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Mr Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr Sinister

  1. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Add 100 player servers to it and ouch, ill say the lighting effects are nice, all buildings accessible. But other than that, the fail is awfully strong in this team. Bring in the EPOCH boys, fire the losers. LOL.
  2. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Right so the town isnt there, ok, so no town, the binoculars you have to stand up to use apparantly, im hearing the crossbow may be broken..... Has anyone seen the new tree yet? is it only one tree by any chance on the entire map?. Great patch, brafuc*ingvo, jerk offs.
  3. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Is this a game of spot the difference lol. :D Oooo i like these.
  4. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    To be quite honest im amazed the games even works now after the last patch's scenario, i came to look at the forums expecting to see pages saying its unplayable again. But i havent been in myself yet, probably go in for a few minutes later to just check it out and then straight back to our server on the mod. I totally understand how your feeling though, been hyped up to the rear end has this game, and im not seeing anything but a decent inventory system, shooting seems nicer and more realistic in the SA and pretty much all buildings are accessible , thats about where i end on the positives so far. The map is identical besides a few buildings added, many of the glitchs in the graphics are identical, the zombies/infected and melee make me wanna just turn the game off entirely straight away, its worse than Left for dead 1's on its release. I dont get a "2014" next generation development feel to them, to say the least. But, if its for 40 quid on full release at least we got it half price, (another slight positive too, fingers crossed it will be great when it gets there), meanwhile, it builds up dust between patch's until its actually worth playing.
  5. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Sorry but ive got to be a nit pick (been a zombie fanatic since i was a young lad), these are 28 days later infected to me. Zombies are slow like the original romero concept (before he totally lost the plot land of the dead onwards, lol, dementia or somthin i guess). I would say with the infected being so fast, head or chest should be even damage, that dean hall was watching the 28days later for his inspiration on them, so....... why even bother. Slow them down to the original night of the living dead, dawn and day of the dead standard then its head damage only full stop, unless you can blow bits off them to totally incap. I would love to see that implemented in the future. I was one of the ones hoping for a more of a 70's dawn of the dead approach to the zombies/infected, been quite saddened that they are aiming at the 28 days later approach to them. But, upon completion the modders will get their rather great hands on it, and i look forwards to that probably way more than the final cut in general. So, about two years. lol. *sob sob*. :)
  6. Mr Sinister

    First experiences of the mod

    Its Epoch that we play, the zombies dont walk through walls, but we modded them to be walkers instead (because we wanted zombies not infected). As charging around infected you dont get much chance to do anything at all and they are hard to kill without a shotgun loaded with pellet rounds. But yeah the infected in the SA are a total joke, bullets acknowledge there is a wall, however the infected don't even have collision.
  7. Mr Sinister

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    Well im one who started with the standalone and gone to the mod to stay, progress on the standalone is slow, other alphas of the pretty much exact same genre are leaving the SA of dayz in the dirt entirely. And it will show more as the time goes on if they continue at this pace updating the stable version.
  8. Mr Sinister

    First experiences of the mod

    We started on the standalone, went to the mod because the SA is a void and progressing at a snails pace while other alpha games of the exact same genre leave them completely in the dirt. Best thing we ever did, we got our own server, we build, chop wood, hunt, salvage, loot, sell, pillage, fish, we fix up cars in our own garage go sell them, its our own world in a zombie apocalypse, just what we wanted, and we probably wont even put the standalone back on besides to look at anything added to the stable ( so we sure aren't holding our breaths inbetween) then back off again to the mod.
  9. Mr Sinister

    "Send lawyers, guns and money"

    Just go to empty servers (or as empty as you can find) that have recently reset. Easiest way to get gear, then back to the fuller ones for a shoot out. If that's your thing :).
  10. Mr Sinister

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    lol, i just dont think people would appreciate hearing me (should i live longer than 5 secs in ear shot of anyone for once lol) telling my lass how my day has been, what i had for tea, or apologizing for not having a shave when i go over :D, and yeah, stuff that would make some peoples hair stand on end, :D. If it came to it though i think we could understand if the developers did somthing to stop 3rd party comms but i seriously doubt they will.
  11. Mr Sinister

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Good to see a member of staff responding to you here, the only point i would like to add about 3rd party comms is, not everyone uses them to get an advantage in game. For example me and my lass use steam to chat all the time in and out of game, would be sucky for people like us for one having the game shut down our comms, we dont use it as an advantage over others either because we are the type who just want to be left alone. :) . But i can understand from the facing off against goon squads perspective of course, as you would hear them talking as they circled around you etc in reality.
  12. Ha, chem trails, well, i leave out the things i cannot prove and have my own opinions about a great many things but, i leave it to this fact about where our money comes from, then leave people to their own devices, since it makes national debt fraud and shows there is an easy solution so, why are all nations drowning in debt? and being destroyed by them. After proving that, i leave people to make up their own minds by researching the rest, should they wish. Many quite simply dont care anyways. But, across the newspaper forums all over the world, people are screaming about the bankers, so lets see what fate decides.
  13. LOL, no, i just know whats going on financially. http://www.ukcolumn.org/bring-back-the-bradbury http://www.ukcolumn.org/video/justin-walker-bcg-conference-bankers-bradburys-and-carnage-western-front, here is somthing's that can explain it a little easier for you. there is No "theory" about the history your not taught in school.
  14. :), we can at the moment, but, the downward spiral will not end im afraid. Someday it will catch up with us all. pretty much dont buy anything myself besides food and drink. Just the occasional treat like this game here and there. Here is an interesting link where its explained rather well by a really nice man from the UK called justin walker. http://www.ukcolumn.org/video/justin-walker-bcg-conference-bankers-bradburys-and-carnage-western-front * message to moderator This is just an independent news site and im exercising my right to free speech under common law..* Funny, they miss this sort of stuff out of our "national curriculum" isn't it :).
  15. Mr Sinister

    Feelings on my first Player Kill

    The immersion is strong in you. :). Well played.
  16. Doesnt matter what job you have, we are all slaves regardless and slaves to debt under our corporate "person" status, no matter how intelligent people are, no matter whether some have worked out whats going on or not, we are all corporate debt slaves. There are some that are not and have broke off the system, but, very few. We are sheep that simply never questions the paper in our pockets, so often used, the paper that means more than human life every time. Once its spotted where money comes from, how its created. The rest as they say, is history. But, we wont go political or too deep, its reality, and its coming for all to see at an ever growing pace because the fraudulent "debt" is now coming home to roost.
  17. Mr Sinister

    Is the DayZ Mod better than Standalone?

    The mod is great, we started on the SA, got bored to death of it went on to the mod, just keep glancing back at the SA to see if anything else has miraculously been added to stable yet, but, its kinda like watching paint dry in sub zero temperatures. The mod (once you get used to the inventory, salvaging vehicles and every thing else) is great. Get bored of the SA, put on the mod. You probably wont come back on the SA for some time i assure you, just takes a little getting used to. I say its a good buy.
  18. To a huge extent, your already served burgers by zombies, :), lol, or sheep. Whichever you prefer. But, im sure not all the people working in those places are clueless or thick, far from it, with the way things are now, we probably have many over educated people doing them jobs and stacking shelves.
  19. Mr Sinister

    Hello. My name is H@cker! (DayZ-SA video) #Experimental

    LOL, fully automatic shotgun. :) At the end of the day he could of been doing what other "hackers" do and go gunning everyone up. He is one that i would of been happy meeting actually. Would make a change.
  20. :D, i see what you mean. I suppose to a certain extent it would go back in time (in a break down of society), but not that far :). I think the good thing is though, im sure if you want to avoid these aspects of the game you will be able to and there will be still alot left over to do. I think it will have servers that end up filling up with different people wanting different things from the game. Fear not :). At the moment the SA is not quite what im wanting too so i know just how you feel, but im a bit of a digging in, stocking up, salvaging and base building kinda person here. So literally, there is nothing for me yet :). We just go on our private server on the mod nowadays and are waiting to see how it develops. But, like i said, fear not, there will be somewhere for us all to go in the end im sure of that. :). For now, lets continue ripping the dev team to bits for being money grabbing slow coach's, while other alpha survival games of the same type with far less revenue continue to progress faster.
  21. Mr Sinister

    Meanwhile..in the mil building

    RIP. James Hellwig. Was always more of a Mr Perfect fan myself. :) WOOOOO!
  22. Mr Sinister

    It doesn't always have to end in kos

    They look like a pair of walter whites to me. :D heisenbergs shoes ftw. lol
  23. :D I havent seen that film for years.
  24. Mr Sinister

    Taking care of the bandits in Elektro!

    (not refering to the video directly) The problem with this kind of scenario is, you do actually get fully geared people trying to help fresh spawns with food and weapons, then you get fresh spawns that try attack you (obviously for the gear) then you are forced to kill them and from the vantage point of a sniper on a hill what does it look like?. Oh, there is a bandit killing fresh spawns. *Bang* I killed a "bandit". Just an observation of the free for all death match that is dayz :).