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Everything posted by guppy22143

  1. guppy22143

    Visit to Chernarus in real life

    NOICE! Send pictures!
  2. Haha, when I did volunteer missions for the RRF, we ran into kiddos like these all the time. They think because they're "bandits" that they're the most badass, feared motherfuckers in the wastes.
  3. guppy22143

    Unconscious timer

    You know, the "overly realistic = simulation" argument has been beat to death on this forum. We aren't children, we know the limits of a game. Your argument is moot, your reasoning is "Well, since this game isn't entirely realistic, it doesn't qualify as a simulation." This game is built from the Take on Helicopters engine, which in turn was built on some variation of Bohemia's milsim engines. This isn't an all or nothing thing, just because it can't be 100% realistic doesn't mean it has to be an arcade zombie game like H1Z1. You're looking for the wrong experience out of DayZ.
  4. guppy22143

    Unconscious timer

    I've done some extensive medical work in DayZ, and this timer wouldn't work. In DayZ, there are two typed of unconsciousness. Shit you'll get up from, and shit you won't.A timer wouldn't work because you're not getting up from a lot of the things that happen to you in dayz standalone.
  5. guppy22143

    The Deer Hunter 0.58

    meats is meats
  6. guppy22143

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Seeing as it's a Bohemia Interactive game, I am almost 100% sure it's gonna use visitor 4 and the other BIS tools.
  7. guppy22143

    What is it that drives you to play DayZ a lot?

    The blood of my enemies.
  8. I could use some help. I am using DayZ mod version 1.8, but I am disconnected every time I join a server. I am not given an error message or log, it just exits to the main menu without any word or warning. Any fixes?
  9. guppy22143

    DayZ Mod Connection Problems

    I like 1.8, more servers using it
  10. guppy22143

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I don't see why not. But that 8-core is way overpowered, DayZ is only gonna use like one or two :P Also, I highly recommend adding an SSD onto that list.
  11. Noted. Thank you for making an argument unnecessarily heated, and nearly openly admitted to flame bait.
  12. Not a member of any clan, and guppies are salt water fish. I swim in the ocean like the rest of the cool kids :3 I'm not defending DayZ, I'm telling ya'll to stop whining :P
  13. I pray to this man every night so I will have DayZ skillz. "And the Lord Dean doth said,thou shalt get good."
  14. You head North. Axes are much more efficient, but if you know how to dispatch a zombie it's not very hard :P By the way, this little fish will fuck your shit.
  15. I regularly kill zombies with my bare fists, you sir are just a terrible shot. Everyone knows fists in DayZ have ballistics, duuuuuuh.
  16. guppy22143

    I feel a rumble in my bowels

    the brain flu seems likely... but I'm more willing to bet that's a result of cannibalism.
  17. guppy22143

    I feel a rumble in my bowels

    Anything untested is false. Partial or misinformation if false. Until proven otherwise, I will consider any information I am presented as false. For all I know, those vials kill a man upon injection. Maybe there's different substances in each one? I'm not sure. And last time I checked the wiki, it wasn't fully implemented yet.
  18. guppy22143

    I feel a rumble in my bowels

    ooooooh, it must be one of the new diseases. According to Bone's hint, I'd say you have some form of dysentary of water-born disease. I'd say your only hope is to give it time... if that doesn't work, you're shit out of luck- and in your pants.
  19. guppy22143

    I feel a rumble in my bowels

    ^the above is only speculation and is thus to be considered as false. (the part about vials; it's not clear what they do) If you indeed have an infected wound, you need to clean it with alcohol tincture. It's a semi common residential loot item.
  20. guppy22143

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    You are a prime example of the inability to adapt. You die not because you are weak, or dumb, but because you refuse to open your mind and try new ideas. Instead, you and many other players blame "the early alpha loot tables", and thus create an easier, watered-down experience. I like being cold and hungry and alone.
  21. guppy22143

    This is what DayZ is all about!

    I had a few encounters yesterday. Gave a freshie some food as I was leaving to meet up with a friend. He stopped me for a can opener and then punched me out. I then proceeded to respawn and kill everyone I met. Good times.
  22. guppy22143

    Would this be a good upgrade?

    Mhm. I'd also get an SSD, you can play games off of them and increase performance.
  23. I love that place. I feel like it was the last stand, of sorts. When they gave up and it went to shit, and they pulled their military out of Chernarus and tried to shut it all down.
  24. guppy22143

    Military camo for civ weapons in military spawns

    I feel like an ACU pattern would only be suitable for a Western weapon (maybe just the handguard, too) Maybe a Gorka gun wrap, though?
  25. guppy22143

    Lets get real, the real issue with this game

    Do you have any idea how many of these threads are made weekly? At least 30, I'd say... Hopefully, if the god Boneboys wills it... TOOOOO THE YARRRRDDD!!!