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Everything posted by Demonica
I also had no luck finding any animals. I kinda stuck to the Dolina area for a while, thinking with all these fields hunting would be fantastic, but nothing... So I am going to try crafting yet another snare that's gonna disappear at restart... *sigh* Where did you guys have luck with finding any animals at all? I may have to try and make my way up to the west end of the map, maybe swim to the prison for sheetz and giggles or at least try to find wide, open areas where there may be a deer or boar to be found. Zeds can still punch your lights out if you're not healthy, but it seems they take longer to notice you. Whether due to lag or Zed AI I do not know.
CTD'd after about 25 minutes, still laggy, relying mostly on apple trees for nourishment. Not really sure if the hiccups I experience are because of my 1mbps connection or server performance or whatever else, probs a combo of all of the above... I'll be back in ten, need a quick break. Oh, got shot at at the coast, whoever handled what sounded like a sporter is not a very good shot - thank goodness ^^
So far no crashes, no Zeds, fair amount of loot, and I also believe that time is accelerated. Started out in what would be late afternoon, five minutes later it was night LOL. Seemed to run somewhat smooth but experienced bad rubberbanding / lag about 15 minutes into it. I'll go and have some lunch now, let's see what it does once I'm going back in.
Welp, here we go! Yay!
I'll just try to hone my hiding skills. Survive without being seen, but hopefully being able to watch people. I just love it when possible :) Updating :) half an hour and I will be ready again! Thanks Devs, you guys rock!
Well, I don't know about that. Last time I left snare traps and a tent as well as a child briefcase, the server restarted and it was a goner... Just saw southcentral 4 was up but got "wait for host" and no people on it anyway. Of course I had to try and go for it anyway, despite knowing it wouldn't work. ^^
I know how you feel. The biggest thing for me is always if there's gonna be a wipe or not. Am I gonna have to start over yet again? Are my snare traps gonna be gone? I think I will actually adjust my playstyle once the servers are back up again. I'ma be roaming da map, y'allz ^^ With persistence disabled it doesn't seem to make a ton of sense trying to make a home, at least not currently ^^
I just enter "experimental" into the filter, normally I get lucky with at least 5 servers under 200 ping (I'm in the US though) Stuffed hasn't changed for me, once I get the message I eat one more can of whatever I have at that moment, and then keep moving. I think the more you're running, the faster the stuffed notification will go away. Would make sense to me at least. Oh yay, excited now :) I think I'll go watch some Netflix until this blows over :) I wish there was an app that would alert you when servers go down / back up again, it would be very practical for exp. at the moment ^^
I was able to play for an hour and a half, finally finding loot on 1pp Southcentral. It was a fun little run until my connection went up into a glowing fireball visible from outer space. When I returned - no servers. Patience is a virtue I suppose :/
Ah Yes, that would explain it a bit. Would someone be so kind as to explain "rolling restarts" to me? And maybe bring me a second cup of coffee spiked with Red Bull? ^^ Character seems to have been reset, played 5 minutes, and then I encountered it: My first CTD in ever since I started playing again 2 weeks ago. Did anyone else's char get reset? Also on 3pp server no loot whatsoever, I mean also no books, no junk, one of those completely dry ones. Restarting game, trying again :)
Just got on GD, the only one available, kept getting Wait for host, Ping showed at 280, after I bowed out it was at 800... Not quite sure what is happening yet, I'm just fresh out of bed and had no coffee yet, forgive me ^^ My guy holds his knife like a gun ^^
That suits me fine, means I can go have dinner and a nice glass of wine and when I come back I'll be to drunk to care about servers being up or down :-P And hey, what about you'uns? Teehee that is cute tho' :-)
Dang it, I slept through it. Servers up? I'll go find out :-) *yawnstretchwiggle*
No persistence on stable is gonna be real rough on me, I have become such a hoarder, it's seriously nuts. On the other hand it may help get me back to the "if you don't use it, lose it" kind of mentality that I had half a year back. My current back pack has like 4 heatpacks, a pebble, sticks and tons of other useless crap that I never took the time to sort out. I do need both knives though, and are 14 rags really that much? That field shovel, I don't know, we have such nice memories to share... Those pumpkin seeds here might be a bit damaged and I have not found a canteen or bottle yet to make a garden patch, but surely it does no harm keeping them around? Then I have some rope and a couple worms, although I have not yet found a fishing hook in 3 days, you never know when they may come in handy, right? And why should I get rid of ammo just because I don't have any weapons for it? I guess you get it, sorting can get tough sometimes ^^
You want to live by a graveyard? That's not morbid at all LOL, all we need now is some gothic clothes and skull rings as brass knuckles ^^
Welp, unfortunately there was no priest around and the happy twirlicious twirling continued, even though I was the only one on the server for quite a long time. I think I will take a break for at least an hour, my head's still spinning. Have fun everybunny and keep us updated! :D
Thanks wasnu, I think I'll try that when I jump back in! I'll see if it keeps happening, and if so, I'll just try to make the best of it :)
It's not the first time either. It happened yesterday when I finally went in for about ten minutes. When this started happening I just left, hoping it would magically fix itself today. Looks like it's not :/
Nice report, BioHaze, thank you :) I agree, performance is killing me, combined with terrible ping and connection issues it is not very enjoyable right now. Spawned in Solnichny, made my way up the road to Dolina. I found 2 Cans of TacBac, then went into the woods and deployed my hare snare. Unfortunately I got kicked of the server. So I rejoined, ran back to where I had deployed the snare - and it was gone. Well, Shit, I think. I did find a Shovel and was able to take out three Zeds altogether. They seem to be somewhat easier to kill, but still pack quite a punch. I was unable to dodge out of the way and my screen went grey. Back on the road to Dolina I munched on apples. Then all of a sudden my character started turning on the spot, the mouse became completely useless, I tried to move and it started lagging like there was no tomorrow. It wouldn't let me get out of the house I was in, then I was able to take two more steps, all of a sudden I am looking skywards, turning in place and rotating like a electric drill. I don't know what this issue is, it's like I am losing control over any movement and that really was the point where I said "Screw it, I'm outta here." What happened? I don't know. Anyone else experiencing this weird issue?
Good morning :D I just wanted to start stumbling through Chernarus, still half asleep and was greeted by Steam telling me about another update. Not too shabby, I wonder what changed this time - I'm kinda hoping they changed the starving rate or at least adjusted it. I read that the servers are online, so let me try to get my shitty connection to work, and I'll see y'all in Chernarus :)
Oh crap I'm almost back from lunch - hold on :-)
I believe so, yes. Just read up on what's been happening and see if the bugs or current state on exp. are too annoying or not. Switching itself isn't really an issue I suppose. Stable will be wiped with the next update so it's up to you if you wanna play your stable char until the bitter end and then just go with the new version or not..
Took me almost two hours to switch to experimental and once I finally had made it, the servers went down. It's just one of them there days <_<
Why yes, they are always watching *insert evil laugh here* B)
It's 5.30 pm over there so maybe after lunch in the States Pacific time :) I wonder what they are up to right now... *sigh* Okay, so no DayZ for a while.. now what do I do? Oh grr... I might actually have to do something in *shiver*... Real Life.. ugh... ^^