid=221100
  11. newberryes


    i like the idea that you can't light a fire when it's windy,but the problem is it's perma wind all night it would seem.The only time you need campfire(unless you want to cook in the day) and you can't light it cuz there is wind even in dense forests.so i just have to go inside houses just to have fire?
  12. newberryes

    0.45 to stable, my stuff is glowing

    Heh,i see what you did there
  13. newberryes


    it seems zombies are now invisible :/ at least i have Edit: ok,this is bullshit i can't see any zombies and they are killing me...
  14. newberryes


    oh...classic bandit if it moves it can be killed :D
  15. newberryes


    Yay! tho i still waiting to servers to come up again :/
  16. newberryes

    Magazines for 1911

    I think this need be fixed soon,Big guns like SKS,mosin are too common to found. if you somehow find pistol before fully pimped SKS you still need to find a mag for it. more pistols need to be added and allways 1 mag inside them and less SKS, i haven't seen B95 in a long time,yet i found 2 SKS:s in piano house on the lobby and upstairs -_- way to many SKS:s currently in the world
  17. newberryes

    Where are all the scopes?

    do you need them? less bushhippie snipers,though where are the blood test kits?
  18. newberryes

    The CZ 550

    Look guys we allready have the mosin whit possible long range scope and the wiki has leaked that we are going to get SVD.We don't need bunch of sniper rifles like in the mod and we don't need more beanz steeling bush hippie snipers.
  19. well this i kinda sad... :/ dosen't seem to patch.
  20. behold the patch! ..........oh
  21. newberryes

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    i would really like stews,cooked beans and spagetti.:3
  22. newberryes

    Social experiment

    This is social experiment. I've seen a lot of post about game filled whit kids,personally i've seen only one,but im looking to see how people will react to this: Im 15 and i play Dayz (whitout mic i don't care if you think im lying) im looking to see how big of a sh#t storm i can make so.."let the games begin"