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stang725 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by stang725 (DayZ)

  1. stang725 (DayZ)

    apologists are delaying development.

    I would just be happy with them starting to address and fix the issues that basically allow for players and zombies to jump into, up, down, and basically through walls/ceilings that should be blocking movement and should render from any possible view point as a solid object that is impassable. I often deal with people coming up through a wall to the 2nd floor with four walls and a door and they somehow kill me from behind. Repeat that about 6 times out of a 24hr play-period and its just kind of frustrating. I have ran into several people that I'm pretty sure have a hack going for radar(some prob have 3D HUD radar) and it basically ruins the game to a degree and Its getting harder and harder to be able to dedicate time to make 20-45min runs to get back to a point where you could locate a spawn for both a gun and its required ammo. I'm fine dying 100x if at least 80%+ are just due to me sucking at the game or a group getting the better of me, but sadly about 50% of my deaths are just because people are often glitching up and through walls or teleporting with some hack you can find on Google. Again, I love this game and I will still play it for awhile, but at some point you gotta bring this to beta and some of these bugs and poorly defined land features/boundaries are going to stop the dev from bringing this great concept of a game out of beta. I realize its alpha right now, but based on the sales that you guys have been racked up thus far on steam, I would think someone over there could provide more periodic updates on things and lay out the game plan for a release candidate (not a release date). Trust me, it would ultimately drive sales higher and allow for you guys to bring in additional resources to polish things up so the core team can actually work on the mechanics and those new features that you want implemented into the final game. I'm pretty sure investing in some additional resources would ultimately bring in exponential returns should this game shine when it is fully released at some point in time. Please don't get me wrong, I like in-depth features that divert some of the focus from KOS to stuff like being able to cook, but major issues like the items mentioned above will turn people away and that's less word of mouth/exposure to bring additional gamers that are willing to buy the game. To me, this is simply going to go one or two ways: (less copies sold = less potential of an awesome game) or ( more copies sold = this game takes off and we someday see it as a AAA title on PC and maybe a next-gen console). Maybe somewhere in-between and who really knows anyway... but I really do hope they follow through on quickly getting this game closer to a beta stage by year's end so we can see it take off around the holidays.
  2. Hoping to build off someone else's experience. I seem to be getting fairly bad frame-rate relative to what I have seen some other people claim to be getting. I'm I-4770k @ 4.2 770 GTX 4gb (slight OC) 8GB 1866 SSD Can someone list cfg mods and in-game settings.