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Everything posted by Demonica

  1. Demonica

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    "Esc" Button FTW :-)
  2. Demonica

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    I actually started planning to be a "librarian" in-game, once bases are in ^^ I really want to read "The Raven", but I have to finish Crusoe first. Yesterday I hung out in game on a low pop server just to get a few more pages of dat book in. Yeah, missing paragraphs and wrong characters are there, but mostly they don't bug me too much. Now all I need is some Stephen King, Charlotte Bronte or "Little Women" in-game, my life would be so complete! Boneboys: Thank you for moving this thread, I didn't even notice in which part of the forum I opened this topic!
  3. Demonica

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    Waaahhh! I've been looking all over for that one! I'll trade you this book for tons of food and other amazing stuffs! It took me almost three weeks to find Robinson Crusoe, and that was on my list right after it. I'm too lazy to check the wiki right now, but I'd love me some Edgar Allen Poe like "The red room" or something like that... So yeah, who else gots themselves some books and wants to trade? I'll also take German ones, as I lost the "Nibelungen" with an unfortunate Character Wipe :C
  4. Demonica

    DayZ Da Seasons

    A few days ago I ran around at night, bleeding and starving and I knew I was gonna go unconscious. Then I saw the absolute beautiful crescent moon, and kept running towards it because if I could do anything with this half dead character, it was checking the moon out. And that's what I did, stared at the moon in a full sprint until I mercifully fell unconscious. And I agree, dusk and dawn and the atmospheric ambient golden light on afternoons wows me Every. Single. Time.
  5. Demonica

    Can any one help

    Try this, and ask your question there, that's the link to specs and questions regarding this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/
  6. Demonica

    Experimental servers...

    Oh well, started playing stable again, at the very least it'll freshen things up for me. Only now do I realize how much I am used to the exp. by now. I don't get wet, Zombie Hits don't do anything to me... But this tells us one thing: The Dev's are working throughout the weekend (If I understand correctly), so my hat's off to them! Cheers
  7. Demonica

    DayZ Da Seasons

    What are you trying to ask here? Do you want this? Are you wondering what the season is currently in DayZ? Four words slopped together like that is an art and achievement itself. Did you want to leave the question open for interpretation or something? But yes, I think I know what you wanted to say, and I wouldn't mind it or regional based weather (cold / winter in mountains, Summer at the beach or whatever.)
  8. Demonica

    Player Fatigue

    Yes, definitely Red Bull, and if you have a few too many of them, you'll drop dead of a heart attack even when just jogging for a few meters and not full on sprinting ^^ Have some Red Bull Beans for that idea :beans: :D
  9. Hey guys, As every morning I wanted to play a while, so I started the game and realized that only 5 Servers were available and the UK Server had a "Key" Icon. I have a list of about 12-15 favorite experimental servers, and none showed up. Then, trying to play the german server, I got my character wiped. Meh, big deal. Playing on the german servers is a real pain, what with horrible rubberbanding, lag, Ping etc. Anyone got an idea why my list (also the "normal" Internet Server List) doesn't show so many servers? Maintenance? Did I miss something? Thanks guys, happy trails!
  10. Demonica

    Only german experimental servers available?

    Ugh... how long can that last? Anywhere from 20 minutes to 2-3 hours? Grr.
  11. Demonica

    Only german experimental servers available?

    Ja, das ist gut Irish ^^ Well, I guess I'll just hang and wait, cause seriously I am NOT switching to stable right now. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!
  12. So a Zambie on experimental just managed to break my arm - first time that ever happened. Am I now unable to use certain things / items? Can I splint / morphine it just like anything else? Anyone has any experience with this situation? Thanks and happy trails!
  13. Demonica

    Broken arm.. now what?

    Does anyone know where the closest medical buildings are near Kamenka? My arm is still broken, and it actually doesn't really seem to impact anything, but I'd still like to try and find a cure for this. (I want Morphine, I've given up on the splint since my bandages got ruined) And of course: "The Pain!!! Oh the Pain, I can't stand it, arrrgghh" This is just to substitute the non-impactness of my injury, I can still wield an axe with both hands, swinging like a fairy ^^
  14. Demonica

    Target Practice

    I was about to add the hand gesture commands and keybinding the "Taunting" Option but I think you're doing fine. Thanks for writing down your experiences, many of us appreciate the day-to-day warstories, and some even write dayz journals :-) But yeah, have fun, and (trust me on this one) keep your pants on. For the simple reason that at some point the game will make you die of hypothermia or somesuch if you don't wear proper clothing. I cross my fingers that you find many more exciting adventures and experience the entire scale from hero over bandit to KOS players, and try playing as one of those at least once, just to say you did it :-) Good luck and happy trails :-)
  15. Demonica

    Broken arm.. now what?

    I'm pretty sure you're right about that, it's just that I have neither sticks nor stones that heal my bones ^^ Waiting for the medics to get back to me. I think I'll just read for awhile. If anyone found the "Robinson Crusoe" Book, I'll gladly take it off you in exchange for a can of Tuna or Beans :D
  16. Demonica

    Authentification Timeout (Steam Down ?)

    Yep! Whooopieee! *lootlootloot* :thumbsup: warriortyr: Bamberg - Capital of beer? Ich dachte das ist Bitburg? Or Warstein? ^^
  17. Demonica

    Broken arm.. now what?

    Well, you might be right about the medical buildings. If there's one close to me I might have to take the chance. Most of my gear is ruined anyway so I ain't got nothing to lose really. Are the medical buildings on the dayzdb map updated / included?
  18. Demonica

    Broken arm.. now what?

    I'll probably have to hit up the Medics in a while. Grrr.. It defintitely doesn't heal it self. Oh well...
  19. Demonica

    Broken arm.. now what?

    And of course I have fiddlesticks for luck and have no wooden sticks readily available. Can I chop down a tree and collect some wooden sticks from there? Or is that not possible yet? I really don't wanna go anywhere near any large cities to get killed for some morphine because of this...
  20. Demonica

    My first experience with DayZ Standalone

    Best would be to le yourself just get killed by zombies. Let'em come and feast on your broken body. You can respawn as a new character as soon as you are unconscious. The message "If you decide to respawn it will kill your current charcter." is exactly what you want. If you are actually killed by the zombies, all the better, you should respawn via a timer in about 30 seconds. Once the "You are dead message" shows up, wait for a few seconds until\ the respawning message shows up
  21. Demonica

    My 1st time in Dayz

    Okay, so as to actually say something helpful related to OP's post: In DayZ, at first, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. Fresh Spawns might be very experienced players that re-spawned and decided to mess with you. That, I have to say, is a part of Day Z as it is now. Mostly (again, only for the time being) it is a lot of PvP. In 2-3 months, other elements will be stable enough to hit the actual survivor aspect as to what was envisioned by the creator of DayZ (mod) and then also the Standalone. Give it some time, get to know the mechanics of the game, read a LOT in this forum, watch YouTube videos, do everything you can to get a feel for the game and for what the very first things are you need for survival. Also, there's the "Alpha" thing everyone talks about. There will be improvements to these glitches, especially the "ladder of death". This is common and will happen until it is fixed. As I say this, I also ask you to please be patient. Updates are coming, and there's the experimental server you can try if you want to experience what the dev's are working on. But the actual updates released to stable will take time. Don't get mad but look at this as a very special process that you can be part of and help develop by bugtracking etc. Trolls will troll, so don't be de-railed by posts that don't help you. Learn, grow and eventually, find your own style for this game, because there's a lot between "Bandits", "KOS'ers" and "Heroes". Now go on, son, and strive towards the path that calls you... Damn, that was purdy good ^^
  22. Demonica

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    I kill dragons in RL all the time. Oh, wait... that's drag-ons, like time dragging on and on with infinte boredom filling the space ^^ I'm not gonna go into the second part since both killing people or blowing off steam may have a negative impact on the crowd :D But in all seriousness, the default character I start over every time I die...it somewhat truly has become an extension of myself ingame. When folks approach me, I'm way bolder (or cautious) than I would be in RL. Just another draw factor for dai-sy :)
  23. Demonica

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    Well, I'm a girl. So, logically, I made my very first default character a dude. Because I didn't know that a female char existed. These days though I am playing mostly as a female, and since they introduced female voices in the experimental, I'm happy. Just the choice of faces via skintones doesn't make me happy. I'm a tanned caucasian. That, translated into the characters, makes me an asian or a mexican. I know I should care less but WTF? I hate to say this, but that bugs me. Character Customization in the Beta would be nice. Now, on the other hand, I have had a few male characters. Other folks would run up to me with the usual spiel "Hey, what's up, friendlyfriendlyfriendly!!!!111" , and once they figured that not only am I female but also have a (german) accent, it can go anywhere: It ranges from an instant headshot over "Hey let's team up!" to "Areyouonsteamwhatsyoursteamaccount/phonenumberandwhydoyouplayaboysgame???". I enjoy the variety of trying either male or female and the different reactions when meeting other folks of different nations and ages, even if / when I decide not to communicate vocally but only by Direct Chat. If / when they put in more char-customization, definitely female. ...oh, and is there actually a visible difference between the male and female butt? I never even thought of that...
  24. Demonica

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Well, to my defense, after I figured out that the damned can opener isn't the Alpha and Omega, once I found an Axe I was good to go, but since I never had found a can opener I didn't know their size. So I might have overlooked a lot of them by simply not knowing any better. A screwdriver, since it has some yellow in the handle, is somewhat more easy to detect. So yes, there is a good chance that I have overseen quite a few in my many searches, simply due to the fact that I already had something to open cans with and with that in the back of my mind, looking hard became way less essential. And no, I do not hang out in the forest very much. I feel if I stick around too long, I become a fairy and kill you all with bloodlust... uhm... I mean pixiedust... PIXIEDUST, ME TELLS YA!!!!! :P
  25. Demonica

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Man, you wouldn't believe how sad it is, starting to play as a newbie, and starving several times because (not knowing this bountiful source of infinite knowledge and trollination which is embodied in this forum) I was convinced that only an axe or the can opener would do. Oh, and of course all I had as far as food went, was tuna. Yeah, I was looking for something I didn't need, which I didn't find and hence starved several times, never even realizing they have a pull - open... uhm.. thingydingywhatchamacallit. Noob Level: :emptycan: