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Everything posted by Lysander_of_Sparta

  1. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Trade: high level gear.

    Nope. It means I found a tent with the coyotes in it. I KNOW the tent is safe, because it's on my clan's relatively new server. I also know that tents have been spawning randomly on our server, and each one has random good/bad crap on them. I found a bunch of tents while exploring the server the day our server was created. Not enough time for a random to run all over the map setting up random tents everywhere. I couldn't be a duper, either, because I haven't EVER trie to set up a tent in the entire history o playing this game, and my clan is really just a bunch of nooby friends I play with who get excited over finding an enfield.
  2. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    I've got an 2 extra gps's, 2 extra NVG's, a rangefinder, camo clothing, entrenching tool (I think), 2 bear traps, and one antibiotics. Looking for m4a3 cco (for just a couple of the above) any lmg, or (maybe) svd. P.S. fishistwonk, if you reply.. Can you refrain from using the white text? I'm on the mobile version... And I CANNOT see the white text AT ALL on the mobile version.
  3. Lysander_of_Sparta

    DayZ Addiction?

    ~100 hours for me... I keep it interesting by saying that every time I die, I take a break for a couple days then go on a bloody rampage through cherno or elektro with some low end shit.
  4. Lysander_of_Sparta

    that thing more rare then a mountain dew

    I've found them, but they've always been in those ammo boxes.
  5. Lysander_of_Sparta

    WTT: CZ550 Sniper for 2 Wheels, Gas Tank, and Engine Parts

    True... At least for me. I've found that gun ONCE, and it was in a tent. Lol.
  6. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Trade: high level gear.

    Looking for offers, pm me of interested.
  7. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    It's a good way to at least lower the loot inflation.
  8. Interestingly enough, I found my M14 in a tent, but I found my as50 at a heli crash zone.
  9. Lysander_of_Sparta

    How long do Heli Crashes stay for?

    They stay until server restart
  10. Lysander_of_Sparta

    DayZ logic

    I've broken a leg due to a tree and an outhouse.
  11. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Cool idea for the entrenching tool

    Well, entrenching tool is kind I useless, so I would like it to be able to do SOMETHING.
  12. Lysander_of_Sparta

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    I agree... Kind of. Alright, the only reason we should wipe is if all the duping is fixed. And I say we ONLY wipe all the tents and reset all the vehicles. Don't wipe players inventories, because it would really piss off players like me who play legitly an spend hours finding their as-50s and m4's.
  13. Lysander_of_Sparta

    The annoyance of those who die on their feet

    Eh, I've seen em with regular survivor skin and ghillie as well. Freaked me out at stary as well. Turned a corned and nearly game me a heart attack lol.
  14. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    NONONONONONONONO. I love trolling those console kiddies on YouTube who ask, is this on console? It also attracts more gamers to PC, which we all know is the best platform out there...
  15. Lysander_of_Sparta

    UAZ with RGO frag grenades

    Lol, my uaz had jack in it when I repaired it at stary...
  16. Lysander_of_Sparta

    The annoyance of those who die on their feet

    I would bet that he just changed to bandit outfit... Works with a transition to any skin. Just... Don't use your newfound knowledge to dupe more shit.
  17. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Best/worst death?

    No good deaths for me, but my worst death was when I spawned, I ran into a helicopter, got in, and flipped in a second later.
  18. Lysander_of_Sparta

    M16A2 or M4A3 CCO?

    ^ what he said
  19. Lysander_of_Sparta

    The annoyance of those who die on their feet

    It usually happens because of dying on ladders or a form of duping. If you change skins then d/c soon afterward, then a duplicate of you body appears. It's dead, but it looks alive.
  20. Lysander_of_Sparta

    I am a exploiter.

    Stop bitching about hackers. If you hate hackers, go get your own goddamn server. Its what my clan did.
  21. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Hatchets rarer, crowbars more common?

    Hatchets do more damage than crowbars, but I've found hatchets more often. I think it's because hatchets spawn at industrial loot zones and crowbars spawn at residential loot zones.
  22. Lysander_of_Sparta

    M4A1 CCO SD for trade

    I am willing to trade my M4 SD that I recently found on a dead body in Cherno. It has 6-10 mags, not quite sure, as I'm not online ATM. PM me quickly, I would like to conclude a trade as soon as possible, I hate trades that drag on for a couple days. I will give you a server and a time that we can meet if I'm interested in your offer. If not, I will say that I'm not interested. What I am looking for: WILL ACCEPT: Any LMG or TWO of the following: rangefinder, NVG's, and/or ghillie. MAYBE: AS-50 with ONLY as-50 mags. M24 with 4+ mags. Probably not, but you can try (depending on other offers): M4A3 CCO, M14.
  23. Lysander_of_Sparta

    MP5SD6 or M4A1 CCO SD?

    I hate both, really just prefer my unsilenced m4a3 cco. But, if I had to choose, I'd take m4a1 cco sd any day.
  24. Lysander_of_Sparta

    Bells and whistles

    I love it how the first post on all of these "Hurr durr, not realistic, Hurr durr," threads are always a meme. Just find a server with the shit disabled, and don't bitch about it.