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Everything posted by guppy22143

  1. guppy22143

    Dayz UN police

    Combat medic here, I can volunteer when ever I run out of RRF calls. :D
  2. guppy22143

    Bipods working?

    Also, were you running right before firing? Were you breathing heavily?
  3. guppy22143

    Help! I been dead

    You aren't really "Dead", but rather in a state of buggy limbo. Just leave your PC running overnight, you should die then. :D
  4. guppy22143


    To be honest, DayZ doesn't have "client-side" mods, unless he's referring to hacks.
  5. guppy22143

    Modified Data File?

    I'd try backing up that MP mission and deleting it from the file. If that breaks your game, just put the mission back.
  6. guppy22143


    Epoch is probably the most popular. Adds base building and more! :D
  7. guppy22143

    Food Hard Too Find?

    Some food can be eaten without a can opener. Like rice, powdered milk, and cereal. The rest needs a sharp object to open.
  8. guppy22143

    Food Hard Too Find?

    Food spawns like wildfire, just gotta know where to look. People accredit the airfields for military loot... But I find tons of beans there, too! :D
  9. guppy22143


    1. Go to http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce 2. Make a rescue request 3. Hop into the TS server, and into the help waiting room
  10. Go to http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Make a thread, then hop into the designated TS help waiting room. If I am near you, I'll assist. If not, many other medics are ready to help! :D
  11. guppy22143

    So, I found this camera...

    Is this an RP thing, or...?
  12. guppy22143

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    Just to reiterate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzJ_u3H87SQ
  13. guppy22143

    <Name> killed by <Name>

  14. guppy22143

    Visible weapon serial numbers

    Well, there wouldn't need to be a bunch of 3D models. What Dean could do is maybe make a slightly different texture for each condition of Mosin, complete with serial number. These would then be randomized on the loot table and "stretched" over the Mosin model. However... This would take a lot of time, and work, and the functionality of such a feature is questionable beyond "realism."
  15. Your glorious bastard, you. ;3
  16. guppy22143

    Visible weapon serial numbers

    Not really. You could, in theory, randomize a timer for every Mosin spawn, and then put the variable for the serial number in the description. eg, "...Serial number 1337."
  17. Dude, wait, don't kill yourself! Go here. http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Damn you, Irish. Always telling our paitients to commit suicide. <_<
  18. guppy22143

    HiddenPuppy's Basics combat guide (Offensive)

    Ja, take nothing I say personally. Unless you are a troll, it's all supportive criticism. :D
  19. guppy22143

    loot spawns. Rocket please read!

    Rocket said it isn't loose items causing the lag, but rather the way the game renders polygons.
  20. guppy22143

    HiddenPuppy's Basics combat guide (Offensive)

    Your tips are really only useful against CoD kiddies. What about cover and concealment, move and shoot tactics, formations, flanking, supression, ect.? TL;DR: This isn't a learning tool as much as it is a few tips on maintaining a combatatant mentality. Still useful to newer fighters, though! :D
  21. guppy22143

    Proper Forest!

    Plus I don't think that RP diehards would appreciate river cane around the ponds... :(
  22. guppy22143

    Proper Forest!

    I'd love denser forests! But they'd need to optimize performance and the way the game renders octagons. I'd prefer something like the forests from Arkansas... I loved the forests as a kid! :D
  23. guppy22143

    PSA - Energy & Hydration

    He is correct, though not sure on the 25% number.
  24. guppy22143

    Current DayZ

    While the bleeding is just annoying... Yeah, this guy seems a biiiiiiiit weak. Trust me man, once you get the hang of it, zeds will be EZ. Mainly when you realize that cities suck!
  25. guppy22143

    New Pistol [P38?]

    No, it's a SUPER rare spawn. A sexy gun, might I add... Even if I did find it, I would tell NOONE. It makes you one hell of a target!