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Everything posted by newberryes

  1. newberryes

    Problems with current state

    Hold up imma stop you right there,do you think the fire department is a some kind of Private military company?
  2. newberryes

    I Feel Fufilled.. Do You?

    The moment you're fully geared you get the same feeling as watching some TV series and it just ends and you're left thinking: what's next?,what's the point in living? what purpose do i have in my life? deep stuff man deep stuff...
  3. Books,in real life i don't read many books but in dayz i'm close to finishing 1 of the books and have started reading the other ones.
  4. newberryes

    In response to characters being reset:

    Thank you,i didn't know you could avoid it but now i know and that helps so much. Again thank you.
  5. newberryes

    New Patch bug

    Wait, is 0.49 on stable all ready or you're talking about the new exp?
  6. newberryes

    Kiddy Bandits

    wait,do kids get puberty at the age of nine now? Since you said "under nine",kids they grow so fast these days.
  7. newberryes

    More spray anyone ?

    the moment i read about M4 drum mag it hit me right in the survival hood,damn it hurts. DayZ is survival game yet every guy i meet is this huge ass tacticool military ubersoldier.
  8. newberryes

    Kiddy Bandits

    eh......what? "kindness is betrayed" all im saying that there is so many posts( tho they have been deleted ) about this same thing,another one is unnecessary.
  9. newberryes

    Kiddy Bandits

    You were once 12 too,there is enough ageism post about " damn kids KOS all the time" etc. i don't think this post among others like this is needed.
  10. newberryes

    Rain will be the new night?

    now i just need disease system and better cooking/crafting and i'll never leave from the woods. Fantastic that they added the weather system,I love it !
  11. newberryes

    I think it's time.

    "Jaa"-nuuskmuik. unstable at least
  12. newberryes

    I think it's time.

    the engine simply can't handle the bandwith of 80 players it barely handles 40 with minor desync.
  13. newberryes

    They nerfed characters.

    did i miss something,since when weather effects characters? possibly it's just server message trying to mess with you.
  14. newberryes

    bug report 0.48

    eh....are you playing dayz? or pixel world?
  15. newberryes

    When to kill?

    I give about 10 secs,works fine with me,thanks to ageism most people who actually respond still get shot.
  16. newberryes

    Make Hunting Harder

    i think the bow sould be 2 less slots vertically,since it only fits on the mountain and hunting backpack (i know i know "huntingbackpack" but i like to have the crafted backpacks and the bow is too big for them) also CHICKENS! MORE CHICKENS! there's like 4 CHICKENS in the world and i need my arrows NOW! but srsly the chickens sould spawn as where the chicken houses that are all over the map i don't want to see chickens be as rare as bunnys or goats.
  17. newberryes

    R.I.P M4A1

    i would love to see global character wipe,no more hacked M4s.
  18. newberryes


    I never have said this,but even tho everyone wants vehicles, i genuinely want the weather,temperature and disease systems.The dream.
  19. newberryes

    Well, people did ask for more zombies

    i've been killed 4 that's right 4 times in row just because i spawn in with a horde on my back,i am so pissed right now.such bullshit maybe i'll lay off DayZ for a while to cool me down.
  20. newberryes

    Tent bait

    New is in cause blueberryes,and other berry related stuff were taken, i think even berry chair was taken....
  21. newberryes

    Pistol Magazine Rarity

    UAZ was great car in the mod,also "torilla ollaan".
  22. newberryes

    Tent bait

    oh i don't know....filling it up with your own gathered loot?
  23. newberryes


    will it update to 0.47? or just 0.46 +bugfixes, since its pretty crazy in Green mountain the ammount of loot lying on the ground is insane.
  24. I had actually interest to read this whole thing(rarely do,i hate books) and you bring up good points. The weight system NEEDS to be added and the overall inventory system needs to be improved if not revamped as same goes for the ballistics system.
  25. newberryes

    Heavy & Light Machine Guns

    Mhm,but you mentioned tanks,mortals and other heavy military stuff i say big NO to those, i don't mind if LMGs are added,but it is going to take time. It's not as same as adding new rifle LMGs are heavy and bulky to carry so will see .Also why so butthurt?