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Mr Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr Sinister

  1. Mr Sinister

    This ones for all you more guns more guns people.

    Thanks for the beans, i thought it was rather fitting :). Because lets face it, if they could carry that many, they would lol :D. I do as well think its a valid point too, there is loads of pro (for the addition) of loads of new guns like a PSG etc etc. Personally i dont want to see any OP guns at all. So, here was my anti post :).
  2. Mr Sinister

    This ones for all you more guns more guns people.

    lol :D cheers rhodes.
  3. Mr Sinister

    This ones for all you more guns more guns people.

    Might be a bit old for you but, in its time it was a cult classic and i did find it rather fitting and funny as.. you know what.
  4. Mr Sinister

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    Found mine in one of the hangers on the NW airfield, didnt spot it at first, those things are too big to have one item at the back of them, ha :). But, it was there for me.
  5. Mr Sinister

    Blurry Graphics Glitch After Combat?

    Stumbled into this problem myself now, i put up a few of my settings and since i have, whenever i get hit by a zombie/melee, i get blurred vision full health etc. Strangest part is though, if i simply go into options then just click on video, it immediately corrects itself back to normal. Has to be a bug really since something so simple (yet time consuming and dangerous in combat), corrects it.
  6. Mr Sinister

    Ella's standalone guide

    All grammar nazi's should be ignored to the max. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
  7. Mr Sinister

    dayz movement presets dont work

    Either find help, or if you dont have much gear, just let a zombie kill you.
  8. Mr Sinister

    Character Reset?

    Me and my lass had the same thing happening to us, we just ended up choosing one server and just sticking to it. We were getting the problem from the UK SA server hosted by gaming delux, then playing on another server and our stuff was gone. Now we stick to the " Dayz uk 1-275 (so on and so forth) hosted by multiplaygameservers. And the problem went away for us. Hope it helps.
  9. Mr Sinister

    Snipers / Ghillie Suits

    More than entitled to say what you would like to see in the game of course. But, how many titles out there is there to go on where you can get the guns like this to shoot at people all day long even with some zombies thrown in too, like that mod etc. There are many people in dayz that want (finally) for somthing to be different in a game. Less all out shooting of others and a survival horror game where (hopefully) we will play out "our own walking dead episodes" so to speak. There is hundreds of titles out there to go gunning up people with friends, all with headsets on talking "military style" while using the high tech weaponry. But im praying for once, just once. We get somthing a little different with a game. Its down to the devs though is this, im just hoping that this will actually be a game in the end i will play. Not yet another ill just end up ignoring, the only FPS ive played in years now is L4D 1 + 2, because they were a bit different, ive played no other Fps on the PC to be honest. But, we shall see what the devs aim for in the long run. I dont mind ghillie suits, but, ones we will make/craft ourselves, kinda thing, could be interesting that and rather amusing what we would end up seeing running about. But i think the guns in this are enough now as is, maybe remove the M4 and put in the AK to fit location. Thats the only change i would personally make.
  10. Mr Sinister

    A Little Ingame Humanity?

    Right back at you too. Ive seen many of your posts my friend and noticed ive recived your beans to other comments ive made here. Once this game gets closer to completion and if its looking how we both so obviously mutually want it to be. I think we should defiantly look one another up. At the moment its just me and my partner really who run from place to place on the quiet servers just exploring and getting more used to the map. She has died a few times as have i, but hasnt been for a good while now, because we are getting used to what to look out for with other players. From some of your comments ive seen it would make complete sense for the like minded to band together upon nearer completion you are certainly one of a few ive seen posting that i would definatly will be giving a shout to in the coming time ahead. Fingers crossed for the future of this game, and hope to see you "out there" krom. Keep your head low my friend. All the best from the UK.
  11. Mr Sinister

    A Little Ingame Humanity?

    I dont think id put it down to human nature myself, id put it more down to "gaming nature". For years people have gathered on certain servers in 100s of games with there friends, to fight other people and there friends. Because the only real threat has been other people. The question is how do the devs make dayz's largest threat be not the players. I would defiantly (upon completion of the game) be aiming to make the zombies the largest threat for one with the enviroment number two, other people last. A far higher number of zombies for one, headshots only to kill them, you shoot, expect to attract half a citys worth of them, in the citys. So on and so forth, less ammo, no more guns added (perhaps remove the M4 and add the AK instead because of where the game is based). Then with the hunting and camp development more to do there for people. I want to see very few people fighting off thousands of zombies from their camp after a horde comes across them and all hell breaks loose. Sure we will always get people who will shoot and loot, but if the consequences of shooting anyone else at least in a town/city etc were that half of the zombie population would be on there heads in very little time it would put alot off for a start. Its a tough one to fix, the gamers a-typical mindset, but if any game has the chance to be somthing better and be truly a next generation game of zombie horror survival. Dayz is it, lets hope the devs will aim for a new audience, so we wont get lumbered with yet another game of very little difference from everything else out there. It rests in there hands.
  12. Mr Sinister

    any friendly servers with no hoppers

    Thanks for that, ill be sure to look you up in the future. Me and my lass just stick to the mostly empty servers at the moment and run from place to place. We are really hoping it does go down the avenue of a real survival game against zombies. Its just very strongly at the moment a very PvP game of "survival of the best equipped" and the ones willing to team up and hide in the trees shooting with a sniper rifle at anything that moves military style. Praying for somthing different here we really are. Long ago i completely lost interest with FPS's, L4D 1 + 2 are the only ones ive played since the first came out. Because it was somthing different really. Take out the story lines of other games, they just blur into one and the same shootemup, or shoot and loot regurgitated over and over again. Fingers crossed for dayz. All the best, from the UK.
  13. Mr Sinister

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    Ahhhhh!, i left the pit and the pendulum behind in a police station.
  14. Mr Sinister

    How to deal with bandits

    At the moment its virtually impossible to tell who is friendly and who isnt. Seems we have too many years of shootemups engraving the need to kill all and loot all most prevalent in gamer's of today. Video after video on youtube of groups of people with militarized mindsets, im just hoping the direction of this game puts that kind off and brings in more of a survival base where its more PVE and fighting off hordes of zombies both being the largest threats, of course having town v's town/community v's community kind of deal would be great however, but until that happens though and it develops further and there is more to do other than shoot and loot, gather eat and drink. Most will probably be KOS/bandits. Me and my lass are sticking to the quiet servers as the game develops keeping our fingers crossed for somthing for once, to be actually different. But my advice is if you want to avoid bandits, avoid busy servers until the game chooses whether it wants to be yet another rehash of the same old same old game, or, it wants to make you take part in your own episodes of the walking dead/dawn of the dead/day of the dead etc. :). praying for the later.
  15. Mr Sinister

    New type of military gear.

    I dont have a problem with call of duty parsay, although i have barely played them. To be honest im pretty much a L4D only guy of the FPS arena. Because i see no fun in military style headset warrior groups wanting to shoot people. Ive been waiting for somthing different, L4D brought that to a certain degree. And i truely hope this is the next step for the survival horror genre. Not yet another shooter, kill or be killed game regurgitated, in a slightly different format. I dont want to see any new guns, id like to see the M4 removed and replaced by an AK47. But see alot less ammo and guns floating around. I want to see the start of day of the dead in this game, so to speak. They microphone into a city, and get half a citys worth of zombies coming to them. I want to see the same thing happen when people shoot in the citys on this. Survival, not PVP repetition.
  16. Mr Sinister

    How fast do things break?

    Zombie hits or a long fall you survived magically by glitch id say?, possibly you were getting beaten on by a zombie when you logged out, as your character stays in the server for 20 or 30secs nowadays i think it is, after you log out, may of heard you and come over and beat on you till your guy was fully out perhaps. Someone may of shot your backpack i guess, but dont know if its possible to get hit there and for it not affect your character at all.
  17. Mr Sinister

    any friendly servers with no hoppers

    If the game goes in the direction of, less ammo, less guns, way more zombies (i want to see a camp of 10 people get attacked by 1000+ zombies that have come out of a city), less players in the server (i think it should only be 25-30 maximum). More about survival and being like the walking dead scenario. We might have a really good game to look forwards to and id say, for once a next generation one in the survival horror genre. Otherwise, we have yet another fps gun toting same old same old game with some zombies thrown in where the biggest threat isnt the zombies, its the best geared guys hunting people for the fun of it. Fingers crossed for the future i say.
  18. Mr Sinister

    New type of military gear.

    Cool, :) good idea, and the weather cycle getting snow for a few weeks solid then back to normal could be quite good. Watched alot of the videos from the dayz mod and it looked basically like a slightly RPG COD multiplayer with zombies thrown in. Pointless shooting, killing, yay, on the corpses guns! Ammo!! loot! . Oh now we die, re spawn, re-equip. On we go. Praying they do not add any more powerful snipers like that giant monstrosity , mosin is enough. Im suprised the M4 is even in this game based on where it is meant to be, would of thought it would be AK-47's. Still, i think weapons are far too easy to be found. Less guns, less ammo. More team based survival, hunting/cooking looking good, camps sound great, we want our own mini walking dead series and dayz can be just that. But i have a fear, this may just turn in to yet another FPS because the vast amount of people out there want there games like they like their films...... Fingers crossed it wont. Thumbs up on the winter clothing idea, hope a winter time/ seasons comes along too.
  19. Mr Sinister

    New type of military gear.

    If we want just another COD with zombies etc then they will go this way. Im hoping for somthing different. There is hundreds of games out there where you use OP weapons against others for the fun of it, team up, kill people at random alone or in teams. I pray they do not go this avenue, i myself am wanting to take part in the walking dead scenario. Not, yet another FPS.
  20. Mr Sinister

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Tough choice for the Ukraine, on the one hand be a puppet, the other, be financially economically and socially ruined by the EU. lol. I think it will get split into two to be honest, east and west, one for the EU, one for russia. None for the Ukrainian people basically.
  21. Your welcome, back at you too. Im pretty green here myself, never played arma, only about 20hr clocked in so far in dayz. Enjoying the game, sticking to one quiet server, keeping to smaller towns but going to the larger ones and airfields when the server is pretty much dead. Keeping as low profile as possible since i lost my first character stocked up in very stupid circumstances, (trying on a pilot helmet looking for my beret on the floor when i got an M4 emptied into my back all of a sudden lol), but met up with another person so got to about 3 in our group now, new comer is showing me and my lass where the better stuff is. We already know dangerous hotspots etc from just playing and thinking of course how others would think. But offering help/ your services to new comers on the forum is a really cool idea. Probably give you a shout sometime myself to be honest. Take it easy out there.
  22. Mr Sinister


    Excellent point.