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About Fieldbert

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    On the Coast
  1. Fieldbert

    Best/Safest Server Exit Method?

    This would make the most sense! I've not left myself far away enough from danger and I've probably been pillaged whilst logging out!
  2. Fieldbert

    Best/Safest Server Exit Method?

    I've not yet tried a hardcore server, what's the major differences? Thanks for the replys. I guess my issues can probably be attributed to alpha rather than human error
  3. I apologize if this conversation is elsewhere. So first things first, yes I know it's an Alpha and I'm cool with that. No drama. Just curious... I'd go hunting for loot for a few hours, get a good haul. Call it a day and leave the server (via ESC then exit). A day or so later I'll turn it back on and in the main menu ill see my dude with all the kit on. Yet when I start up and join a server my backpack will be gone, sometimes my trousers, sometimes my weapons. So my question is, is anyone aware of why this happens? Is there a safer way to exit a server? Should I rejoin the same server the next time I play? Do you exit the server hidden in bushes? In a house? A hut? I know as an Alpha it's constantly evolving and issues are second nature but I'd like to take measures to preserve my hard work Cheers!