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Everything posted by Plaguetongue

  1. Plaguetongue

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    the L85 is a pretty rare aswell, and its a good 2nd weapon to the sniper to spot ppl with
  2. Plaguetongue

    Dear sniper camping elektro noobs....

    i bet it was not that hard earned, prolly looted in some camp
  3. shoot the legs off an unarmed player and throw him a flare
  4. Plaguetongue

    The way to find your gear

    ive seen alot of camps just around water pounds and lakes, or not far from, i guess cuz they have close to water supply. and yes it can ofc be hard to find a camp in the forest if ya dont have a GPS, use your brain before you use your tongue. i didnt tell ppl where to place camps, just told them where to look, none will scan every inch of the map so i just try to make it easier.
  5. Plaguetongue

    UK129 Ambush and helo patrol

    We aim to take over the north, the war is on :P
  6. Plaguetongue

    M249 Vs. MK48 Vs. M240

    MK48 imo, just love the optics
  7. Plaguetongue

    What gear do you rock?

    +1 ya have my beans
  8. Plaguetongue

    Could use more players on US 1313

    atleast crosshairs and nametags, 3DP is loved by many even if not myself do you know if there is any clans using it as home server? we have just started a war on a european server against a stronger foe so might have to retreat if it goes bad.
  9. Plaguetongue

    UK129 Ambush and helo patrol

    the one Hosted by RahpeX
  10. Plaguetongue

    UK129 Ambush and helo patrol

    And to the pilot, mark my words we are coming for that chopper of yours :P if we cant find and steal it we will shoot it down sooner or later hehe :P
  11. Plaguetongue

    The way to find your gear

    yup and making camps is pretty useless since it will get raided sooner or later, can be good to have some place where you can re equip weapons but for god sake only put up 1 tent, put it where no person have any reason to go, and put it in a low place where ya need to be close to see it, and under a tree so that you cant spot it from a chopper
  12. Plaguetongue

    What gear do you rock?

    DMR and L85A2 AWS for spotting, ghillie suit, NV googles, Rangefinder, sachel charges and ontop of that i have more common loot such as toolbox, gps, compass, food, water and few medical supplies
  13. Plaguetongue

    atv trade

    i drove mine into a lake, can i have a new?
  14. Plaguetongue

    For Sale: Boxes of Matches!

    kill a player and take em from him
  15. Plaguetongue

    Please help me! need food in kamyshovo! :<

    just die, respawn and loot yaself
  16. Plaguetongue

    L85A2 AWS

    i whould give ya one with ammo for a fully repaired Ural truck on my homeserver
  17. Plaguetongue

    EqE Recruiting 2 new bandits

    im 24, using DMR+NVG+rangefinder+IR laser on gun for spot. Professional teamplayer, played since Launch and i can find my way all over the map without any maps and stuff, exept in the middle of a forest where i need the compass, EU player ima use this On a level of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate your: Communication: 8-10 using Skype, TS3, vent, mumble Professionalism: depends on what i do but 8+ mabye Marksmanship: 10, i can shoot all snipers "like a boss" :P on moving targets or longrange Navigational Abilities: 8 mabye, hardly need any compass anymore, never use a map nowdays Humor: dunno 5? i do what i do firsthand, then there is always time for jokes later i whould like to know some things... how many are you in grp? what do you do as grp? how professional is the grp? EU or US server main?
  18. Plaguetongue


    looking at your age in profile makes even less sense
  19. Plaguetongue

    How to insert pictures on the forums

    click on image then put in url? or just add (img)theURLhere(/img) and use [] instead of () easy as that, load up from computer or use imagehack or something URL is the direct link to your picture, like (img)http://www.picture.com(/img) but with [] like this --->
  20. why dont just make a logout timer, if ya hit alt+f4 ur char should still be free to kill for 10 sec or something. ex. your 10 sec logout is reset if u move, if ya pull ur cable or loose connection u will still be in game for 10 sec, that whould do more good than bad i guess
  21. Plaguetongue

    was i lucky or what?

    why did the cake use as50= when he had NVG i wonder, only DMR and SVD that ya can use with nvg:s alst that he was in the middle of cherno in daylight is a bit strange so he prolly deserves it, good job
  22. Plaguetongue

    Looking for a challenge

    get on SE 4 tonight and come to the NWAF, go up in the firestation and light your flashlight, then the challenge begins =)
  23. Plaguetongue

    Am i a Bandit ?

    i shot 12 survivors today and stole their beans, am i a bandit? if you shoot in selfdefence ur not a bandit, if you go for the kill your a bandit, before it depended on how many murders ya had but they removed that
  24. Plaguetongue

    [Tradeing] High END GEAR :O

    i can tell you where u can loot an M24 and M107 for free if u send me a pm i just left it there cuz i like the DMR better (use with NV)
  25. Plaguetongue

    So can this not be played alone?

    vent around today and collected some gear for tonights raid... http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/2782/lootsy.jpg when you see someone you simply wont take the risk, 90% of all ppl will kill you on sight, and if you have some rare weapons and stuff u will never take the chance... there is a major different between survivor and bandits nowdays, survivors stay hidden if they see someone that dont see you, a bandit may open fire no matter what, one part stays away from trouble the other part seek it