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Everything posted by Lysander_of_Sparta

  1. I'm 15, but I like to think I'm just a little more mature than most others my age. (Even though I do play CoD as well as this game). ;)
  2. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    Different arma 2 beta patches. I one server is running a different path then you, it'll only show up at the bottom with an x next to it. Although, there are some servers that don't require a specific beta patch.
  3. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Best in-game names when killed?

    I saw this in another game: "I farted when I" So, the game messages would say things like "I farted when I joined" or "I farted when I killed (insert name here)".
  4. Lysander_of_Sparta

    @Rocket; Does it really have to be zombies?

    The monster idea seems fucking awesome. If rocket decides to do something after dayz, it should be that.
  5. Lysander_of_Sparta

    1.Teleported by hacker. 2.Profit???

    Lol, no offense, but your friend sounds like some kind of child molester or something.
  6. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Manual Download gone

    I prefer manual downloading 100% of the time. I don't like torrent AT ALL. And I don't trust all tht extra bullshit that dayz commander and six updater install. Thanks, rocket!
  7. Lysander_of_Sparta

    To our friends on NL101

    Spambot, bro.
  8. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Poll- Very slowly regenerating blood?

    Trololol. Blood regeneration happens in real life. It's called cell division mitosis. Cell goes through 5 steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis (which some might argue is not a step, but I still count it as one). Freshman high school biology.
  9. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Keep getting placed back at the coast

    Nope, it's happened to me several times before, and it was never from d/cing while stuck at loading screen.
  10. Lysander_of_Sparta

    List of servers with side/global chat ON

    I know one... But, I really don't want to mention it because the mods will probably fuck with it, and I don't want it to be my fault that they were taken down or whatever he mods do.
  11. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Keep getting placed back at the coast

    Quit server hopping. I know, that's the main reason you spawn at the coast. I was server hopping once, trying to find a wheel for my car. And, guess what? I eventually spawned at Elektro. Needless to say, it pissed me off.
  12. Lysander_of_Sparta

    CCO NVG Compatibility

    Ya, only guns in dayz NOT compatible are: as50, m107, svd, m24, and CZ550
  13. Lysander_of_Sparta

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    Nah, it's called superior tactics. Suppress and flank, except with the snipers, you can't really suppress, or they'll d/c.
  14. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    Ya, I guess I get it... But I've really had no problem with the aiming, even though I am also *gasp* a cod player and a battlefield 3 player.
  15. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Dear teleporter

    How'd the spam bots get through security?
  16. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    It's ArmA. It's much different to quake and battlefield. Try your hand at single player, and you'll get used to it.
  17. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Been a bandit since I started, reconsidering.

    Ok, I just have to ask... Why do people insist on saying you HAVE to be either a bandit or a hero? I like to be both, I like experiencing both sides of the arguement...
  18. Lysander_of_Sparta

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    I'm guessing that's what all women talk about with their "girl talk"? "Hey, how's your character doing?" "Oh, y'know... I just found a AS-50!!!" *giggling* "Well, I found a big huge tent city on us59474. You should all log in with me after school so we can loot it together. Oh look, it's a guy. Quick! Start talking about Justin Beiber!" Sorry to all girls out there who might've taken offense at that, but I thought it was kind of funny...
  19. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Trade: high level gear.

    I just had a good day of looting, and In the end I have access to 2 gps, 2 NVG's, 1 rangefinder, a camo skin, and civilian clothing if you need to change to hero skin. I also have access to coyote backpacks, but those would take a decent amount of time to trade.
  20. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Dear teleporter

    But then we use our improbability drive, otherwise known as alt-f4ing to deny the hackers the satisfaction of seeing a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias crash to the ground.
  21. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Spawned IN a house - what now?

    Ya, i've spawned there before... Just "v" against every inch of the wall or run and prone against the wall... Easy to get out. (Best spawn in the game, though. Just pick up a macaroni from the church and run to stary. You've got nothing to lose. ;)
  22. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Should hiding bodies exist in it's current form?

    You should be able to hide them, but someone with an entrenching tool could find the place where he/she is buried and be able to dig them up. Entrenching tool is useless if not. (I did steal this idea from someone in the forums. If you see this, I did think it was a good idea, and I am not plaugerizing.)
  23. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Hey guys

    Find a server that works for you, then never leave. Or buy your own server.
  24. I'd recommend you to a server that my clan just got. It's relatively new, and not too many people know about it. If you want, you could also join my my clan and just mess around with us in game. We're really relaxed and most just play to fuck around. Only prob is that most of them live in Australia, but I've managed to get together a few of us who live in the us. I'll PM you the server name and my steam name if you're interested. Just check to make sure you can join the server, fist, though. Just because someone else can join the server doesn't mean you can. XD
  25. Lysander_of_Sparta

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    Holy fuck, are you a girl in real life?! Man, this game surprises me at every turn. I know that every female I have ever met in my life would never even touch this game. Well, all except my freshman year computer teacher... Anyway, regardless of your gender IRL, I have a ton of fun with those bandits. In fact, I've made it kind of a ritual for me. After I lose my high level character, I leave the game for a couple days, comtemplating my failure. After that, I start playing again, and I log into the highest pop server I can find, and try to wreak havoc with low-level gear. It's so fun to embarrass those Elektro snipers with a couple shots of the macaroni to their faces.