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Mr Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr Sinister

  1. Mr Sinister

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Id say from the looks of the forums and the amount of people still playing/testing on the standalone, in comparison to a month ago, many have f'ed off already. More will stop as they fall further and further behind on that "road map" they laid out
  2. Mr Sinister

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    Personally, i would tell them where to shove their server then.
  3. Mr Sinister

    How To Land

    A great idea, and releasing shift too soon = flat on your back, borked leg/ankle etc. Its a good idea, simple, effective and realistic. Surely one for the dev box id say.
  4. Mr Sinister

    Makeshift armour?

    http://movieclips.com/bKdL-ned-kelly-movie-neds-last-stand/ Getting the KOS'ers one at a time on the train track in to svetlojarsk, look at them, all wearing the same uniforms, they are everywhere!! (duplicating, exploiting, cheating, dirty motherf***). :D , here, in our home made armor, we tried to make them all pay. :). lol. COME ON!!!!! YOU BA********!!!!!!!!!!!! On topic though, who wouldnt at least shove a few baking trays down their tops with gun toting madmen everywhere you go :). I actually think if it was done right, its a good suggestion, maybe smelting down metals on the fireplaces like on the mod, a certain number of scrap metals created, combined with leather from hunting, buckles from belts, there you have a makeshift bullet proof vest for a certain amount of protection from shots (caliber depending etc). I dont see why not, they did it medieval times after all, a break down of the industrial civilization and tesco closing wouldnt mean where back in the stoneage.
  5. Mr Sinister

    For the GIRLS...

    Ha, another that is too true. Im sure the founding fathers of the US are rolling in their graves (have been for alot of years too i would say) at the state that corporate fascist place is in. But, not one to talk being from yet another country in the same place as the US (UK that being), i certainly aren't pointing fingers at the people of the US at all. Its clever how invisible it is to most. But becoming more and more noticed as the "debt crisis" continues. The answers to the "debt" are in history after all, whether its taught in "national curriculum" or not, its being spotted more and more whether the bankers like it or not.
  6. Mr Sinister

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    :) very true. :) All the best and if you got it, dont risk for more of the same. :)
  7. Mr Sinister

    Two million units sold

    With quite a great deal missing from the roadmap...........................................
  8. Mr Sinister

    Two million units sold

    Speaking at EGX Rezzed today he said that the next update will roll out in two weeks as a “best-case scenario“, or the end of April as a “worst case scenario“. Who are the "troll's" again?.
  9. Mr Sinister

    Two million units sold

    Too bad the sales and money you got, don't translate well into actual progress.
  10. Mr Sinister

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    Me and my lass ended up taking the most defensive tactic of all tactics. We got fully geared and haven't played since. :D.
  11. Mr Sinister

    What are the odds?

    Although i would like to ask about the main riff in hey man nice shot. Have you ever noticed it is identical to stabbing westward - Ungod. :).
  12. Mr Sinister

    What are the odds?

    Beans for another filter fan.
  13. Mr Sinister


    "Give us a timer when we log in which gives us GOD mode V Z's for 10 seconds or some shit like that." This is spot on, id even add that to the entire duration of logging out also (god mode vs infected only), esp while zombies can spawn magically 1 feet away, can still run through walls so it doesnt matter if you get in a house to log out or not. Since the timer was added to stop/to combat combat loggers >Vs players< (not for the magical and generally horrific infected we have to put up with) and server hoppers for loot.
  14. Mr Sinister

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    The game has even more viruses than the Z-virus. They are player created variations: > the long range psychopath virus: > the torture/abuse psychopath virus: > the sociopath's "fear" virus: My favorite bit on that post. :D certainly made me grin ear to ear. Bravo.
  15. Mr Sinister

    For the GIRLS...

    Have to say, i would actually pay to see, "Ona - bushi Vs 20th century male who thinks women cant fight and never could". Id give him all of 2.5 seconds before her naginata removed his head. :).
  16. Mr Sinister

    For the GIRLS...

    Ah the japanese. How the mighty have fallen, a proud heritage and tradition, became giant floating neon sign's in the ocean as the corporation took their land from them. The yakuza is about the only thing they have even close to what they once were.
  17. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Ah, what i said was more in reference to previous posts with another gentleman (and just having a laugh about it all in general), about purely the difference inbetween people doing it for the love of the game and game genre, and people who do it for the love of money. I used the 7 days to die team as a prime example also, people who started off as modder's again and have stepped it up and are hammering their game out, with far less of everything at their disposal and have done some massive things themselves, like changing the entire building physics of the game a month ago ( without causing any damage at all, where as compared to the last two patchs here.. ) , pretty much weekly patchs so on and so forth, just check out there progress and whats been implemented, its commitment and love of their game and complete appreciation shown to the people who have put them where they are (which is of course the consumer) . But on topic here, I am aware of what the potential is from the patch, the thing is imo, such a thing should of been done long ago since the vast majority of things for them from the start has been a cut and paste from the mod, the entire map and buildings for example. But anyways, what i said wasnt as cut and dry as it appeared, and as for the whiny kid bit, im 32, and have socks older than many of the people that i see kissing the proverbial backends of their gods on the forum and reddit. I bid everyone a good evening and a pleasant month, perhaps ill actually bother turning on the SA next patch.
  18. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Hey man, have some faith :D, were not all complete mindless gaming junkies, i have stopped playing dayz SA entirely now for about 2 weeks and wont be again anytime soon (however i do play the mod on a private server). And i think the last EA game i bought may of been FIFA 97, the one with that french chap ginola or whatever on the front. :). lol. There are standards to games that many gamers are expecting now, they f up they lose players, a few of my friends were about to buy this for example a couple of months ago looking at the road map and liking what they heard. It aint transpiring they aint buying. As for EA, the leech of the gaming industry they need boycotting by everyone. They only churn out the same garbage endlessly anyways :).
  19. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    http://7daystodie.com/2014/04/ Some know exactly what an alpha is, some can see other alpha games from far smaller developers, with far less resources and money completely making the dayz dev team look just how they are. Even the dead linger has come along well and that is very very early stages. The "alpha patrol" can pipe on all they like and continue kissing the proverbial back ends, should they take a moments time to look at other alphas...... They would know themselves its a extremely thin argument. Enjoy the new trees everyone.
  20. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Even games with a quarter of their sales, way smaller teams and resources are making these guys look bad, cant expect them to keep up with sony. But when a small team like 7 days to die has, has patched 4 times alone this month, 1 being a huge patch of adds, fixes etc, you know deep down when some people are doing it for the love of the game/gaming industry, and some are just in it for the love of money.
  21. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    So yeah, a game that has sold only 250k copies, updating fixing and adding through multiple patch's per month is making this lot look just what they are.
  22. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    http://7daystodie.com/2014/04/ Check out another alpha of the same genre game, with less revenue brought in, without the game half built already for them, check out how much work has been done in this month alone. Now look what we are getting here on dayz. As for "putting down other people who have done more than me and the so called others can ever dream of", you dont know me or anyone else. So what, your one of the "alpha patrol", well take a look at the other alpha games of the same genre with less revenue and supposedly less expirinced teams. It speaks for itself, the "alpha" excuse went out the window months ago and everyone is entitled to say what they think and how they feel. I barely bother posting nowadays, i do plenty with my life, i just have today due to this laughable patch.
  23. Mr Sinister

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    And before "alpha patrol" goes on the prowl, check out 7 days to dies progress over the months, been patched 3 times already this month alone on stable, 1 being a major patch with things added.