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Everything posted by PySHD

  1. I was thinking the addition of headphones and an MP3 player would be very useful. Of course you could use them on your character and listen to dev implemented music, but also if you were to capture a player and you don't want them to hear what you're saying to your partner you can just throw it on the captured player and blast it. Makes it so you don't have to walk a mile away just so they can't hear you and your partner talking. Thoughts?
  2. PySHD

    Headphones and MP3 player (tactical use)

  3. PySHD

    Craftable Waterpump

    So I was setting up a base the other day with a friend, and we had everything we needed. We had a garden going, so tons of food. We were close to a military base, so tons of ammo and weaponry. And close to a small town to grab things like backpacks to store our goods. However our water source was always a little too far away. So I had thought of a balanced but simple way to create your own. It would require a pick to break up the dirt, a metal pole and a sledge hammer so you could put the pole through the ground to receive water, using the sledgehammer to put it in the ground, and a small water pump that you could find in sheds. It (should) take a while to gather both tools and bring them back to the base, unless you have 2 people, then you would to search sheds for the pump, and industrial areas or broken buildings for the pipe. However after the search it would be well worth the reward. Thoughts?
  4. PySHD

    Craftable Waterpump

    Well obviously but you also can't skin and quarter a deer, cow, or person in mere seconds. Use some imagination man.
  5. PySHD

    Preventing Kuru

    So I read up a bit on Kuru, and its seems that you only get the disease from eating brain tissue, however, when in game you can get the disease from simply eating human meat. I feel like you should have the option to choose what areas of the animal or human you'd like to cut off, so as to avoid being infected. However there should also be added benefits to eating the brain, such as quickly boosting your energy, and having it last a long time due to the high amount of protein in the brain. Thoughts?
  6. PySHD

    Hang on the actual back

    Yeah I agree with Mor. A lot of the visual issues are mainly due to how complex and time consuming they are. And even after that there'll be issues like clipping just like Mor said where peopel are just gonna complain about even after that. There's a lot of other more useful things they could be working on, which is the main reason they're not focused on the nitty gritty at the moment.
  7. To expand the detailed and ever growing world of DayZ I'd like to introduce the idea of a modular weapon to the game: the Steyr AUG. So, much like real life, you'd be able to modify your AUG to the liking of your play style, choosing between parts for an LMG, AR, SMG, or Sniper rifle. It would spawn as one of the previously mentioned models, and you can remove the parts and modify from there (or keep it like it is). This would add more diversity to the game without having to add several different weapons. These would spawn in UN chopper crashes, which would replace the US chopper crashes, and could come with weapons like the L86A1 from the UK, the SG552 from Switzerland, G3A3 from Germany, M1014 from Italy, and the Famas from France. Again these'd only spawn in chopper crashes so they'd be pretty rare. Please let me know what you think of this idea, and if you have anything to add/modify. Also, please don't be that guy and just say "This is dumb.", because fuck that guy, he's a dick.
  8. PySHD

    Modular AUG and UN chopper crashes

    Okay when I said I wanted some feedback I kind of meant about the AUG. I only tossed out those gun names as a short list of what could spawn. Also, there can be multiple choppers that were transporting multiple nationalities. And when I said the M1014 was Italian, I was talking about it's origin, not the countries that use it.
  9. PySHD


    I know I can't be the only one thinking it, and since I can't find a post on it in the suggestion forums, does ANYONE have any ideas for a possible single player? Does anyone even want a single player? POST IDEAS!!!!!!!
  10. PySHD

    Reduce fall damage.

    @Pilgrim I hear what you're sayin but still unless your'e 10 I don't think that should kill you, much less break your legs. I definitely agree that the fall damage on here is ridiculous. However like AnyoneInCherno? said, "Alpha".
  11. PySHD

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    I know I would certainly love some masks to really designate heroes. I love wearing masks, but often i'm mistaken for a bandit and immediately shot at even though i'm usually trying to help them (how ironic huh?) and it kind of just makes me mad that people are willing to immediately profile and ruin hours of hard work because of something you're wearing.
  12. PySHD

    Hauntings, History and Lore

    Yeah but it happens constantly. And no ones actually there so.
  13. PySHD

    Hauntings, History and Lore

    It's rumored to be haunted, gun shots, ghosts, real creepy noises and stuff similar to all that. But there's not currently anything wrong with it in the SA. That might be subject to change soon...
  14. PySHD

    faking death

    While feigning death you could hold a button that holds your breath so you dont move a single muscle. You can hold it for a long time, but risk passing out, or let go after a while and your character vomits (if you've held it to almost the point of unconsciousness) or starts breathing heavily making you move even more and making your breathing extremely loud and heavy.
  15. PySHD

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    That would kill the simulator part of it bud. However doing <name> was killed by <weapon> would be kinda cool. You might want to know what totally devastated you so you can go out and get one for yourself.
  16. PySHD


    I was going to mention this but I got distracted. On a side note i'm very excited for when that game comes out!
  17. PySHD

    Please improve performance for AMD processors

    Completely agreeing with shadow134, why would they completely rebuild something just so a minority of players can have it better? That would take so much more time and money then if you just saved up for a computer that runs intel. Come on now, it's not even a reasonable request. Just. Don't.
  18. PySHD

    New Walkie-Talkie uses?

    I've found the Walkie-Talkie extremely useless, due to 3rd party chat systems. But it bugs me to see something the devs implemented that (almost) no one uses. Any ideas on what would make it more useful? Perhaps you could host a "radio station" that can be picked up through the walkie talkies?
  19. PySHD

    Random spawn gear

    Why is it that we always spawn with a flashlight, and battery, and always on the coast (someone covers spawning other places in the topic of "Inland Spawns")? Why can't we spawn in different situations, with different gear? Maybe you're the crazy guy with 400 rounds, and full military gear because you already thought the apocalypse was coming, or maybe a Military official with a rifle and camo, or a civilian with plenty of food, a can opener, pistol, and a backack. Thoughts?
  20. PySHD

    Random spawn gear

    That seems like a really good idea. Maybe some more items or more useful items, though. Like you said maybe not a gun, but a bow and/or arrows, Crowbar, boat paddle, rock, etc.
  21. PySHD

    make zombies more HORRIFYING

    Zombies aren't meant to be scary....? What? They're undead people who will eat you alive just because they saw you. You know, not much unlike a bunny. *he said in a sarcastic tone*
  22. PySHD

    Random spawn gear

    What about implementing a system where if you die extremely often you get the better gear, and if you survive longer you spawn with less due to your extreme survivalness?
  23. PySHD

    F*8k your car I got a horse outside

    Perhaps, but let's hope that the developers won't go with something because it seems easier
  24. PySHD

    Camping site

    What about camp site where there's standard army issue tents and army trucks, like there was a surviving (but now deceased) convoy of soldiers, that way it could also be a weapon spawn, so it'd be super far north, but once you get there, there are a bunch of weapons, attachments, camo clothes, ammo, hunting and mountain backpacks, and food. Also maybe in the future there could be a (non-working) Humvee with parts scattered around the area so you can repair. It might also end up being a prime spot for bandits, in which case hero's (like myself) can have fun destroying them. God I hate bandits.
  25. PySHD

    F*8k your car I got a horse outside

    I definitely think they should add vehicles, but I think it should be much later. Horses should be here for a while to make people really appreciate vehicles. I can see it now...a squad of averagely coordinated squeaking asshats gathering supplies to get a humvee working. All the while you're trying your hardest to gather a can of tuna and find a place to take a shit. All you hear is an engine in the distance, and as you turn around you catch a glimpse of some fucker in a raincoat and hardhat screaming "DO YOU EVEN LIFT?!?!?!" as he runs you down.