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About Mrs.Sinister

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  1. Mrs.Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Clearly you misunderstood.. It's not about the game itself, Mr Sinister is not trying to get people to play the game.. Whether 7 days to die is 'shit' or not is irrelevant. It's about the development, the progress, funding and the work. He is making comparisons to that side of it, not the game itself. Maybe if you took your head out of BI n DH's ass for a moment n took the time to read the posts then you would have realized that.
  2. Mrs.Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I'm sure many have faith in the development team, however some of us have lost it due to their inability to follow their own development road map, meet deadlines and produce a patch/update that produces anything in the way of core game progression, rather than silly jackets, guns and other minor objects. If they are going to take their time during updates (which isn't a problem) then at least have something to show for it.
  3. Mrs.Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Okay... I was expecting alot more from this patch and was under the impression that hunting/fireplaces etc was going to be added. I thought this was for the 1st quarter, according to the development road map. I am disappointed to see that so little progress has been made. Maybe it's just me, but it feels that the dev's just..couldn't give a f**k as they forgot to add an entire town when there was so little being updated and the majority of things that have been brought to stable aren't working correctly. What the hell are they doing with their time because it sure aint working on this game.
  4. I empty ammo clips n hide guns on stable... *hangs head in shame*
  5. Sorry I meant the Dayz Mod, not the standalone.
  6. Hi guys, My partner and I have recently been playing DayZ Standalone and have decided to give the mod a shot. We are the exploring type and love the survival aspect of the game such as pitching tents, base building, cooking, hunting etc and we are looking for a server which is more geared towards that rather than military play style. I have done some searching but if anyone could point us in the right direction for these kind of servers, we would be very grateful. Walking zombies would be a plus too but not essential. Thank you :) edit: Looking for a server on Dayz Mod not the standalone. Sorry if there was confusion.
  7. Mrs.Sinister

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    That's my fella's specs and here are mine. I have to have everything on the lowest settings or the game is unplayable. Not sure why this is, if anyone have any idea why my performance is so terrible I would be grateful for the insight. I don't understand why he can run his mid range with no problems and I have to have everything rock bottom. Desktop resolution:1920x1080 CPU: i5-2320, 3.0GHz Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 6670 RAM: 8GB SSD: No Windows 7 (64-bit)
  8. Mrs.Sinister

    Post your PC specs, in game settings and FPS here

    Hi there, I have to have all my settings for Dayz on absolute rock bottom for it to run. Any higher and it's completely unplayable. My fella has a far worse system with ATI Radeon HD 4670, intel core 2 quad @ 2.0 Ghz & 4GB RAM. yet he can play it with his settings on mid to high with no problems. I haven't a clue what the problem is but if you guys have any insight I'd be grateful. :) Windows 7, 64-bit Intel i5-2320 quad core @ 3.0 Ghz 8GB RAM AMD HD6670 2GB
  9. Mrs.Sinister

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I don't think we look too unapproachable...besides the gun. lol. :) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=237549262
  10. Mrs.Sinister

    Women Clothes

    I was not speaking to you in particular, i was commenting on what people have said here as a whole, not just you. So please try and refrain from calling people retards when you obviously didn't read my post and realize I wasn't talking about what *you* had said. Anyway... I don't think more feminine clothing improves game play however, I do agree with more feminine fitted clothing as a choice for the player. I was only pointing out that sexy clothing and the like would not be appropriate.
  11. Mrs.Sinister

    iZurvive (map help)

    Why thank you very much for that valuable information good sir!
  12. Mrs.Sinister

    Women Clothes

    Just no. No sexy female clothing, no skirts, no ridiculous little tank tops, heels or butt wiggles. In a zombie apocalypse, i'm wearing cargo pants, long sleeve tops, hoodies n jackets with pockets, or some other protective clothing, trainers or boots. I do not wanna be prancing round, wiggling my ass in a mini skirt. I understand that these items would exist in the world but I don't think there is any need to add them to the game. I do agree that they need to improve on the female model as I look like a guy with my hair scraped back into a bun. Just a small touch like a little more feminine facial features. Other than that, I don't think there is a problem with the female model or the clothing.
  13. Mrs.Sinister


    I think cannibalism is a great idea. If you were starving, desperate and dying, I think this is definitely something that would happen. I know I'd certainly give it a try!
  14. Mrs.Sinister

    Gunfire attracting zombies

    There seems to be no consequences to firing a gun and I feel that if gunfire attracted hordes of zombies, people may be less inclined to shoot, especially other players. It may cut down on the 'kill on sight' mentality that some players have and that some are against. I understand that that style of playing is what some prefer but there has to be consequences to those actions. It may make people think a little more as to whether it is worth shooting the person or zombie if it attracts hordes. Just a suggestion, and interested to know how others feel about this.