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About DeDude

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    On the Coast
  1. Pretty new to Dayz, not to gaming. KOS-ing is annoying when it happens to you, and I have gotten really tired of the amount of assholes who serverhop just to KOS close to treasure spots. Bandits who are lazy and kill instead of restrain you are also way too plentiful, I find. Making more dangerous zombies might give the sadist in everyone incentive to leave the robbed alive to meet the approaching Zs for dinner and a show. But banning etc I think would make it much less thrilling to meet another player. I don't know if anyone has floated the idea yet, or indeed if it already is possible; but what about finding out who killed you and be able to find out what server they are on? To get your own killed-by-list and then you can quickly gather a posse and right some wrongs. So KOS-serverhoppers who only can get an erection from doing just that may experience more of the brutal side of things when more and more players who they kill will have an incentive to hunt them across servers. Shouldn't that please everyone?