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About Scrax

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  • Interests
    Gaming, photo manipulation, reading
  1. If I had the knowledge and resources to DDoS this server, which I of course do not have, I would. But, you know...
  2. Excuse me, but I play this game daily with my girlfriend, and she is by no means a "full-blood gamer", but she is in no way, shape or form slowing me or my mates down. She's up there with us, shooting them bandits all day long.
  3. Scrax

    DayZ Stories

    I've actually just started publishing me and my girlfriends DayZ en devours on reddit, written in a journal kind of style. Hope you guys like it :) Here: Entry one Entry two
  4. Thank you! :) Be sure to subscribe and share if you feel we're good enough. We highly appreciate any and all support!
  5. Episode three is out:
  6. Episode two released!
  7. Howdy folks! As the title suggests, I'm starting a DayZ series on YouTube. It's live gameplay of me and my friend, and it basically consists of two numbnuts running around trying to not get killed.. Or kill each other, for that matter. It's live commentary focusing on hilarious, incredible and divine moments in DayZ. Episode one features a smoke grenade tearing down an entire building and a massive horde of zombies! Remember to like, share and subscribe :) Click to view! Episode Three: Unreleased _______________________________
  8. That didn't happen to be me who killed you, did it? :P
  9. I'm interested in ordering a server, but I'm curious: What's the difference between a virtual server and a dedicated one?
  10. Straight out amazing. Thanks! :)
  11. Getting the same error. Just updated with beta files etc. The game worked fine before even touching this crap. What the hell? "Just download and install the beta files, it won't hurt", my ass. Annoyed.