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Everything posted by Plaguetongue

  1. Plaguetongue

    Bandits Wanted

    so why dont you just shoot your "friends" in the back? that will indeed start some trouble. im just sick of everyone asking for trouble and when they get it they whine...
  2. KOS means Kill on "sight" not kill on "site" get it right
  3. Plaguetongue


    i whould aks him for blood transfusion if i needed then i whould kill him and take the rest of his medical supplies
  4. Plaguetongue

    Bumped Into A GOD

    So? what is it to discuss here? or u just want some attention? =)
  5. Plaguetongue

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    lol RP, this will bring hackers to destroy them im pretty sure, u cant handle a group big as that in DayZ unless u know all of them IRL
  6. What is your main sniper rifle? and why? i use DMR cuz of the NVG usage and that i can control it best of them
  7. Plaguetongue

    Teen looking for non-assholes about age!

    cuz we usually want mature people, and we do talk about alot that is forbidden at your age. i could consider taking in ppl at 18 but still think 20+ or more is perfect. kids always screams or rages. find a grp that are all around your age
  8. Plaguetongue

    fuck you bastards

    dont go QQ for that, ppl does that all the time
  9. well done and nice domino effect, must have been totally out of control for the RR. a clan doing that rage whould never been able to do anything organised as a clan anyway
  10. Plaguetongue

    Lingor Island's Anti-alt+F4 system

    becouse if u fire at someone and miss they will hit alt+f4 anyway. none stay and takes up the fights anymore and thats boring cuz ppl only think bout ther duped shit and forgets the fun of the game
  11. Plaguetongue

    Mic Issues ...PLEASE HELP!!! :(

    plug in another out and test again, does the mic work at all on skype, ts, vent etc?
  12. Plaguetongue

    Want to team up!

    Are you female? how old?
  13. Plaguetongue

    No Muders, And i have helped People.

    - mabye u gave them blood with HIV or Aids. - The bandage mabye put on too hard and made their blood stop. - Morphine and painkillers mabye gave them a drug addiction =)
  14. Plaguetongue

    Teen looking for non-assholes about age!

    he is 13, read his profile. ya might find a grp of younger gamers, in my crew all are 22+ :P
  15. Plaguetongue

    Snipers poll, what is your main gun?

    ah well ofc then, the legal weapons are another story. most guns are dupes anyway
  16. Plaguetongue

    Swedish players? Where's my vikings at?

    gött eller så joinar jag er och softar runt lite =)
  17. Plaguetongue

    How to move as a Bandit?

    helo or nothing, use cars just for moving many ppl quick
  18. Plaguetongue

    Found chopper now what?

    Place it on a building in cherno where none can steal it but all can see it :P
  19. Plaguetongue

    Smartest player I have ever seen.

    i what way does this make him smart?
  20. Plaguetongue

    *You were kicked off the game* error fix.

    or just use DayZ commander and update to the right patch for both DayZ and Arma and it will work^
  21. Plaguetongue

    DayZ stream!

    Got a red screen with Security warning when i clicked the link =/
  22. Plaguetongue

    No more night?

    join a night server, 80% has Nightvision and DMR and will kill you on sight
  23. Plaguetongue

    Humanity -480k

    you are a massmurder, what do you expect?
  24. Plaguetongue

    Anyone wanna PK?

    52 murders and no bandits killed or any loot collected i guess