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Everything posted by guppy22143

  1. guppy22143

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    You. You're on my hit-list. I will chop of your legs and force you to have a cage match with a zombie. Get ready, pal. You've angered a medic.
  2. guppy22143

    When will the players change? + bonus story

    Unfortunately... There aren't many of us. But you will encounter medics, so don't KoS!
  3. guppy22143

    Giving us a point ?

    I think they should add everything, then fix the multitude of bugs. To make SURE they got 'em all.
  4. guppy22143

    Morgan Freeman - the god

  5. guppy22143

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Guys, quit being butthurt. It's just flame bait.
  6. guppy22143

    In your opinion...

    Anyone who kills a Medic.
  7. guppy22143

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    I hope you have beverages... I've been drinking cream for weeks! It's all I can find... :(
  8. guppy22143

    I ducking hate you bandits

    You weren't being "friendly". You were being a dumbass. You should have NEVER let your guard down.
  9. guppy22143

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Dean's leaving is his choice. Respect it, don't force him to stay. However, him leaving... Breaks my heart... :(
  10. guppy22143

    I ducking hate you bandits

    I keep diaries on each character, each one with it's own persona. This passes down my legacy when I die, and allows my assailant (or person who discovers my body) to determine if the kill was just. :D
  11. guppy22143

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    Aye. But no worries- the RRF Rangers can make quick work of bandits like that.
  12. guppy22143

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    offtopic warningYour signature... Is so helpful...
  13. guppy22143

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    Well, the next time you're in a situation like that, head over to the Reddit Rescue Force page, make a thread and shoot me a PM. I'll be the first on the case! :D...with my trusty side kicks AHEM I mean squad mates, of course... http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce/
  14. guppy22143

    Working History Tab

    Being DayZ'd by some stairs... The feels...
  15. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    BEWARE AND COWER, YE HEATHENS! Me and my squad are beginning the hunt! We will crucify you on Noob Hill! We will hang you from the rafters of the industrial barns! We will blow out your kneecaps and force you to PERSONALLY apologize to everyone you have ever held up, killed or beaten! Ye shall pay for thy crimes! We will burn you at the stake! We will drench you in steak sauce, cripple you and leave you for the zombies! We will handcuff you to the bars of the prison in the NWAF! We will shove the Mosin bayonets up your own ass! We will choke you out with the rope that you used to tie up other players! We will beat you with your own gun! We will shoot you like dogs, ye sinners! So heed this as a fair warning. :D From now on, any server my squad plays on will become a bandit-free zone. You have been warned. Even a medic can kill those who deserve it!
  16. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    Nah we don't just break up fire fights. I mean we sort of stalk players... Creepy, right? Anyway, we stalk players and figure out who they are. Or we wait until someone engages us.
  17. guppy22143

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    At first I thought it said "forced headjob", I was like "I REALLY hope this is a joke thread." But I don't like this idea. For players (like me) who don't have top of the line gaming rigs, every frame counts. I disabled head bob just for the sake of FPS.
  18. guppy22143

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    I use 3PP so I can see my sexy character. :D
  19. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    I like cyan. :3
  20. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    In all seriousness, this was more or less a joke thread. :P
  21. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    Nah, we keep ourselves to a squad of 3. Sometimes I'll roll with 4-5, but that's a bit unmanageable.
  22. guppy22143

    Bandits Beware!

    Exactly. This is just giving us something to do! :P We are heroes, bandits are bandits... They make the game fun. Decided to share our new hunting decision out of boredom. :3
  23. guppy22143

    Suggestion List: Inspired By The Walking Dead Graphic Novel

    Said it before, sayin' it again. This is not the Walking Dead Online. However, I can see a lot of this working well with DayZ. :D
  24. On a sidenote; Your profile picture is adorable.