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Everything posted by guppy22143

  1. guppy22143

    Bleeding, No bandage or rags at SW Airfield

    Yeah but a full 40 slot pack of them? :P
  2. guppy22143

    One in a chamber

    Good kill! Piece of shit couldn't even kill a bambi, that was the worst fighting I had ever seen.
  3. guppy22143

    Dayz Swamp Monsters?!

    Fight honorably. >:I
  4. guppy22143

    Bleeding, No bandage or rags at SW Airfield

    Dupe alert.
  5. guppy22143

    Bleeding, No bandage or rags at SW Airfield

    Don't listen to Bozy, there is help for you. Go to http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Request help and hop into TS.
  6. yeahno. A LOT more people than me or Prime are pissed about this. You can't claim that what you did isn't grounds for persecution. You duped for an ENTIRE CLAN and LIED YOUR ASS OFF ABOUT IT. You (or that clan, for that matter) seem to have nothing constructive to contribute to development whatsoever. If the dev team could manually ban, I'd be all for it.
  7. Deletion of the clan thread and the banning of it's owners?
  8. Wow, this is a whole new low. Sector 3 is officially on my shit list. (chapter one: an introduction to the classification of shit)
  9. guppy22143

    Dead body flies?

    Is this for the mod, or standalone?
  10. + Hello, and welcome to my DayZ medicinal guide! Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood medic, Guppy. I will post here official guides and videos, officially from talented medics and other sources such as the Reddit Rescue Force. All lessons will be in spoilers, and presented in video or guide format, also with a link to the full RRF guide at the end! LESSON 1 Bodily Storage, Eating and Drinking, and Natural Regeneration. LESSON 2 What to Keep LESSON 3 Sickness LESSON 4 Artificial Regeneration LESSON 5 Cardiovascular Treatment LESSON 6 Combat Medicine Please post your suggestions, theories or knowledge below. It will help refine this thread, and make it into a more effective teaching tool for the medics of DayZ. LESSON 7 Unconciousness EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Each medical group here offers trusted medical assistance. Go here for help! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160262-need-medical-assistance-in-dayz-sa-find-your-medic-here/page-1 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178101-impact-gaming-offers-medical-support/ http://reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Any other information you may need can be found at the RRF page! http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce The Reddit Rescue Rangers official medical guide! http://radd.it/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1t2vnk/sa_medic_field_manual_wip/
  11. guppy22143

    The dirtiest tactic i have ever seen so far

    Good kill mate. Those bastards deserved every bullet and then some.
  12. guppy22143

    Blind Firing around corners

    This should only be enabled on hardcore servers. I can only imagine what the 3PP players would do with this...
  13. guppy22143

    Loot grinding

    Dude, this is a survival game. If y'want that shiny scope handed to you on a silver platter, play a different game. Some of us like a challenge!
  14. guppy22143

    Loot grinding

    By "grinding", do you mean server hopping? If so, you should be bored. You are missing out on 70% of the game.
  15. guppy22143

    Loot grinding

    Engraved 1911, anyone? Haha, if I found that, I would probably quit the game until dynamic storage is added. Bury that puppy in da woods...
  16. guppy22143

    Modified Data File?

    EDIT: You fixed it, wonderful! Glad we could help, enjoy your experience in DayZ. If you need anything else, feel free to PM.
  17. guppy22143

    Modified Data File?

    Here, let me show you in screenshots. Will compile and upload.
  18. guppy22143

    Modified Data File?

    Operating System. Like, your version of Windows or Mac. If you have a Mac... We might not be the people to talk to about this. Assuming Kichilron uses Windows, maybe someone else can help?
  19. guppy22143

    I have a big issue!

    I'd say that's the industrial area inland from Kamishovo.
  20. guppy22143

    I have a big issue!

    Go here: http://reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Many talented medics are online to assist! :D
  21. guppy22143


    Sad story to hear, fuckin' campers are the worse. If you want to be safe, protip- Circle the outside of the building, slowly and silently. Check every window even slower. After this, do the same to the ACT. Push into the ACT, and gain an angle where you can see into the prison from a more elevated height.
  22. guppy22143

    The DayZ SA Guide To Medical Treatment

    Section on cardiovascular treatment updated.
  23. Sheag, welcome to DayZ! Now, due to your negligence toward medical conditions, I will improve your survival rates ten fold by directing you to my ongoing (living document) archive on the collected medical work of the entire DayZ community. This includes work from great medics like Merino and a few others. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175158-the-dayz-sa-guide-to-medical-treatment/ Now, to your other issues: If you hold shift in buildings and up heights, you should be alright. Also, avoid zombies. I hope these tips helped you! :D
  24. guppy22143

    Dayz UN police

    UN ballistic helmets. :3