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Everything posted by Demonica

  1. Yeah, I mean when they do implement bases. Eventually we may even team up. You bring the bambis and I gear them up and feed them and send them out on their own. And if they kill me, I already have you as a headhunter for revenge :D This could become pretty epic! BRF - the Bambi Rescue Force. Mwaaahahaha!
  2. This is crazy, but I just thought of some service like that last night and how helpful it would be in certain situations. If I die and spawn as a bambi on the coast, you'll be my go to guy to help me get geared up and as protection until we're somewhere up north where it's quieter. There will always be some Bambis on the coast that could use your service as a protective escort until in safe terrain. Are you also willing to help build bases / camps under the oath of secrecy? Once it's implemented it might be a good idea to have someone trustworthy on hand, since normally I'm a solo player. If you are willing to help with base building, you are free to come by the base and grab whatever equipment you need :-) I'll keep you in mind!
  3. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    You have my Firefighter's Axe! (Treat it well!)
  4. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    And we shall call it "DayZ - SimCity Edition!" ^_^
  5. I'm as Bambi as they come, even with a M4. I would like to think I might make it as a hero one day, but I guess you got a version of a survivor here: Avoid players unless the other guy is unarmed. When captured or held up by bandits, I'll never log. That much honor and lifeblood is necessary in this game. And hey, if they do decide to kidnap you, it's a great chance to make some friends. I die frequently and I have yet to kill another player.
  6. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    Yeah, and then you can "poke" People with a Bayonet! Mwaaahahaha! :D
  7. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    Mdogg, I replied to the first post. I understood that he'd like to see usable computers into the game. That's to what I replied in my first post. The reply to you about being a selective gamer was the response to when you quoted me on not playing Fallout and added that animated gif. Did that clear it up? I start to get a little confused myself here ^^
  8. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    Mdogg2005 - what can I say? Selective Gamer. Also from an "available-funds-and-time-per-day-POV". I lol'd though :-)
  9. Sounds awesome! Recently I was day dreaming about how they could implement a costume shop with all sorts of clothing. Feel like there's magic in the air? Here, have some Mickey Mouse ears! Cowboy hat just not doing it for you? How about a Hoodie that actually lets you pull the hood over your head? In touch with your female side? Check out this fairy costume with Wings and extra Glitter! LOL, well, it doesn't have to be all that extreme, but something like Clown Masks, Scream Movie Masks, different "Job Outfits" - hell, I'll run around in a Tux! The possibilities are endless (as is my imagination ^^), but what ever the case may be, definitely more clothing, I'm all over that!
  10. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    Hey tailgaterz, I actually have not played Fallout, so I wasn't aware of these possibilities. I'm the kind of player who thinks "basic survival" and my tunnelvision approach being hwat it is, it somehow really doesn't make sense. Logically, basic needs don't involve hacking into servers ingame. Who would run / start the internet? And shouldn't they be concerned with staying alive? At some point, maybe there will be whole communities of players who settle in Townships (somewhat like in the Walking Dead). Then, if they would get the electricity running, at some point it may be possible to start repairing Computers. But for what purpose? Finding other communities on the map via some sort of internet to either help them or conquer them? Yeah, that doesn't sound horribly illogical at least. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that at this point it doesn't make sense (yet). Once the game goes Beta and every major issue has been resolved, they can start adding more immersive content like that.
  11. Demonica

    First Thoughts and Feelings (Amazeballs)

    Thank You SoulFirez :-) I'd really like to write more stories at some point, I just have to get used to using this forum. I originally thought this thread would contain many users' stories. But it looks like many folks open a separate Topic / Thread for their individual stories. Did I miss something relating to that? Or is my theory correct? I'd love to have one thread with hundreds of DayZ stories. Written ones, that is. Videos are easy to find on youtube etc. Happy trails!
  12. Demonica

    Sweet Idea for the DayZ

    The last thing I would think of in a life or death situation is finishing up my (now probably dead or zombiefied) boss's notes. I'd write a letter of resignation though. With an M4 straight across his body. So yeah,...ummmm... Thanks but no thanks. How many Monitors will you break before you realize a PC can't open your cans o' beans? ;-)
  13. Demonica

    First Thoughts and Feelings (Amazeballs)

    And you needed to post and state this highly important fact? ^^ Sometimes I just don't get people. :emptycan:
  14. I'll try to avoid since I'm 99% running solo. Unfortunately, I get ganged up on a lot. And as soon as they realize I'm a girl, it just goes downhill. I had a group of three guys who had me at gunpoint. After they took all my stuff, which I expected, they let me walk away and not even 3 seconds later I hear one of them go: "Should I shoot her in the back?" I DM'ed him that shooting a completely unarmed person is one thing, but in the back? Dude, COME ON! They didn't go through with it though. Probably just because I was able to hear what they said and called them on it. Not that it would have made such a big difference, I had nothing left on me anyway. But yeah, avoidance at all cost. It's the only way to go when solo. Don't expect to be able to gun down 3 guys armed to the teeth.
  15. Demonica

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Sounds pretty good so far. What I would really like to see, and this is totally petty - I know that - is the eating sounds when eating "wet" food like spaghetti and beans, and I think also tuna and sardines. I usually have to play with my Headphones on and somewhat on high volume, and every time I hear the eating / smacking / swallowing sound it just drives me up the walls. If other players hear me behind a wall, I really don't give a sheet. I just don't want to hear "myself" eating 6 or seven times in a row (when starving to get the hunger back to normal). It's soooo annoying. But thankyouthankyouthankyou for the "eat all" option. Now I only have to endure this once for a full can and I'm good to go for at least an hour. On another note: The work the devs do is really appreciated. So far I am quite happy about the patch notes, except the heart attacks. Not sure how that's gonna affect my gameplay yet. Happy trails!
  16. Demonica

    Binoculars need to be implemented

    I second that wholeheartedly :-)
  17. Demonica

    First Thoughts and Feelings (Amazeballs)

    Meh, might as well add my story I guess. My very first spawn was at this small barn in the middle of a path. The path went to the left and right, and another went up to what I now know is the general direction of Cherno. I seriously still have no idea where this spawn point is. To say the least, I got horribly, horribly lost. I knew I needed to find food, water, a backpack and maybe a melee weapon but Holy Puppypad!! I had no idea it would be this intense. I went up the path that eventually led me to Devil's Castle. So far, not bad, the birds were tweeting, the sun was shining, heck, I felt this wasn't so bad after all. And then I found the castle. Just looking at it, the bird sounds in the background all of a sudden sounded very, very creepy. But little Demo, happy-go-stupid, couldn't care less. No, Sir, I was on a MISSION here! All I could think of was how nice some water and food would be, so up I go. I never saw the damned Zed until he was ripping into me. So I did what every girl would do in a situation like that: I screamed. Like a nice, girly, RL Scream. And up those gloomy stairs I went. Praying that Mr. Deadhead wouldn't follow me, I carefully managed my way around. Then, once I got to the top, I took a look off the tower. By Goodness and Gouda, I'll never forget that very first look over the seemingly endless forest. It was beautiful. Oh, and it was also black and white. Yeah, ya think I knew what to do? Did I tear off my shirt for rags to help stop the bleeding? Pffffrrrt... I didn't even know that was an option. Then, to my infinite amazement, I hear this dumbass Zed again. "Gnararaarr Harrrdeebarrr". Which probably meant something like "Give me a hand here, Lady, I'm hungry!" I, selfish beast that I am, however, decided to keep my hand and run for it. Oh, yeah, that's right - I was on top of a tower. Past Tense. While I was sailing towards the ground, I finally did think of taking my shirt off. To use as a parachute. Unfortunately, my fall came to a very abrupt and deadly halt. Black Screen. You are dead. You don't say???? But alas - the very grim, Grim Reaper had found this totally confused, amazed, shocked, thrilled and paranoid bambi after all. I just sat there for a while after, trying to digest all the things that had poured themselves onto my poor brain with coldhearted, no-nonsense brashness. In other words: This is the story on how I got totally and completely hooked on DayZ. Happy trails!
  18. Demonica

    What's your favorite town or part of the map?

    I really prefer to stay close enough to large cities for quick supply runs. There is an unnamed area near cherno, just about 8 houses and a water fountain, where I happily and peacefully survived without too many disruptions. I'd just hole up in one of the houses, have a can of beans and a soda and read a newly looted book. (Love the fact that you can actually read the books you loot. I have yet to find Robinson Crusoe, that'd make my day.) I'll definitely have to start heading north though, there's just too many folks running around the coast, and for players like me who like to be at peace and defend only when necessary, it'll be fantastic once you can start camping / base building. I'm thinking about starting a library then! Ha! So yeah, definitely one of the tiny communities up north in a nice, big house.
  19. Wow! I'm actually really impressed by this update. Just pwease, oh pweeaaase let me start making a cozy fire in a house soon. And then I'll sit infront of it with a glass of wine or two, listening to the soothing sounds of Iron Maiden, Metallica, Panthera and such much. I'll invite some Zombies over and we can have a party! Yay! Weather sounds awesome. I wonder how this will affect player's style and coordination around the large and dangerous sites (NWAF and the big Cities). The one thing I just can't ever do, is killing the fluffy bunnies that I saw a few days back. They're so cute! Why kill them when you got beans? Only thing missing (still!!!) is the Tac-Bac! Om nom nom ^^
  20. Demonica

    Berry Picking?

    The berries themselves are invisible, and you need nothing but empty hands to pick. Youtube it. You can pick, but for some reason I have never seen anything except the message "You haven't found a single berry". I believe I saw it not only in a vid from Frankie, but they are actually having a couple of short tutorials.
  21. Demonica

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey guys, 'sup? My name is Demonica (or Demo for short). I started playing the SA about 4 weeks ago. Currently I'm not playing much due to a business start-up, but eventually I'll always find a couple hours to play and hang out in the forums. My first language is German, but I've lived in the US for over 7 years, so there shouldn't be a language barrier (unless my accent gets too bad when in Direct Com). My profile pic (I know people will wonder) is my 7 year old Shih-Tzu. His name is "Little Shit", or "Shitty" for short. Normally I'm a friendly player who really needs to get the hang of this entire DayZ thing. I played a couple of shooters before but have no real combat experience. I don't KOS or Combat Log, so I ask that if you find me, not to kill me right away. Give me some time. I'm a Bambi Noob even with all the Camo Gear Welp, that oughta be it. Take care and have fun, folks! :-)
  22. Alleycat - A tarp? Think no such thing, young sir! I really do like to be nice. I'm a girl, remember? I have a mothering and nurturing instinct. All those helpless widdle bambis!!! I wants to run and snuggle with dem ^^ Once they grow up I might or might not take a shot at them. But oooh, prettyful tarp. Much blue, such cover ;-)
  23. Sorry, Demoth, I had a brain hiccup there. That sometimes happens with me :rolleyes: Next time I'll actually read and check to make sure. Must be all the KOS Shots to the head I have been experiencing lately. ^^ As0iX - where can I find the link to that video? I'd like to see it. Well, off to another round of DayZ. Take care guys!
  24. Demoth, I'm 33, so I don't think there is any age or gender "Limitations" other than what you set yourself. I have yet to get a headset. but my mic works some of the time, I can always hear and answer through DC. What's your guys experience (or if there's a thread pls link) when people don't / can't use Direct Communication / TS / Voice? Do they get shot because they don't answer fast enough? Don't mean to go off topic but trying to get a feel for other players. As a woman, some folks like the "damsel in distresss" POV, some like to bait them with it, others use them as a hostage (like we ladies don't respawn like everyone else and it really means that much LOL) I'm in Oregon but I have a weird time schedule (starting own business etc.) so sometimes I play 8 hours straight, some days not at all. And thanks for all your answers. Quite fast, they are :-)
  25. Welp, I'm pretty much a newbie. I had this game for about 4 weeks but didn't play quite that much because of all the KOS going on at the bambi sites. (On a related note, I could use someone who inducts me into all this tactical thinking a little), but yeah - this game is fun, and I like it. Mostly (due to KOS Players and people handcuffing you and taking off all your clothes for sheets and giggles) I keep to myself. I think I'll wait until basebuilding starts happening. But yeah, we're out there, and me, personally - hey, I'm friendly. And not just because some trigger happy buttheads outnumber me. If I'm somewhat geared up, I'm happy to help. Just don't expect me to give you ammo for your gun or an axe until I'm a few feet away. I'd be amazed if there were folks out there who would be seriously willing to take me under the wing and give me some tactical and shooting training. Paranoia sets in fairly quick when you play alone. Quick hint for all the guys: Treat us fairly. No more and no less. Don't be immature. Jokes get really old really fast. Remember: We're girls. Some of us like to talk things through before any rash decisions are made ^^ Take care and don't KOS - it's not all bad out there :-)