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Everything posted by Sarahbram

  1. Sarahbram

    NWAF - You lied to me

    Spent a good 20 minutes running in circles on a 40/40 server in the middle of the airfield, didn't get shot at once. The coast is where it's all at these days i guess :/
  2. No voting option for fuck all in the middle of nowhere north? Disappointed.
  3. Sarahbram

    A short pvp compilation i made

    Lack of lensflare.
  4. Sarahbram

    Even Bigger Map

    Yeah though when i have to go on my scavenging trips there on a full server it's always completely empty of loot :/
  5. Sarahbram

    Even Bigger Map

    Stable 70-80 on my end, mmm and the scenery just so freaking lovely!
  6. Sarahbram

    Even Bigger Map

    Snow angels?! SNOW ANGELSSSSSSS! Been there? pffft i've died of starvation atleast 6 times now just reading books and watching the scenery up there, can't wait for stuff to be added in.
  7. Sarahbram

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    I was simply giving him a suggestion, i swear a lot more than he does when i play videogames, but if he wants viewers and doesn't want to get flagged he might have to tone it down a bit. people will flag videos for various stupid reasons.
  8. Sarahbram

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    1. I'm an arsehole, yes. 2. Your language is still quite vulgar and will still probably get flagged by people, try to tone it down a bit. 3. I gave some suggestions, invest in a seperate HDD for footage(better compression/write speed, yadda-yadda) 4. Get a better mic. 5.Your nationality is irrelevant.
  9. Sarahbram

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    But it's so much fun to confuse you :) Maybe i do use literally too much, thanks for noticing.
  10. Sarahbram

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    Hey we can't all be saints, i gave the man some reasonable criticism while at the same time having some fun with it:) Oh i've been around, just been lurking for a very long time.
  11. Sarahbram

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    I can't believe i watched the entire thing. 1. Check the write speed and compression rate of your harddrive your footage is laggy. 2. Your mic quality changes too often, might want to invest in a better mic. 3. Your language is extremly vulgar and will probably get you flagged several times on youtube. 4. The entire video gave me cancer.
  12. Sarahbram

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    Aww you're such a cutie when you're mad :) It's as likely as anything in this game, i've literally logged in at the exact same moment as some random guy in the exact same spot and we both panicked and ran, anything can happen. Like i said, sound cues can be abused, i'm not defending combat loggers, i'd rather see them stripped of their gear and spawned on the coast to become cannon fodder.
  13. Sarahbram

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    You're very amusing, i've never combat logged and i usually go on a rant over people who do so against me. I'm not here to protect anyone, i'm just saying that anything can be abused if there is a distinct noise made by it. The logging in sound is one such annoying little issue, it alerts anyone close by of someone logging in. For example, i was out in the woods running and then sat down in a treeline to shift through my gear, then all of a sudden i hear someone log in, sat still and watched him run off, if i were you i'd probably have shot him to pieces, it can be abused. Combat logging will be dealt with appropriately, sound cues isn't one of the things we need, especially when the ambient audio is completely fucked.
  14. Sarahbram

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    The game is made for you to feel tense. This game isn't made for those who want it easy or the weak, if you want to make sure he's not there or he's still there, take the risk. Audio cues for logging off would be abused too much, people would just sit around at places waiting to hear the sound and then pop in, shoot you, take your stuff and leave. Oh well, sounded very similiar.
  15. Sarahbram

    Tedious ideas

    They're ideas that nobody has really acknowledged, so why are you getting so iffy about it?
  16. Sarahbram

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    This sounds awfully similiar to what happened to me, but i was the one who got shot, bandaged and flanked around the building and tailed it. Did you shoot me at NWAF on experimental? if there was audio cues you'd be taking away a great part of the game, tension, is he in there? is he gone? is he waiting for me with his gun ready or is he just a coward and logged off?
  17. Sarahbram

    I found the ultimate friendly formula

    Either you got the mute bandits who say nothing even if you try to interact with them during a firefight or you got the little squeaky kids yelling profanities at you.
  18. Sarahbram

    Cheating you've encountered

    Only encountered pricks who abuse glitches, other than that there hasn't been much, 150+ hours. I've been accused of cheating several times and admittedly i've cheated in games a couple of years back and i can tell you that 60% of the gaming community is not innocent. Small numbers? You'd be surprised at how many people actually do cheat, just look at how many cheat forums/websites/stores there are around and just look at their forums for a day, they got more activity than we do on these forums.
  19. Sarahbram

    Magical Holster Shoulders

    The game shouldn't be easy you know.. you found a weapon? good for you, you want to keep it? then you better put some effort into it.
  20. Sarahbram

    Magical Holster Shoulders

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gibe weapon straps.